Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #7 Bills, Conferences, and Fundraisers, Oh my!

Upcoming Deadlines
November 1 Ideas and materials lists for Bob I carnival fundraisers due at the meeting.
November 8 $225 payment due
November 8 Election year scholarship due
Upcoming Events
October 29 Halloween Event at the Y
November 8 MANDATORY MEETING.  Miss this meeting and you'll miss the conference.
November 12-14 Training & Elections Conference I (aka: Bob I)  Be at the Y at 3:30am on Fri, Nov 12!
Ongoing Events
Coupon Book Sales
Movie Ticket Sales
Delegation Officer Meetings will be held prior to regular meetings and officers should meet Amber at the gate to the Board Room (ie: the usual place).
1.) Bill Sponsors: Attached to this email you'll find a Bill Template and a Bill Supplement form.  Check them out. Use them to help you research and draft your bills. (Hint: We'll expect you to bring some work to the next meeting)
2.) Volunteers still needed for November 14 event. Information attached.
3.) Interested delegates should meet at the Board Room at 5:30 next Monday to help our candidates make campaign signs for Bob.  Have supplies to donate?  Email Jordan at feri.jordan@gmail.com

Friday, October 22, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #6 - Bob's-a-comin'!

One word - paperwork:
Upcoming Deadlines
November 8 $225 payment due
November 8 Election Year Scholarship due
Upcoming Events
Oct 29 Halloween Event at the Y
November 8 MANDATORY meeting, parents invited, Bob I preparation meeting
Ongoing Events
Coupon Book Sales
Movie Ticket Sales
We need parent and family volunteers for the November 14 parking lot and comunity garage sale events. Please submit sign up forms at the next meeting.
Congrats to our new delegation officers!
Gabe - Historian
Ivan - Secretary
Muktesh - Sergeant-at-Arms
Chris - Treasurer
Colin - PR
1.) Paperwork. Still. Is yours in?
2.) Halloween Event sign up - so far, Lili, Airayana, Gabe, Joseth, and Steven have signed up to help out on October 29.  Anyone else?  This counts as community service.
3.) Have you been late or absent? Do you owe the delegation pizza fund some dough?  Please pay your bills!
4.) Bill groups should have some research with them for Monday's meeting! ACTION ITEM: What bill group do you want to join? You'll be joining one at the start of the meeting on Monday - give it a think.
5.) If you watched any of the gubernatorial debates and want to submit a paragraph for pizza money, please do so by the next meeting (email to me or bring it to the meeting. handwritten is fine.) Only two people have submitted something so far.
6.)  DELEGATION OFFICERS: You will meet at 5:30, prior to our meeting, on Monday. PLEASE BE ON TIME! 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #5 - let's get legislatin'

We need the rest of your paperwork as well.
I have complete paperwork (excluding scholarship forms) from: Airayana, Amanda, Chris, Evan, Ivan, Lili, and Muktesh.
I am missing signed payment policies from Colin and Gabe.
I have no paperwork from: Andrew, Emma, Joseph, Joseth, Kenneth, Jermaine, Sarah, Sergio, or Trinidad.
If you turned in forms and are listed as missing forms, please contact me ASAP.
All forms are available at the website:
Upcoming Deadlines
October 18 $225 payment due
October 21 Officer/Leadership Application forms due (online)
November 8 Election Year Scholarship due
Upcoming Events
Oct 29 Halloween Event at the Y
November 8 MANDATORY meeting, parents invited, Bob I preparation meeting
Ongoing Events
Coupon Book Sales
Movie Ticket Sales
We raised $327 last weekend through our fundraising events. Good work!
We need parent and family volunteers for the November 14 parking lot and comunity garage sale events. Please submit sign up forms at the next meeting.
1.) Paperwork. Need I say more?
2.) Besides missing the conference for lack of paperwork, you could also miss it if you don't register online. 
Yes, the site is frequently down. Keep trying.
3.) Halloween Event sign up - so far, Lili, Airayana, Gabe, Joseth, and Steven have signed up to help out on October 29.  Anyone else?  This counts as community service.
4.) Attendance - Muktesh, Sergio, and Trini advised Jordan they would be absent at the last meeting.  Unexcused absentees: Colin, Jermaine.  Please contact Jordan when you're going to be late or absent!
5.) If you watched any of the gubernatorial debates and want to submit a paragraph for pizza money, please do so by the next meeting (email to me or bring it to the meeting. handwritten is fine.)
6,)  Be prepared to break into bill groups next week.  If you have a bill idea, you need to bring something besides just the idea to the next meeting (research, etc).  Be prepared to debate the bill. This means anticipating some arguments against your bill and being prepared to respond to criticism.  Check this out from the website for more guidance:

A Quotation For The Day

"Genuine politics - even politics worthy of the name - the only politics I am willing to devote myself to - is simply a matter of serving those around us: serving the community and serving those who will come after us. Its deepest roots are moral because it is a responsibility expressed through action, to and for the whole."
                                                                                                                  --Vaclav Havel

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Voter Registration Deadline Looms!

From the Secretary of State's website:
What is the deadline to register to vote?
The deadline to register to vote is 15 days prior to each local and statewide Election Day.

To be eligible to vote in the November 2, 2010, Statewide General Election, you must register to vote by October 18, 2010.
How do I register to vote?
To register to vote you must obtain and complete a voter registration form. Voter registration forms can be obtained by:
  • Downloading a voter registration form and mailing it to your county elections official; or
  • Calling your county elections official and requesting a form; or
  • Calling our toll-free voter registration hotline at (800) 345-VOTE and requesting a form.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #4

This includes:
Emergency Medical Form
Delegation Contract
Code of Conduct
Payment and Refund Policy
Y Scholarship Application (if applicable)
Upcoming Deadlines
October 11 - Final sweatshirt design deadline. We'll vote for our winning design on Monday!
October 15 - T&EI officer nomination forms due (via the website)
October 18 - $225 payment due
November 8 - Election Year scholarship due
Upcoming Events
Oct 10 - Parking lot fundraiser, 8am, lower parking lot. Thanks to Lili, Airayana, Evan, Emma, Sarah, Jordan, Joseph, Ivan, Jermaine, Muktesh, Joseth, and Colin for volunteering to help.
Oct TBA - Halloween Event at the Y.
Ongoing Events
Coupon book sales
Movie ticket sales (see below)
We'll be adding discount movie ticket sales to our on-going fundraisers. Tickets can be used at Regal, Cinemark, or AMC theaters. Tickets cost $10, $2 of which will be credited to your program fees. We'll have order forms available at the next meeting.
1.) Paperwork. Seriously. Get. it. in. now. All available on-line if you need it. http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/2010/08/new-year-new-information-get-your.html
2.) Please register at the Y&G website. Click the big red "conference registration button" on the home page, or click here http://cal.yigyag.net/index.html
4.) Attendance: we expect to see you at every meeting, but we know things come up. To avoid making the $10 late/no-show pizza fund donation, let me or Jordan know if you're going to be absent. If you're going to be late, let Jordan know. At Monday's meeting, we had 11 delegates present, 4 delegates we knew would be absent . . . leaving 8 delegates unaccounted for and we missed you!
5.) If you are interesting in learning how to write a good personal fundraising letter and developing a personal fundraising plan (ie: writing for dollars), please bring to the next meeting a list of potential contacts and a draft letter. Check the website later this week for more information on how to develop a list and how to draft the letter. Leave a comment on the website post and that's another $1 in the pizza fund.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #3 - One fundraiser down, many more to go

Meetings are Mondays from 6-7pm

September 22 was a payment due date. The first $150 payment was due at the last meeting. If you did not turn in your payment, please bring it to the next meeting. If you have financial concerns, please let me know ASAP.

Upcoming Deadlines
October 4 - Sweatshirt ideas due (color: Ash gray. We can have up to two colors on the shirt)
October 4 - Debate Watching paragraph (pizza fund-raiser) due at meeting
October 15 - T&EI Officer nomination forms due; leadership applications due (via the Y&G site - form not yet active)
October 18 - $225 payment due
November 8 - Election Year Scholarship Due

Upcoming Events
Oct 10 - Parking lot fundraiser
Oct TBA - Halloween Event at the Y (volunteer opportunity)

Ongoing Events
Coupon book sales

In case you missed it above, we now meet on MONDAY NIGHTS! At 6pm. Still in the same place.

The on-time-or-fine policy will officially kick into effect at the Monday, October 4 meeting. What policy am I talking about? If you do not contact Jordan to advise him you'll be late/absent, you will owe $1/min (up to $10) you are late to the pizza fund. It's easy to avoid this fine. Don't be late. Or call Jordan. Easy Peasy. See previous email for his contact information.

Thanks to your efforts, we raised $650 at the Spaghetti Feed. A big thank you to all who sold tickets, volunteered to help at the event, and to Morgan and Sam for cooking up a storm!

The Scholarship application and scholarship policy are available at the website:
Let us know if you have questions about the application or the policy.

Friend us on Facebook! We have a group and a page. Why? Because we do. Join one and like the other. :)


1.) BRING BACK YOUR SIGNED PAPERWORK. No seriously. This includes: Delegation Contract; Medical Release Form; Code of Conduct; Payment Policy. (Note - several people have turned in all the forms except the payment policy. Please return that too, even if you have financial concerns, we still need that on-file.) Lost your forms? Get them here!

2.) Please return Y scholarship applications ASAP. Remember, the more information you include, the more context we have about your family's financial situation, the better help we can provide.

3.) Please visit the Y&G Website, click on the "Conference Registration" button, create your account, and register online. $1 per delegate who completes this before Monday Tuesday at noon will go to the delegation pizza fund. See previous email for detailed instructions.

5.) Remember to check the delegation website after and between meetings for updates and announcements. We'll also post downloadable versions of forms in case you lose any after a meeting.

***Missed past Bulletins? Click here.***