Payment reminder: a payment was due by November 11. If you haven't paid yet, PLEASE make your payment on-line this week. The regular payment is $400. If you have a question about what you owe, contact me ASAP. Chasing down late payments takes up valuable time we'd rather spend focusing on the delegate experience. .
Here's what you need to know this (short) week:
1.) If you haven't completed the next and final Reggo registration for the year, please do it ASAP. We need all delegates registered by November 23 at 11:59pm.
2.) About 14 delegates have still not completed our post-conference survey. If you don't complete it, you greatly decrease your chances of ending up in one of your preferred program areas. Do it now!
3.) Leadership! The next round of elected and appointed leadership applications are due by Friday, December 2 at 11:59pm. You'll find the applications in your reggo registration (for tips on how, click here). For more info on the available positions, click here. NOTE: the deadline on that form is NOT your deadline. Your deadline is, in fact, December 2. Miss that deadline at your (opportunity's) peril.
4.) EVENT REMINDER: The California International Marathon is coming. If you signed up, you are expected to attend. The race organizers are counting on US. Detailed information will be included in the November 28 Bulletin.
Sac Central Notes:
Swim With Santa is coming! Volunteering at this event is a delegation tradition. Sign up today!
El Dorado Notes: Make sure your points are accurate. We still have a few columns of info to input this week. But if you note an error in a column that is mostly completed, let me know ASAP!
Program Area selection will take place at the Dec 8 meeting. Plan to attend both meetings so you don't miss your chance to get your most preferred program area from what's available.
Missed a bulletin?
Mark your calendars with these key events!
December 4: Volunteer Opportunity! CIM Aid Stations
December 9: Swim With Santa Volunteer Opportunity
December 14/15: $400 Payment Deadline
January 14-16, 2017: Training & Elections Conference II (Fresno)
February 16-20, 2017: Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)