Here's what you need to know this week:
First meeting of the new year (note: there is NO meeting on August 24):
Wednesday, August 31, 6:30 pm
Tahoe Park Community Center
5959 8th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820
What Should I Bring To the First Meeting?
Great question - glad you asked. Here's what all prepared delegates should have with them on Wednesday, August 31:
- Paper/Notebook and a pen
- Planner, calendar, or their e-calendar
- Y-Assist Application (if applicable)
- $100 Program Fee Deposit check (if you haven't paid
online yet) made out to "Sacramento Central YMCA" with your name and "Y&G" in the memo line.
- All the friends you want to participate in this year's program with you!
For our prospective new delegates:
Not sure what this
is all about? Please come to our first meeting! Hear from current
delegates about the great opportunities Y&G offers and why they
joined - and why they keep coming back. If the program fees have got you
down, don't worry! We fundraise a ton and there is a lot financial
support available. Don't let cost keep you away from our meetings. We
want you to join us. So bring your questions, worries, and concerns and
let us put them all to rest. Y&G is amazing and we think you'll like
it, too.
Registration, Program Deposit, and Financial Aid:
We are again using an online registration system this year. We are
also offering an option to make program payments online this year. We
hope this makes program payments more convenient for our families.
Financial aid is available to those who qualify through both the YMCA of
Superior California as well as YMCA Youth & Government and we will,
as always, make available additional fundraising opportunities.
I encourage anyone with financial concerns to contact me or Dylan as
soon as possible – we are happy to work with you on a plan that makes
program participation possible.
If you are interested in financial assistance or the program fee
presents a hardship, simply indicate that when asked on the registration
form. The financial aid application was emailed earlier today to those
who requested it. It is also attached to this email. Here is the link for the online registration:
Our paper registration
packet is still being finalized. We hope to have that to you by our
first meeting next week if we aren't able to email it out sooner.
Grab your planner:
Mark your calendars with these key events!
September 10, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: Healthy Living Fair at the YMCA
September 24, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: Camp Capital City Fundraising event at the YMCA
October 2, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day (tentative; El Dorado Hills)
November 9, 2016: Bill Hearing Night
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court
We're very excited to see you again/meet you. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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