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At the October 4th meeting you will:
- Bring your bill ideas to the table!
- Wrap up statewide leadership opportunities
- Think about our delegation values and goals for this year
Scheduling Note and READING TEST:
We may need to hold our practice bill hearing night on a day other than Wed October 25. Please complete this quick google form to indicate whether you are availability on Tues, October 24 instead. If everyone fills this out before next Wednesday at 12 noon - treats for all at the meeting.
And here's what you need to know this week:
1.) Bill Hearing Night: Our annual Bill Hearing Night is coming up faster than you think! Parents and delegates, mark your calendars for November 1. The event is mandatory for all delegates and parents won't want to miss this chance to see what delegates have been working on so far this year. We'll convene at Historic Sacramento City Hall (instead of our usual meeting location). More details to come, but make sure you note the date now and make plans to attend.
2.) Big Bill Work Week: You should come to this week's meeting prepared to pitch any bill ideas you have been thinking about. This week, we'll break into bill groups. The next three weeks will be the busiest of the Y&G year! To get yourselves thinking about bills, here are some resources to check out:
- This video about the different types of legislation that exist within the state and our program.
- This video about initial bill ideas and research. Make sure you do some initial, basic google searches about your topic to see whether there is already a law in place that does what you want to do!
- Here is a breakdown of the bill process in 10 easy steps.
- To help you think through the process, use this Bill Worksheet to guide your progress.
- Keep in mind what bills look like. Here's a template for your actual bill language.
- Remember that short bills are good and simple ideas are great. You don't need to rewrite the entire education code and drown yourself in work!
- Want to see some bills from last year? Check out this bill book.
- You don't need to spend all weekend on this, but find 30 minutes or an hour between now and our next meeting to review these resources and think about/do some basic research on any ideas you have. If you want to have a bill group work on your idea, you'll need to have more than, well, just an idea by next week.
Click here to check out available leadership positions for which you can apply this week. Look for items with "T&EI" and October application deadlines. You'll find information on any required experience or grade-level restrictions. Email Christiana with any questions. NOTE: the deadline you see on that page is the approval deadline with the statewide program. YOUR deadline is Wednesday, October 4.
For new delegates, there are leadership opportunities available in Board of Education, Forum (for 9th Graders), Issues & Activism, Legislative Analyst, Houses, Media, and a special position in the Governor's cabinet for a 9th grade rep. For returning delegates, you have even more options across most program areas. Give it a go! The worst that happens is you don't win or aren't selected and that's no big deal at all.
To find leadership applications, check out this handy graphic (click to enlarge or see your email for the attachment):
4.) Chipotle Fundraiser NEXT FRIDAY: Tell everyone you know to take this flyer to the Downtown/Midtown Chipotle on Capitol or to the East Sac one on Folsom Blvd between 10:45am and 10pm (that's ALL DAY - lunch AND dinner!) on Friday, October 6 (1 week from now) and 50% of their order will be donated back to our delegation. Don't want to print anything out? No problem, you can also show them the flyer on your phone or even just say you're there for our YMCA Y&G delegation and - presto! - you'll help us raise money. Here's a FB event you can use to promote the fundraiser. Share it far and wide! Invite your friends!
Remind Reminder:
- Remind: If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@sacc70" to 81010
Parent Corner:
Bill Hearing Night As mentioned above, Bill Hearing Night is November 1 and we encourage all delegate families (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) to attend. It's also a great opportunity to show off the program to school officials and community leaders. If you know someone you think we should invite to Bill Hearing Night, please let Christiana know by October 10.
Upcoming Mandatory Meetings: Our practice bill hearing night, November 1 Bill Hearing Night, and November 8 Pre-Conference Prep meetings are all mandatory for delegates. New delegate parents should also plan to attend our November 8 Pre-Conference meeting. Returning delegate parents are welcome, but not required to attend on November 8.
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 6: Chipotle Fundraiser!
October 13: $375 Payment Due
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court