Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #22

This is what you need to know this week:

“There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect." 
-President R 
onald Reagan

70th Model and Legislature and Court Conference Countdown:  16 Days Left!

1.) Meeting Schedule: Two regular meetings left before Sacramento!

Next week's meeting, February 8, is a MANDATORY pre-conference meeting. All delegates must attend. New delegates must bring a family member along. Returning delegate families are encouraged, but not required, to attend. BTW: that in no way means it's okay to skip this week's meeting

1a.) Guest Speaker This Week: Please make sure you arrive ON TIME to our meeting this week so we can take care of housekeeping matters before the arrival of our guest speaker. They are a candidate running to be District Attorney in El Dorado County.

2.) Bill Presentation: Sex Trafficking: This week the delegation will hear a presentation from Brynne Suder on a bill she has drafted regarding adding sex trafficking to the list of violent felonies.

Brynne is asking the delegation to consider her proposal (attached here) and vote on if they would like to support it. She will give a brief presentation of her bill, followed by debate/questions from delegates (similar to how we do current events). Please read this bill and come ready to ask questions on Thursday. 

In order for her bill to be formally supported by the delegation, a majority of delegates present and voting will need to vote in favor of supporting her bill. 

If the delegation decides to vote to support this bill, she is going to send a letter to Assemblymember Kiley informing him of our delegation's support of the bill. This has real world implications, so take this seriously. Please let me know if you have questions about this process. 


- Annual Campaign Is Underway! Each year, YMCAs around the country hold their Annual Support Campaign. Our very own Sacramento Central YMCA campaign is underway and we need YOU to join! 100% of our Volunteer Advising Team has already made their pledge. We hope you'll join us by giving online today at http://bit.ly/eldodonate2018 or via the form available here.

Our goal is 100% delegate participation. Participation starts at just $1. 
We are currently at 31%

If you give $1 or more by conference check-in on February 15 and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Starbucks gift card. The first family group (our delegation counts as one family group) to hit 100% participation will win a special prize!

Celebration Banquet Returns! Join us on Wednesday, February 28 for our Second Annual Capitol Coalition Celebration Banquet. It's a fun evening featuring presentations from various program areas, awards, and maybe a guest speaker or two. We will again meet at Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Tickets are $15 each and cover salad, your choice of one of three entrees and dessert. Thank you to the Old Spaghetti Factory for providing complimentary beverages again this year - we appreciate their support! 

Tickets can be purchased here https://capcobanquet.brownpapertickets.com

Online tickets have a small service fee attached. If you want to avoid that fee, you can pay me in person at meetings until February 8. Online ticket sales will end February 22. ***If the ticket cost presents a financial hardship, let me know ASAP. We don't want anyone staying home due to financial concerns***

Conference on National Affairs. Apply today for a CONA summer getaway. No, it's not in Hawaii: our CONA stands for Conference on National Affairs. Each year, delegates from Y&G states nationwide gather for an NIC-style conference. Only 25 delegates from California are selected to attend and doing so is a great honor! Our delegation has a history of having applicants selected for this prestigious program. CONA takes place in North Carolina from June 26-July 6, 2018. There are program fees associated with attendance, but financial assistance is available through CalYMCA. I strongly encourage you to apply if interested!

Applications are available in Reggo now and are February 12. Applications require a Lead Advisor letter of recommendation. Requests for a letter of rec must be made by February 7. Applications will also require a second letter of recommendation. All letters of rec must be received by February 15 at 12 noon. (Note the deadline for the Lead Advisor request again, however!) 

Youth & Government Governing Board Position. Each year, CalYMCA includes delegate representatives on its Governing Board. This is a way to represent your fellow delegates during important policy discussions that impact the entire program. Apply to serve today! Applications are available in Reggo and are due February 12.

- MUN Secretariat Application Extension. Looking for a chance to lead the next generation of delegates? The deadline for Model United Unions (MUN) Secretariat applications has been extended to Friday, February 9th in Reggo. MUN Secretariats are an integral part of the MUN program and MUN delegates’ experience. MLC Delegates in 10th-12th grade are eligible to apply. New Secretariats should apply for the general Secretariat role or ST1 (job description here). Returning Secretariats should apply for Senior Secretariat or ST2 (job description here). Any questions about the leadership opportunity can be directed to secretariat@calymca.org.

I&A Party Chair Application - Deadline Extended. Applications for 71st ML/C Party Chair area available in Reggo. The Deadline has been extended to February 7. You don't need to be in I&A currently to apply.

Awards Season! Is there a delegate, program volunteer, or advisor you’d like to nominate for an award in Sacramento? Award nominations can be made here, and are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, February 15th. For a list of all awards and a description of each, click here. Award recipients are determined by an Award Committee, consisting of selected delegates, advisors, volunteers and core staff. Awards will be given during the Closing Joint Session in Sacramento.

Family Corner

VIP Day. Do you know an educator, community leader, potential donor, or other VIP who you think should see our program in action? VIP Day is the Friday of our Sac Conference and is designed to showcase who we are and what we do in our community. We have a limited supply of complimentary tickets available. If you know someone who can help us reach more delegates, please pass along their contact information by tomorrow, January 30

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
Ongoing: Annual Campaign. Donate online or via this form
February 8, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) 70th Model Legislature & Court
February 28, 2018: 2nd Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet

Monday, January 29, 2018

Y&G Sac Central Bulletin #21: Two To Go

Once again, LOTS of important stuff here - including some amazing leadership opportunities! 

Sponsor Speeches reminder: Ting Ting, Jimmy, and Aaron should be prepared to give their bill/proposal sponsor speeches this week. 

1.) Meeting Schedule: Two regular meetings left! Due to a long agenda tomorrow Wednesday and a guest speaker, I'd like to start our meeting at 6:15 tomorrow evening. Please do your best to be there by 6:15, in your seats and ready to go!

Next week's meeting, February 7, is a MANDATORY pre-conference meeting. All delegates must attend. New delegates must bring a family member along. Returning delegate families are encouraged, but not required, to attend. BTW: that in no way means it's okay to skip this week's meeting.

1a.) Guest Speaker This Week: Please make sure you arrive ON TIME to our meeting this week so we can take care of housekeeping matters before the arrival of our guest speaker. Dr. Mary Kirlin. Dr. Kirlin is a former delegate and advisor who went on to work in politics and public policy and then served as a professor at Indiana State University and Sac State. She'll be joining us to talk about how the program impacted her career path and what her research shows are effective ways to encourage civic engagement in your community.

1b.) Jeopardy - Round 2: Time permitting, we'll have another Jeopardy game tomorrow. Questions will focus on our real structure of government as well as last week's State of the State Address (starts at about the 1 hour mark) and Tuesday night's State of the Union address (will air on most stations tomorrow and be widely available for streaming; you can also look up a transcript after the address is given).

2.) Delegation Dinner (at Conference): One of our favorite traditions returns - Delegation Dinner at Sac Conference! (For information about our year-end banquet, scroll down!) We'll return to Oishii Sushi this year for food and karaoke fun on Friday, during the conference. This is one of two meals covered during Sac Conference. We need your dinner order in advance. Please place your order here by Wednesday, February 14: http://bit.ly/SacCDelDinnerOrder 

3.) Pie for the Y Volunteers Needed: YMCA Staff reached out to us with this request: "Pie for the Y" is coming up on February 10th and we need 5 to 6 volunteers from 8:00 am- 1:30 pm, to help make pies, collect money,  be crowd control, and most importantly clean up afterward!" This fun event is part of our Annual Campaign which raises money to support our delegation and all YMCA programs. Sign up today! This helps our delegation of distinction application and can get you service hours if you need them!


Annual Campaign Is Underway! Each year, YMCAs around the country hold their Annual Support Campaign. Our very own Sacramento Central YMCA campaign is underway and we need YOU to join! 100% of our Volunteer Advising Team has already made their pledge. We hope you'll join us by giving online today at http://bit.ly/saccentraldonate or via the form available here.

Our goal is 100% delegate participation. Participation starts at just $1. 
We are currently at 12%

If you give $1 or more by conference check-in on February 15 and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Starbucks gift card. The first family group (our delegation counts as one family group) to hit 100% participation will win a special prize!

Celebration Banquet Returns! Join us on Wednesday, February 28 for our Second Annual Capitol Coalition Celebration Banquet. It's a fun evening featuring presentations from various program areas, awards, and maybe a guest speaker or two. We will again meet at Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Tickets are $15 each and cover salad, your choice of one of three entrees (#mizithracheesethisyearyall), and dessert. Thank you to the Old Spaghetti Factory for providing complimentary beverages again this year - we appreciate their support! Tickets can be purchased here https://capcobanquet.brownpapertickets.com

Online tickets have a small service fee attached. If you want to avoid that fee, you can pay me in person at meetings until February 7. Online ticket sales will end February 22. ***If the ticket cost presents a financial hardship, let me know ASAP. We don't want anyone staying home due to financial concerns***

Conference on National Affairs. Apply today for a CONA summer getaway. No, it's not in Hawaii: our CONA stands for Conference on National Affairs. Each year, delegates from Y&G states nationwide gather for an NIC-style conference. Only 25 delegates from California are selected to attend and doing so is a great honor! Our delegation has a history of having applicants selected for this prestigious program. CONA takes place in North Carolina from June 26-July 6, 2018. There are program fees associated with attendance, but financial assistance is available through CalYMCA. I strongly encourage you to apply if interested!

Applications are available in Reggo now and are February 12. Applications require a Lead Advisor letter of recommendation. Requests for a letter of rec must be made by February 7. Applications will also require a second letter of recommendation. All letters of rec must be received by February 15 at 12 noon. (Note the deadline for the Lead Advisor request again, however!)

Youth & Government Governing Board Position. Each year, CalYMCA includes delegate representatives on its Governing Board. This is a way to represent your fellow delegates during important policy discussions that impact the entire program. Apply to serve today! Applications are available in Reggo and are due February 12.

- MUN Secretariat Application Extension. Looking for a chance to lead the next generation of delegates? The deadline for Model United Unions (MUN) Secretariat applications has been extended to Friday, February 9th in Reggo. MUN Secretariats are an integral part of the MUN program and MUN delegates’ experience. MLC Delegates in 10th-12th grade are eligible to apply. New Secretariats should apply for the general Secretariat role or ST1 (job description here). Returning Secretariats should apply for Senior Secretariat or ST2 (job description here). Any questions about the leadership opportunity can be directed to secretariat@calymca.org.

I&A Party Chair Application - Deadline Extended. Applications for 71st ML/C Party Chair area available in Reggo. The Deadline has been extended to February 7. You don't need to be in I&A currently to apply.

-  Buddy Challenge - Just a few weeks left Here is a link to the list of buddy pairs/groups and our photo scavenger hunt challenge. Start now! Photos must be uploaded before the close of the Govenor's Banquet at Sac Conference! Good luck! Returners - it's your job to check in with your buddy to see how their year is going!

Awards Season! Is there a delegate, program volunteer, or advisor you’d like to nominate for an award in Sacramento? Award nominations can be made here, and are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, February 15th. For a list of all awards and a description of each, click here. Award recipients are determined by an Award Committee, consisting of selected delegates, advisors, volunteers and core staff. Awards will be given during the Closing Joint Session in Sacramento.

Excused Absence Letter. Participation in Y&G constitutes and excused absence under the education code. Here's a sample excused absence letter you can take to your school. Don't return it to me! I don't need it. :)

Family Corner

Check your email! Delegate Parents/Families received a special newsletter this morning. Make sure to read it and help the delegation earn a pizza party at Sac Conference! You have until Wednesday at 6pm to follow the instructions in that email to count towards this challenge. 

VIP Day. Do you know an educator, community leader, potential donor, or other VIP who you think should see our program in action? VIP Day is the Friday of our Sac Conference and is designed to showcase who we are and what we do in our community. We have a limited supply of complimentary tickets available. If you know someone who can help us reach more delegates, please pass along their contact information by tomorrow, January 30

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
Ongoing: Annual Campaign. Donate online or via this form
February 7, 2018 Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 14, 2018 NO MEETING! Get a good night's sleep!
February 15, 2018 Annual Campaign Challenge Deadline for Raffle Entry
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court
February 19, 2018: Buddy Photo Scavenger Hunt Upload Deadline
February 28, 2018: 2nd Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet

Monday, January 22, 2018

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #21

This is what you need to know this week:

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress
-President Barack Obama 

70th Model and Legislature and Court Conference Countdown: 24 Days Left!

Note: Did you complete your post-T&E2 survey yet? Make sure you do! 

Also: Are all of your payments in? They should be! 

1.) Meeting Schedule: We have only 3 regular meetings left this year! Make sure you're there for all three! January 25, February 1 and 8February 8 is a MANDATORY pre-conference meeting. All delegates must attend. New delegates must bring a family member along. Returning delegate families are encouraged, but not required, to attend. 

2.) Delegation Officer Primaries: Want to run for an officer position in our delegation? This week we will be holding our delegation's officer candidate primaries. Primaries will be held for the following offices:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Chief Fundraising Officer (CFO)
  • Forum Liaison
  • Sergeant-at-Arms
  • Spirit Leader
Please review the attached specific expectations, duties, and responsibilities for each individual office. Each candidate will need to wear Sac attire, prepare up to a 2 minute speech outlining why they are the best person for the office, and be ready to answer some questions from the current officers. The top three candidates for each office will advance to the final election at Sacramento Conference. If you are going to run, please send me an email letting me know (if you haven't already). 

3.) Conference Prep: It's time to start getting ready for Sac Conference. NIC Proposals, Legislative Analyst Reports, and Dept of Finance Reports are due this week via Reggo. Bill Primary and Secondary Sponsors should be practicing their sponsor and summation speeches.

4.) Early Arrival Info: Those arriving early for Sac Conference have received information via separate email. If you haven't replied to that email yet, make sure to do so!

5.) Conference on National Affairs. Apply today for a CONA summer getaway. No, it's not in Hawaii: our CONA stands for Conference on National Affairs. Each year, delegates from Y&G states nationwide gather for an NIC-style conference. Only 25 delegates from California are selected to attend and doing so is a great honor! Our delegation has a history of having applicants selected for this prestigious program. CONA takes place in North Carolina from June 26-July 6, 2018. There are program fees associated with attendance, but financial assistance is available through CalYMCA. I strongly encourage you to apply if interested!

Applications are available in Reggo now and are February 12. Applications require a Lead Advisor letter of recommendation. Requests for a letter of rec must be made by February 7. Applications will also require a second letter of recommendation. All letters of rec must be received by February 15 at 12 noon. (Note the deadline for the Lead Advisor request again, however!)  

6.) Youth & Government Governing Board Position. Each year, CalYMCA includes delegate representatives on its Governing Board. This is a way to represent your fellow delegates during important policy discussions that impact the entire program. Apply to serve today! Applications are available in Reggo and are due February 12

7.) Celebration Banquet Returns! Join us on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30pm for our Second Annual Capitol Coalition Celebration Banquet. It's a fun evening featuring presentations from various program areas, awards, and maybe a guest speaker or two. We will again meet at Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Tickets are $15 each and cover salad, your choice of one of three entrees and dessert. Thank you to the Old Spaghetti Factory for providing complimentary beverages again this year - we appreciate their support! 

Tickets sales open tomorrow and can be purchased here https://capcobanquet.brownpapertickets.com 

Online tickets have a small service fee attached. If you want to avoid that fee, you can pay me in person at meetings until February 8. Online ticket sales will end February 22. ***If the ticket cost presents a financial hardship, let me know ASAP. We don't want anyone staying home due to financial concerns***

8.) MUN Secretariat Application Extension. Looking for a chance to lead the next generation of delegates? The deadline for Model United Unions (MUN) Secretariat applications has been extended to Friday, February 9th in Reggo. MUN Secretariats are an integral part of the MUN program and MUN delegates’ experience. MLC Delegates in 10th-12th grade are eligible to apply. New Secretariats should apply for the general Secretariat role or ST1 (job description here). Returning Secretariats should apply for Senior Secretariat or ST2 (job description here). Any questions about the leadership opportunity can be directed to secretariat@calymca.org.

9.) I&A Party Chair Application - Deadline Extended. Applications for 71st ML/C Party Chair area available in Reggo. The Deadline has been extended to February 7. You don't need to be in I&A currently to apply. 

10.) Annual Campaign Is Underway! Each year, YMCAs around the country hold their Annual Support Campaign. Our very own El Dorado Delegation campaign is underway and we need YOU to join! 100% of our Volunteer Advising Team has already made their pledge. We hope you'll join us by giving online today here or via the form available here.

Our goal is 100% delegate participation. Participation starts at just $1. 

If you give $1 or more you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Starbucks gift card. The first family group to hit 100% participation will win a special prize!

11.) Awards Season! Is there a delegate, program volunteer, or advisor you’d like to nominate for an award in Sacramento? Award nominations can be made here, and are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, February 15th. For a list of all awards and a description of each, click here. Award recipients are determined by an Award Committee, consisting of selected delegates, advisors, volunteers and core staff. Awards will be given during the Closing Joint Session in Sacramento.

12.) Excused Absence Letter. Participation in Y&G constitutes and excused absence under the education code. Here's a sample excused absence letter you can take to your school. Don't return it to me! I don't need it. :) For Oak Ridge Students, I will send a list of names to the Oak Ridge administrative office.

Family Corner

VIP Day. Do you know an educator, community leader, potential donor, or other VIP who you think should see our program in action? VIP Day is the Friday of our Sac Conference and is designed to showcase who we are and what we do in our community. We have a limited supply of complimentary tickets available. If you know someone who can help us reach more delegates, please pass along their contact information by Monday, January 29

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
February 8, 2018: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) 70th Model Legislature & Court

Y&G Sac Central Bulletin #20: Three Meetings To Go!

LOTS of important stuff here - including some amazing leadership opportunities I would LOVE you to apply for! 

At this week's meeting, we'll be talking about our Delegation of Distinction Application, Delegation Officer Positions and Election Calendar, and more! Primary and Secondary Bill Sponsors and NIC delegates should be prepared to practice their sponsor speeches, too.

Note: Did you complete your post-T&E2 survey yet? Make sure you do! 

1.) Meeting Schedule: We have only 3 regular meetings left this year! Make sure you're there for all three! January 24, 31, and February 7. February 7 is a MANDATORY pre-conference meeting. All delegates must attend. New delegates must bring a family member along. Returning delegate families are encouraged, but not required, to attend.

2.) Conference Prep: It's time to start getting ready for Sac Conference. NIC Proposals are due this week. Bill Primary and Secondary Sponsors should be practicing their sponsor and summation speeches. (Aaron)

3.) Early Arrival Info: Those arriving early for Sac Conference have received information via separate email. If you haven't replied to that email yet, make sure to do so! (Natalie and Brenna Leigh)

4.) Conference on National Affairs. Apply today for a CONA summer getaway. No, it's not in Hawaii: our CONA stands for Conference on National Affairs. Each year, delegates from Y&G states nationwide gather for an NIC-style conference. Only 25 delegates from California are selected to attend and doing so is a great honor! Our delegation has a history of having applicants selected for this prestigious program. CONA takes place in North Carolina from June 26-July 6, 2018. There are program fees associated with attendance, but financial assistance is available through CalYMCA. I strongly encourage you to apply if interested!

Applications are available in Reggo now and are February 12. Applications require a Lead Advisor letter of recommendation. Requests for a letter of rec must be made by February 7. Applications will also require a second letter of recommendation. All letters of rec must be received by February 15 at 12 noon. (Note the deadline for the Lead Advisor request again, however!) 

5.) Youth & Government Governing Board Position. Each year, CalYMCA includes delegate representatives on its Governing Board. This is a way to represent your fellow delegates during important policy discussions that impact the entire program. Apply to serve today! Applications are available in Reggo and are due February 12.

6.) Celebration Banquet Returns! Join us on Wednesday, February 28 for our Second Annual Capitol Coalition Celebration Banquet. It's a fun evening featuring presentations from various program areas, awards, and maybe a guest speaker or two. We will again meet at Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Tickets are $15 each and cover salad, your choice of one of three entrees (#mizithracheesethisyearyall), and dessert. Thank you to the Old Spaghetti Factory for providing complimentary beverages again this year - we appreciate their support!

Tickets sales open tomorrow and can be purchased here https://capcobanquet.brownpapertickets.com

Online tickets have a small service fee attached. If you want to avoid that fee, you can pay me in person at meetings until February 7. Online ticket sales will end February 22. ***If the ticket cost presents a financial hardship, let me know ASAP. We don't want anyone staying home due to financial concerns***

7.) MUN Secretariat Application Extension. Looking for a chance to lead the next generation of delegates? The deadline for Model United Unions (MUN) Secretariat applications has been extended to Friday, February 9th in Reggo. MUN Secretariats are an integral part of the MUN program and MUN delegates’ experience. MLC Delegates in 10th-12th grade are eligible to apply. New Secretariats should apply for the general Secretariat role or ST1 (job description here). Returning Secretariats should apply for Senior Secretariat or ST2 (job description here). Any questions about the leadership opportunity can be directed to secretariat@calymca.org.

8.) I&A Party Chair Application - Deadline Extended. Applications for 71st ML/C Party Chair area available in Reggo. The Deadline has been extended to February 7. You don't need to be in I&A currently to apply.

9.) Annual Campaign Is Underway! Each year, YMCAs around the country hold their Annual Support Campaign. Our very own Sacramento Central YMCA campaign is underway and we need YOU to join! 100% of our Volunteer Advising Team has already made their pledge. We hope you'll join us by giving online today at http://bit.ly/saccentraldonate or via the form available here.

Our goal is 100% delegate participation. Participation starts at just $1. 

If you give $1 or more you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Starbucks gift card. The first family group (our delegation counts as one family group) to hit 100% participation will win a special prize!

10.) Buddy Challenge - Just a few weeks left Here is a link to the list of buddy pairs/groups and our photo scavenger hunt challenge. Start now! Photos must be uploaded before the close of the Govenor's Banquet at Sac Conference! Good luck! Returners - it's your job to check in with your buddy to see how their year is going!

READING TEST! Are you reading this bulletin? Reply to this bulletin email with what are thinking of applying for so I know you've read the bulletin. This is your second chance to earn pizza at Sac Conference. Either your families get you pizza through their google form, or you get it through this. WILL YOU MAKE IT? 

11.) Awards Season! Is there a delegate, program volunteer, or advisor you’d like to nominate for an award in Sacramento? Award nominations can be made here, and are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, February 15th. For a list of all awards and a description of each, click here. Award recipients are determined by an Award Committee, consisting of selected delegates, advisors, volunteers and core staff. Awards will be given during the Closing Joint Session in Sacramento.

12.) Excused Absence Letter. Participation in Y&G constitutes and excused absence under the education code. Here's a sample excused absence letter you can take to your school. Don't return it to me! I don't need it. :)

Family Corner

Check your email! Delegate Parents/Families received a special newsletter this morning. Make sure to read it and help the delegation earn a pizza party at Sac Conference! 

VIP Day. Do you know an educator, community leader, potential donor, or other VIP who you think should see our program in action? VIP Day is the Friday of our Sac Conference and is designed to showcase who we are and what we do in our community. We have a limited supply of complimentary tickets available. If you know someone who can help us reach more delegates, please pass along their contact information by Monday, January 29

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court
February 19, 2018: Buddy Photo Scavenger Hunt Upload Deadline
February 28, 2018: 2nd Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet