Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Y&G Sac Central Bulletin #6: A Lot To Read - So Please Do!

A GIANT thank you to everyone for getting their registration materials, conference registration, and PIC in (mostly) on time! Your on-time completion of these tasks saves your advisors a ton of time and work and we love you for taking care of business. 

For referenced attachments, please check your email. 

At the October 4th meeting you will:
- Bring your bill ideas to the table! 
- Wrap up statewide leadership opportunities
- Think about our delegation values and goals for this year 

Scheduling Note and READING TEST:
We may need to hold our practice bill hearing night on a day other than Wed October 25. Please complete this quick google form to indicate whether you are availability on Tues, October 24 instead. If everyone fills this out before next Wednesday at 12 noon - treats for all at the meeting.

And here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Bill Hearing Night: Our annual Bill Hearing Night is coming up faster than you think! Parents and delegates, mark your calendars for November 1. The event is mandatory for all delegates and parents won't want to miss this chance to see what delegates have been working on so far this year. We'll convene at Historic Sacramento City Hall (instead of our usual meeting location). More details to come, but make sure you note the date now and make plans to attend.

2.) Big Bill Work Week: You should come to this week's meeting prepared to pitch any bill ideas you have been thinking about. This week, we'll break into bill groups. The next three weeks will be the busiest of the Y&G year! To get yourselves thinking about bills, here are some resources to check out:
  • This video about the different types of legislation that exist within the state and our program.  
  • This video about initial bill ideas and research. Make sure you do some initial, basic google searches about your topic to see whether there is already a law in place that does what you want to do!
  • Here is a breakdown of the bill process in 10 easy steps
  • To help you think through the process, use this Bill Worksheet to guide your progress. 
  • Keep in mind what bills look like. Here's a template for your actual bill language.
  • Remember that short bills are good and simple ideas are great. You don't need to rewrite the entire education code and drown yourself in work!  
  • Want to see some bills from last year? Check out this bill book.
  • You don't need to spend all weekend on this, but find 30 minutes or an hour between now and our next meeting to review these resources and think about/do some basic research on any ideas you have. If you want to have a bill group work on your idea, you'll need to have more than, well, just an idea by next week.
3.) Leadership Opportunities: Elected and appointed leadership applications are due in Reggo by Wednesday night. Whether you are a new or returning delegate, we encourage you to apply for appointed and elected office. Leadership positions are a great way to enhance your Y&G experience, guarantee your program area of choice, and make even more friends from across the state. 

Click here to check out available leadership positions for which you can apply this week.  Look for items with "T&EI" and October application deadlines. You'll find information on any required experience or grade-level restrictions. Email Christiana with any questions. NOTE: the deadline you see on that page is the approval deadline with the statewide program. YOUR deadline is Wednesday, October 4

For new delegates, there are leadership opportunities available in Board of Education, Forum (for 9th Graders), Issues & Activism, Legislative Analyst, Houses, Media, and a special position in the Governor's cabinet for a 9th grade rep. For returning delegates, you have even more options across most program areas. Give it a go! The worst that happens is you don't win or aren't selected and that's no big deal at all.

To find leadership applications, check out this handy graphic (click to enlarge or see your email for the attachment):

4.) Chipotle Fundraiser NEXT FRIDAY: Tell everyone you know to take this flyer to the Downtown/Midtown Chipotle on Capitol or to the East Sac one on Folsom Blvd between 10:45am and 10pm (that's ALL DAY - lunch AND dinner!) on Friday, October 6 (1 week from now) and 50% of their order will be donated back to our delegation. Don't want to print anything out? No problem, you can also show them the flyer on your phone or even just say you're there for our YMCA Y&G delegation and - presto! - you'll help us raise money. Here's a FB event you can use to promote the fundraiser. Share it far and wide! Invite your friends!

Remind Reminder:
- Remind: If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@sacc70" to 81010

Parent Corner
Bill Hearing Night As mentioned above, Bill Hearing Night is November 1 and we encourage all delegate families (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) to attend. It's also a great opportunity to show off the program to school officials and community leaders. If you know someone you think we should invite to Bill Hearing Night, please let Christiana know by October 10. 

Upcoming Mandatory Meetings: Our practice bill hearing night, November 1 Bill Hearing Night, and November 8 Pre-Conference Prep meetings are all mandatory for delegates. New delegate parents should also plan to attend our November 8 Pre-Conference meeting. Returning delegate parents are welcome, but not required to attend on November 8.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!

October 6: Chipotle Fundraiser! 
October 13: $375 Payment Due
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #6

 (See your email inbox for all referenced attachments)

Below is your weekly El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #6. 
This is what you need to know this week:
"I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good." 
Maya Angelou

A big thank-you to all who attended Camp Capital City on Saturday (as a guest or volunteer). Our event was a success because of you!

1). Payments and Financial Aid: If you did not sign up for automatic payments, please bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name in the memo line to this week's meeting or pay online here. The amount due by September 15 was $375 for most delegates. If you submitted your CalYMCA individual scholarship application, we expect to hear back from them on awards by October 2nd and will let you know if your program fee balance is further reduced. 

2). Thinking of Running for Youth Governor or Chief Justice? We will be having our delegation primary this week if there are more than one candidate in the statewide leadership and program leadership categories. If you are considering running for an elected office, please review the elected and appointed offices here and the elected leadership categories here. The format for the primary will be a combination of a short 2 min speech and questions from the Officers and delegation. Please be prepared and come in Sac Attire. If you have questions, please let me know. 

3). Chipotle Fundraiser: Friday October 6th from 10:45am to 10:00pm is the El Dorado Delegation's fundraising night at any Chipotle restaurant in Folsom or Placerville. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to El Dorado YMCA Youth & Government Delegation. Here is a facebook event that you can use to promote the event.  Attached are the flyers to print or show on your phone, link to flyer is here. Tell your friends, your family, and everyone else you know about this event so we can raise money for delegates who cannot afford the program! Also, don't be shy posting the flyers on social media. 

4). Sweatshirt Designs: We will be selecting our sweatshirt designs at this week's meeting. Our shirts will be charcoal gray this year. Bring your design ideas or email them to me or the officers by Thursday. This year, you can use up to 3 colors of ink to print the design on the front of the shirt. We'll discuss details for how we do the back of the shirt at this week's meeting. 

5). Mixed Bags sales DUE THURSDAY: All orders and money are due by September 27 - that's THIS WEEK. No late orders can be accepted!  Now is the time to make those last few sales. Remember, 50% of what you sell is credited directly to YOUR program fee balance. If you need information on sales (how to, what to do about sales tax, who to make checks payable to, please let me know). 

6). Communication: Download for your phone (or login with a computer) the Groupme and Remind apps and check them regularly. 
Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. All delegates who have registered to our delegation through the google form, have been sorted into family groups and put into family group chats on Groupme. If you are not in a family group chat on groupme, let me know.

For Remind: Once you have downloaded the app, use this link: 
https://www.remind.com/join/derekd to join our class. If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@derekd" to 81010 

7). Family Groups: All delegates who are registered with our delegation have been sorted into family groups. Each family group has a family group leader and advisor. Please get to know everyone in your family group and make sure to communicate with both your family group leader and advisor if you have any questions. Attached is a PDF of all the families, link here.

8). All Things Registration: The deadline to register for our first conference, Fresno 1, and to take the Political Ideology Compass (PIC) survey was last Thursday. If you do not complete registration for Fresno 1 and take the PIC by this Thursday, your standing in the delegation could be in jeopardy. In order to take the PIC, you must first register for the conference through Reggo. 

What is Reggo? 
For new delegates, and a refresher for returners, Reggo is the website CalYMCA uses to register delegates for conferences. Link to Reggo here. Please register as the "El Dorado" delegation, not Sacramento. 

How Do I Complete the Political Ideology Compass? 
You will complete the Political Ideology Compass via the Y&G voting website (vote.calymca.org). 

1. You cannot complete the PIC until you have registered for T&E I in Reggo (reggo.org/calymca
2. Once registered, log on to vote.calymca.org to complete the PIC 
3. Type your last name (as entered during Reggo registration) 
4. Your voter PIN is the participant ID emailed to you by Reggo after you completed conference registration. 

Please review the Political Ideology Compass Overview if you have additional questions. If you have questions about how to register or take the PIC, please see the attached PDF of the Issues and Activism presentation. 

Make sure to give yourself at least 20-30 minutes to complete registration and the PIC. If you have questions about language used on the PIC, check out this glossary (also attached) or contact me. It may take 24 hours for your Voter PIN to be activatedDon't wait until Thursday to do both Reggo and the PIC!  

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment
Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 22: PIC Completion Deadline 
October 6: Chipotle Fundraiser! 
October 13$375 Payment Due
Bill Hearing Night: TBD, First week of November (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Monday, September 25, 2017

Y&G Sac Central Bulletin #5: All kinds of bills (legislative and dollar)

A big thank-you to all who attended Camp Capital City on Saturday (as guest or volunteer). Our event was a success because of you! Here are some photos from the evening. If you have any to share, please send them my way! 

At the Sept 27th meeting you will:
- Next meeting: Wednesday, September 27, 6:30 pm all delegates (6pm officers only).
- Meetings run till 8pm.  
- Get into bill research and writing! Bring you bill ideas or areas of interest so we can discuss.
-Wrap up statewide leadership opportunities
-Talk about fundraisers and service projects - Discuss current events (keep current by checking out this site daily!) 
- Next meeting: Wednesday, September 27, 6:30 pm all delegates (6pm officers only).
- Meetings run till 8pm. 
 - What to bring to meetings: Pen/pencil, paper or notebook, and your planner or calendar. 
- If you have a tablet or laptop, please bring it to the meeting. 

And here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Mixed Bags sales DUE WEDNESDAY: All orders and money are due by September 27 - that's THIS WEEK. No late orders can be accepted!  Now is the time to make those last few sales. Remember, 50% of what you sell is credited directly to YOUR program fee balance. If you need information on sales (how to, what to do about sales tax, who to make checks payable to, check out the instruction sheet.)

2.) Bill Work Kicks Into Gear: This week we'll get into bill writing details.  Make sure you are reading the news a little every day still. Check out this video about the different types of legislation that exist within the state and our program.  Bring your bill ideas to this week's meeting.

3.) Sweatshirt Designs: Our shirts will be charcoal gray this year. Bring your design ideas to this week's meeting. This year, you can use up to 3 colors of ink to print the design on the front of the shirt. We'll be voting on a design this week. 

4.)  Payments and Financial Aid: If you did not sign up for automatic payments, please bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name in the memo line to this week's meeting or pay online here. The amount due by September 15 was $375 for most delegates. If you submitted your CalYMCA individual scholarship application, we expect to hear back from them on awards by October 2nd and will let you know if your program fee balance is further reduced. 

5.) Chipotle Fundraiser: Tell everyone you know to take this flyer to the Downtown/Midtown Chipotle on Capitol or to the East Sac one on Folsom Blvd between 10:45am and 10pm (that's ALL DAY - lunch AND dinner!) on Friday, October 6 (a little less than 2 weeks from now) and 50% of their order will be donated back to our delegation. Don't want to print anything out? No problem, you can also show them the flyer on your phone or even just say you're there for our YMCA Y&G delegation and - presto! - you'll help us raise money. Here's a FB event you can use to promote the fundraiser. Share it far and wide! Invite your friends!

Remind Reminder:
- Remind: If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@sacc70" to 81010

Parent Corner
Parent Text Group New this year - if you would like to be part of our parent text message group (used for parent meeting notifications, conference travel changes or return times, and emergencies) please text "@parentssac" to 81010

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 27: Mixed Bags Orders and Money Due
October 6: Chipotle Fundraiser! 
October 13: $375 Payment Due
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #5

(See your email for referenced attachments)

This is what you need to know this week:

All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter
Edmund Burke

1). Fresno 1 Registration and PIC Survey: It is now time to register for our first conference, Fresno 1, and to take the Political Ideology Compass (PIC) survey that is a part of the new Issues and Activism program area. In order to take the PIC, you must first register for the conference through Reggo. 

What is Reggo? 
For new delegates, and a refresher for returners, Reggo is the website CalYMCA uses to register delegates for conferences. Link to Reggo here. Please register as the "El Dorado" delegation, not Sacramento. 

How Do I Complete the Political Ideology Compass? 
You will complete the Political Ideology Compass via the Y&G voting website (vote.calymca.org). 

1. You cannot complete the PIC until you have registered for T&E I in Reggo (reggo.org/calymca
2. Once registered, log on to vote.calymca.org to complete the PIC 
3. Type your last name (as entered during Reggo registration) 
4. Your voter PIN is the participant ID emailed to you by Reggo after you completed conference registration. 

Please review the Political Ideology Compass Overview if you have additional questions. You need to have completed both by the time you get to THIS week's meeting. If you have questions about how to register or take the PIC, please see the attached PDF of the Issues and Activism presentation. 

Make sure to give yourself at least 20-30 minutes to complete registration and the PIC. If you have questions about language used on the PIC, check out this glossary (also attached) or contact me. It may take 24 hours for your Voter PIN to be activatedDon't wait until Thursday to do both Reggo and the PIC!  

2). Paper Registration Deadline Has Passed! The paper registration packet deadline has passed. If you intend to participate in the program this year, please bring your completed paperwork packet to this week's delegation meeting. The paperwork packet is available here:http://bit.ly/2017PaperPacket We will be closing admission to the delegation by this Thursday so get your paperwork in! 

3). Payments and Financial Aid: If you did not sign up for automatic payments, please bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name in the memo line to this week's meeting or pay online here. The amount was due by September 15 was $375 for most delegates (if you have not paid please do so no later than Thursday). If you have submitted a Y-Assist app already, you should have received an email from Dylan this week with your Y-Assist award. You may receive additional funds from the CalYMCA Individual Scholarship as well - and fundraising proceeds.  NOTE: Cal YMCA Individual Scholarship Form. This form was inadvertently missing from the initial registration packet (current versions include it). If you turned in Y-Assist but did not turn in this form (Attached) at tomorrow's meeting.  It MUST be submitted by this week's meeting.

4). Thinking of Running for Youth Governor or Chief Justice? If you are considering running for an elected office, please review the elected and appointed offices here and the elected leadership categories here. It is very important that you decide to run for an office by October 5th. We will be having our delegation primary if there are more than one candidate in the statewide leadership and program leadership categories. We will go over this in more detail at the meeting. 

5). Sweatshirt Designs: Our shirts will be charcoal gray this year. Bring your design ideas to next week's meeting. This year, you can use up to 3 colors of ink to print the design on the front of the shirt. We'll discuss details for how we do the back of the shirt at next week's meeting.

6). Mixed Bags sales: If you picked up a catalog, get out there and sell! If you need information on sales (how to, what to do about sales tax, who to make checks payable to, please ask me.) All orders and money are due by September 27 (turn in at our meeting). No late orders will be accepted! 

7). Communication: Our delegation communicates through a few different ways. If you do not already have it, please download for your phone (or login with a computer) GroupmeRemind, and check your personal email. Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. 
  • For Remind: Once you have downloaded the app, use this link: https://www.remind.com/join/derekd to join our class.
  •  If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@derekd" to 81010
  • You are required to have, use, and check all three of these forms of communication to be apart of our delegation.

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 21: T&E I Registration Deadline
September 22: PIC Completion Deadline 
September 23: Camp Capital City
Bill Hearing Night: TBD, First week of November (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Y&G Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #4: Reggo, PIC, Mixed Bags, and More!

(referenced attachments are in your email inbox)

At the Sept 20th meeting you will:
- Next meeting: Wednesday, September 13, 6:30 pm all delegates (6pm officers only).
- Meetings run till 8pm. 
- Discuss current events (keep current by checking out this site daily!)
- Discuss initial areas of interest for bills (Criminal Justice? Education? Health care? the Environment? Transportation? There's no limit - it's up to you!)
-Learn about statewide leadership opportunities
-Learn about program areas
- What to bring to meetings: Pen/pencil, paper or notebook, and your planner or calendar. 
- If you have a tablet or laptop, please bring it to the meeting. 

And here's what you need to know this week:
1.) Delta Clean-Up Saturday, 9am-12pm, West Sacramento – 2475 S. River Road near the Stone Locks: If you signed up for Saturday's Delta Clean Up Event, make sure to wear close-toed shoes, long pants, and, if you have it, your CapCo t-shirt. You need to bring this signed waiver with you. Brandon Martin and Andrea San Miguel, advisors with Eldo, will be there with you. You'll be given latex gloves but if you want to bring heavier work gloves, go for it. Water and a pizza lunch will be provided as well. Here is a map to the location. It may not be the same as last year's!

2.) Reggo and the PIC. At last night's meeting, we reviewed the Reggo registration process and the new Political Ideology Compass ("PIC"). You need to have completed both by the time you get to next week's meeting. If you have questions about how to register or take the PIC, please see the attached PDF of last night's presentation. Make sure to give yourself at least 20-30 minutes to complete registration and the PIC. If you have questions about language used on the PIC, check out this glossary (also attached)or contact an advisor. It may take 24 hours for your Voter PIN to be activated. Don't wait until Wednesday to do both Reggo and the PIC!  

First READING TEST of the year: if the whole delegation gets their registration and PIC complete BEFORE 4pm on Wednesday, Sept 20, everyone gets a treat at the meeting. 

3.) Bill Work Begins: This week, we'll talk more about your areas of interest as we begin to think about our bill topics for the year. Here's the video we watched at the meeting (feedback welcome)! Also, check out steps 1-3 on this bill writing doc to help you think about the bill process. Make sure you are reading the news a little every day as we enter the bill part of the year!

4.) Mixed Bags sales: If you picked up a catalog, get out there and sell! If you need information on sales (how to, what to do about sales tax, who to make checks payable to, the instruction sheet is attached.) All orders and money are due by September 27 (turn in at our meeting). No late orders will be accepted!  

5.) Sweatshirt Designs: Our shirts will be charcoal gray this year. Bring your design ideas to next week's meeting. This year, you can use up to 3 colors of ink to print the design on the front of the shirt. We'll discuss details for how we do the back of the shirt at next week's meeting. 

6.)  Payments and Financial Aid: If you did not sign up for automatic payments, please bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name in the memo line to this week's meeting or pay online here. The amount due by September 15 was $375 for most delegates. If you have submitted a Y-Assist app already, you should have received an email from Dylan this week with your Y-Assist award. You may receive additional funds from the CalYMCA Individual Scholarship as well - and fundraising proceeds.  NOTE: Cal YMCA Individual Scholarship Form. This form was inadvertently missing from the initial registration packet (current versions include it). If you turned in Y-Assist but did not turn in this form (Attached) at tomorrow's meeting.  It MUST be submitted by this week's meeting.

We use 3 methods to communicate:
- Email: weekly emails, preconference information, program information, and more
- Groupme: Informal discussions, reminders, keeping up, communication at conferences. Downloading the free app is highly recommended but not required.
- Remind: If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@sacc70" to 81010

Parent Corner
Parent Text Group New this year - if you would like to be part of our parent text message group (used for parent meeting notifications, conference travel changes or return times, and emergencies) please text "@parentssac" to 81010
Y-Assist and Financial Aid: This week, you should have received an email from Dylan O'Tarrow at the Y if you applied for Y-Assist. Please look for the email and reply to Dylan if he had questions for you. There is still money left to be awarded - next through the CalYMCA individual scholarship and then through fundraising proceeds. If you need additional time to pay or have additional financial concerns at any time, please let Dylan or Christiana know.

As a reminder, we have three main forms of financial assistance: Y-Assist funds from the Sacramento Central YMCA; the Individual Scholarship from California YMCA; and the money we raise through fundraisers. Money raised through most fundraisers is generally (but not always) available only to those who have applied for Y-Assist.

Camp Capital City, September 23, 5:30pm, ONE WEEK AWAY!
The YMCA's biggest fundraising event of the year! Tickets and sponsorships are still available for this fun evening of camp nostalgia. Games, BBQ, adult libations, gourmet s'mores bar, and the chance to support YMCA youth programming throughout our region - including Youth & Government. Click here for more information.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 16: Delta Clean-Up Volunteer event
September 21: T&E I Registration Deadline
September 22: PIC Completion Deadline
September 23: Camp Capital City
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #4

Below is your weekly El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #4. 
This is what you need to know this week:

The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been
Henry Kissinger

1). Cal YMCA Individual Scholarship Form. This form was inadvertently missing from the initial registration packet (current versions include it). If you turned in Y-Assist but did not turn in this form (attached) at Thursday's meeting.  It MUST be submitted by September 21. 

2).  $375 Payment DUE September 15: If you did not sign up for automatic payments, please bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name in the memo line to this week's meeting or pay online here. If you have submitted a Y-Assist app already, it is in process with Dylan and you should hearing back from him this week. 

3). Thinking of Running for Youth Governor?: On Sept. 5, there was a webinar regarding running for Youth Governor, link to the webinar is here. Please check it out if you are thinking of running for YG. Also note that the deadline to submit your candidacy to run for Youth Governor or Chief Justice is Oct. 5th. 

4). Service Project Sign-Ups: We have two events in September for which we need volunteers. You might have taken note of them during registration. Now is the time to sign up! Click here to officially sign-up! (Yes, even if you ticked "yes" on your registration form.)

Camp Capital City: This is a great opportunity to volunteer and help raise money for the Y! You'll get dinner and s'mores (and points) for doing so. Use the link for service projects to sign up. Ask me for more information.
  • When: Saturday, September 23, 2017
  • Time: 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Location: Sacramento Central YMCA, 2021 W Street, Sacramento CA

5). Mixed Bags Sales Begin This Week! Our first fundraiser of the year - Mixed Bags catalogs will be distributed at Thursday's meeting. You'll have two weeks to hit up friends, family, neighbors, whomever to purchase colorful, eco-friendly bags and other wares. A full 50% of what you sell is credited to your program fees. Some delegates have been able to slash their balances considerably through Mixed Bags. 

6). Communication: Our delegation communicates through a few different ways. If you do not already have it, please download for your phone (or login with a computer) GroupmeRemind, and check your personal email. Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. 
  • You are required to have, use, and check all three of these forms of communication to be apart of our delegation.

7). Delegate Look Book: Please note: In the next few meetings, advisors will taking photos of all delegates to create a look book to learn delegates names/faces. 

Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to 
make a payment
Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 16: Delta Clean-Up Volunteer event
September 21: T&E I Registration Deadline
September 22: PIC Completion Deadline 
September 23: Camp Capital City
Bill Hearing Night: TBD, First week of November (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court