Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #13: Jingle All The Way To January

Here's what you need to know this week. Read it carefully or you won't know where to go for our meeting/party tomorrow.


1.) Attendance & Remaining Meetings: Last week, half the delegation was absent. Illness happens and we certainly prefer that you keep your germs at home when you're sick! Life happens, too. But, as we enter finals season, I'd like to remind everyone that time-management is a skill we work to develop in Y&G. Finals or midterms aren't a good excuse for missing a meeting because you know when meetings are and you know when your exams are. Good time management should allow you to take care of all of your commitments.

We only have 4 or 5 meetings left this year - if you can believe it. Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
Dec 16 - Holiday Meeting/Party (see item #2 below)
Dec 23 - No Meeting
Dec 28 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Dec 29 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Dec 30 - No Meeting
Jan 2 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Jan 6 - Regular meeting, payment deadline
Jan 13 - MANDATORY pre-con meeting, NIC delegates should have proposal drafts
Jan 16-18 - T&EII in Fresno
Jan 20 - No Meeting?
Jan 27 - Regular meeting, Bill sponsors practice bill presentation
Feb 3 - MANDATORY final regular meeting, pre-con meeting
Feb 11-15 - 68th ML/C

2.) December 16 Meeting & Holiday Party Gus and his family have graciously offered their home for our Meeting & Holiday part tomorrow. The address is ______________. Be there at 6:30pm. Food and drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring something to share as well. Remember to bring your Secret Santa gift. You all should have your slips of paper or the picture you took of that slip of paper so you know your Secret Santa assignment. Limit is $10/gift. Funny (in a kind way) gifts, re-gifting, all fine.

3.) Bill Boxes Project  Each year, our delegation helps the Y&G HQ assemble program materials relied on by 800 or so delegates. We organize and file the bills submitted by all delegations, statewide. It isn't complicated work but it can be VERY time consuming without enough help. It is vital that you show up for the shifts you indicated availability for. Below is the schedule and the days people indicated they could attend. If you can come more days than you originally thought, please do so. We may have to add additional days/times as well. Lunch will be provided. We DO NOT meet at our meeting location and we DO NOT meet at the YMCA. We will meet at the California YMCA Headquarters: 2555 3rd Street, Suite 215 Sacramento CA 95818

Monday, 12/28; 10a-4pTuesday, 12/29; 10a-4pSaturday, 1/2; 10a-2p
Efrain Vallejo

Brenna Leigh Nancarrow

Tilton Hoyt

Monse Villarrealx

Emiliano Gómez

Cameron Miller

Delaney Roybal

Zachary Hansenxxx
Jacob Becker

Gus Marcinxxx
Calvin Santoscoyxxx
Dexter allen
Victoria Veraxxx
Matthew Zheng

Ally Jeffers



4.) NIC Delegates You should begin thinking about your proposals. Please review the attached information on the NIC program area and proposal development process.  You also have Victoria and Efrain as resources since they both participated in NIC last year. You should have an idea selected by our Jan 6 meeting and a draft proposal by our Jan 13 meeting.

5.) National Judicial Competition and Conference on National Affairs  There are two additional conferences to which you can apply that are national and convene during the summer. The NJC application is due January 11 and the CONA application will likely be due February 11. You can learn more about these here and here. The NJC application is already available in Reggo. I am going to work on having delegation alumni who have participated in these conferences visit a meeting or do a google hangout to answer your questions. We'll discuss these more at a future meeting, but you should read up on these opportunities now.

6.) Spring Conference Interest  Each April, there is a Y&G Spring Conference held in Corcoran, CA. It's a short weekend with NIC and Legislative House and it's really fun. It is great for delegates considering running for office next year or to recruit your friends for the program. We camp on the YMCA lawn in Corcoran, it's all very casual, there's still a dance, and there's a water slide. The conference this year is April 8-10.  The cost last year was $200 for program fees + Amtrak tickets (about $60-80). I don't yet know what this year's program fees will be. Financial assistance or an extended payment plan may be available. I would like to know if anyone is interested in attending. We do not yet know how many delegates we'll be able to take. Please let me know if you might like to attend or if you have friends who might be interested in checking out the program.

See you all tomorrow evening!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Y&G68: Delegation Bulletin #12: A December To Remember...Lots of Stuff

1.) Meetings resume tomorrow, December 2.

2.) Tomorrow is a payment deadline (Most delegates should have paid $1100 by that date)

2a.) Information about the second round of Y&G individual scholarships should be out by Friday. If you are waiting on information about that, please still submit some level of payment on Wednesday. If it isn't your full payment amount, please email Christiana ASAP.

3.) We will be selecting names from the hat for our holiday gift exchange.$10 MAX budget for gifts. Regifting welcomed. Should be fun, not a budget buster ;)

4.) California International Marathon Volunteering SUNDAY December 6, 6:30a-12:30p. We will be manning a water station at mile 20.4 of the marathon route. We still need many more volunteers. Please sign yourselves up here: http://bit.ly/CapCoCIMVolunteers  You are encouraged to recruit your family and friends along as well! We need 5-10 more people for this station. Please help recruit!

4.a). Look for more information about the race arriving in your inbox on Thursday. Our team captains meeting takes place during our regular meeting time, so you'll get info via email. Please watch for it! 

5.) Swim With Santa - remember this event is on Friday, December 11th at the YMCA. Make sure you've saved the date on your calendar if you signed up. If you can't remember whether you signed up, see Bulletin #11.

6.) Elected and Appointed Leadership Applications are due December 11 but must be approved by an advisor prior to that date. The internal delegation due date for applications is December 4. The applications are available now on your reggo registration pages. Please don't wait till the last minute on these! Program area and leadership opportunity info can be found here: http://bit.ly/LeadershipInfoMatrix

7.) SAVE THE DATES - The Bill Boxes Project is approaching. Below are the dates we'll be meeting and the delegates who signed up for those dates. Please mark your calendars and do not forget about this commitment:

Bill Boxes Project12/28; 10-412/29; 10-41/2; 10-2
Efrain Vallejo

Brenna Leigh Nancarrow

Tilton Hoyt

Monse Villarrealx

Emiliano Gómez

Cameron Miller

Delaney Roybal

Zachary Hansenxxx
Jacob Becker

Gus Marcinxxx
Calvin Santoscoyxxx
Dexter allen
Victoria Veraxxx
Matthew Zheng

Ally Jeffers



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