Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #18: And then there was one....

Well, here we are. We have one meeting left this year, one conference, and one celebration banquet and then the curtain will fall on the 72nd Model Legislature & Court. I keep checking my calendar but, alas, it is true. So let's run down your to-do list between now and February 5 so we can get ready for Feb 13-17! :

1.) Rotary Crab Feed Volunteers Needed! - 3 shifts on Sat, Feb 8. Info and sign up here. Sign-ups due by tomorrow (1/31) at 12 noon. 

2.) Mandatory Meeting Next Week, Feb 5. Next week is our pre-con meeting. it is mandatory for all delegates + a family member. I let family members off the hook for the first two conferences, but the logistical changes for this year's conference mean all need to attend. 

3.) Sac Delegation Dinner Order. On Friday night at Sac, we will head to Oishii Sushi and karaoke together. Your order is due by Feb 5. Order here

4.) 4th Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Sun, Feb 23. Tickets available here. If you're coming, please get your tickets ASAP - the quick turnaround between conference and banquet makes the logistics tricky. Have mercy on your party-planning advisors! If the ticket cost presents a hardship, let me know ASAP. 

5.) CONA, California Advocacy Days, and Governing Board Apps Due Feb 1 in Reggo. Details in previous bulletin here. These are GREAT opportunities - go for it! Some need letters of recommendation so you need to ask for those now if you're applying. 

6.) Annual Campaign: we have three years of bragging rights and a pizza party on the line (you know, in addition to living our values by supporting our fellow delegates). Can we be the first to 100% participation? We're at 31% right now. Give today! bit.ly/capcocampaign

7.) Dress Code Review. Last night, we reviewed Sac attire. Dress code info can be found here (in Spanish). Slides from last night can be found here. You must be in Sac attire from 8am/when you leave your hotel room in the morning until 10pm at night. 

8.) New Capitol Rules. Last night we reviewed the new Capitol rules. Delegates signed this policy, parents need to sign at the meeting next week. 

9.) Congrats to our newly elected Officers! Thank you to all who ran. We're going to have a great year next year! Congrats to our 73rd MLC Officer Team who will be sworn in at the Celebration Banquet on February 23:

  • President: Trisha Nagin
  • Vice President: Miraya Gomez
  • Secretary: Kathina Lee
  • Chaplain: Carenna Thompson
  • Sgt-at-Arms: Mitchell Youker
  • Media Mgr: Liam Elliott-Beckett


Delegation of Distinction Lanyard: Make sure to find that and set it out with your luggage for Sac Conference!

Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Support Campaign. Each year, the Sacramento Central YMCA provides over $100,000 in financial support to guarantee that our programs, focusing on healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility, are available to everyone in our community. At the YMCA we believe that opportunity should be a right, not a privilege. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your means are, everyone has the right to live a healthy life to their fullest potential

Our goal each year is simple: 100% participation by each of our Capitol Coalition Families. Participation starts at just $1. Here are 4 ways to participate:
  1. Visit bit.ly/capcocampaign
  2. Text SACRAMENTO1 to 71777
  3. Return our 2020 Pledge Form with a cash or check donation.
  4. Set up your own Fundraising page with our CapCo Team and ask others to support Y&G! 
On behalf of Sacramento Families who benefit from your generous support - Thank You! You are making a difference in the lives of many. 

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
February 1  - CONA,Advocacy Day, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo
February 5 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 8 - Rotary Club Crab Feed. To volunteerTo buy tickets
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020, Tickets available here.  

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #4: The Most Values-able Meeting of the Year!

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

At the next meeting: We'll choose our Values and Sustainability Goal for this year. 
What's due:  Sustainability Goals Volunteers should be prepared to share information about their selected Sustainability Goal
What's overdue: Spring Break Survey - help us finalize our meeting schedule by completing this survey today! 

1.) Values Meeting, Tuesday, February 4 - Required Meeting! At the next meeting, we'll discuss one of the most important topics on our yearly agenda: our delegation values. Who do we want to be and how do we want to be know at our conferences and in our community? We'll talk about values and how they contribute to culture and to the solutions we create for the big problems facing the world. It's very important that all Ambassadors attend this meeting. 

2.) Sweatshirt Design Selection: Our values will be featured along with our chosen Sustainability Goal for the year on our Delegation sweatshirt! This week when we wrap up our goals sharing (item #3), we'll have what we need to get our shirts made. At the last meeting, we used caucus style voting to narrow down our color choices from 18 to 4 to the winner. This year's sweatshirt - for Sac Central and our sister delegation Gold Country - will be Light Pink

3.) Sharing Sustainability Development Goals DEADLINE THIS WEEK. At the next meeting, we need to wrap up our learning about the UN's sustainability goals. Here is who will present - note, two Ambassadors absent last week have been volunteered and assigned - so read the list carefully! 
The worksheet to use so you have notes on all the information to share can be found here. Ambassadors should be prepared to share for 1-2 minutes and don't need to have anything memorized. They can read from their worksheets. 

4.) Weekly Universal Declaration of Human Rights Articles: Each week, the bulletin will include 1-3 articles from the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We may use these as discussion or debate topics at meetings from time to time. You can learn more about the Declaration here and make sure to read the Preamble!
  • Article 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
  • Article 7. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
  • Article 8. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
  • Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Resolutions Review: This week, we learned about "Resolutions" - which are the documents that members of the UN create to share their proposals for how to make the world a better place. Resolutions have two parts: Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Phrases. If you want to review Resolutions, check out the presentation here. To review the script for how we share resolutions in MUN, check out this link

Parent Corner

Spring Break Survey: Last year, the conference fell during spring break for many Ambassadors - not so this year! To help us plan our April meeting schedule - which is full of important conference prep - please complete this short spring break survey to help us finalize the meeting schedule. 

- Conference Transportation Plans. Registration closes this Friday and we'll know the total number of Ambassadors in our Coalition. With that information, we'll be able to finalize our transportation plans. It looks likely that we will be organizing carpools for the Northern California training conference in March and that we will either be flying, or sharing a bus with a neighboring delegation for our trip to Los Angeles in April. We'll let you know ASAP! 

-Please Remind Your Ambassador to Complete The Sustainability Goals Worksheet! If your Ambassador's name is listed above, please make sure they complete their sustainability goals worksheet and bring it back next week, prepared to share with the delegation. All of our Ambassadors did a great job this week sharing and speaking in front of the group - so remind them that they can do this! Their Advisors believe in them! We're hoping to complete this project within the next two meetings so that we can use the information we've learned about to design our delegation sweatshirt this year. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 18: No meeting
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

2019-20 El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #18

"I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I'm like, 'My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don't have it. I just want to chill.' We all have self-doubt. You don't deny it, but you also don't capitulate to it. You embrace it.
 R.I.P. Kobe Bryant

Hello El Dorado, thank each and every one of you for having a great T&E 2 conference! I was very impressed with your actions, choices, and participation! We have great momentum going into Sac, let's not slow down now! Keep the great energy going. 

Also, your advisors were deeply saddened to hear of the loss of an Oak Ridge student to suicide last week. We know well the impact this loss can have on a community. If you need support, please reach out to your family, friends, or to us. No one has to bear a loss alone. Each of you is essential to us and to our Eldo family. If you ever find yourself doubting that for so much as a moment, we're happy to remind you. Your advisors love you.

1.) Delegation Officer Elections - Deadline Extended to 1/28 at 3pm: A number of delegates reached out about filing to run for an officer position this week. Given that we did not have a meeting this week, we are extending the deadline to apply from the 23rd to Tuesday, Jan 28th at 3pm. No late applications will be accepted after that.

All delegates planning to return for next year's program are eligible to run for an officer position. Returning Freshman delegates are encouraged to run for Forum Liaison. All delegates should carefully review the leadership expectations and officer duty statements. Delegates self-nominate for the position in which they are interested by completing this candidate form. All candidates must complete the form by January 28 at 3pm.  Candidates will have 2 min to deliver their candidate speech at our January 30 meeting. Delegates may ask candidates questions. All candidates MUST be dressed in Sac Attire for the primary elections. 

Elections will be held the Monday morning of the Sacramento Conference and officers-elect will be sworn-in at our Celebration Banquet on February 23 (after Sac Conference).

2.) Mandatory Pre-Sac Conference Meeting (2/6): Y'all know the drill. Our mandatory pre-sac conference meeting for delegates and parents will be on final (sad) regular meeting of the year on Thursday, Feb 6th. DO NOT MISS IT! If you cannot attend this meeting, please let us know ASAP so we can make sure you get all of the information. A couple of things to note for Sac Con:
  • Captiol Policy Acknowledgment Form: Each delegate is REQUIRED to sign, and have a parent sign, this "Policy for Captiol Use" acknowledgement form. This is MANDATORY for all delegates to print out, sign, and return hardcopy to this week's meeting. CalY is requiring ALL delegates to have this form in order to attend Sacramento Conference.
  • No Partial Attendance: All delegates who want to attend the Sac Conference MUST be there for its entirety. There are no "in and out" privileges, as tempting as it is with us being so close. 
  • Can't Attend Sac? Let us Know NOW: If you are not planning on attending the final conference of the year, you need to let us know NOW. Please send me an email so we can alert the proper CalY staff and make the proper accommodations. 

3.) Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Support Campaign. Each year, the Sacramento Central YMCA provides over $100,000 in financial support to guarantee that our programs, focusing on healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility, are available to everyone in our community. At the YMCA we believe that opportunity should be a right, not a privilege. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your means are, everyone has the right to live a healthy life to their fullest potential

Each year, our YMCA's Annual Support Campaign raises the money we need to keep our promise. Over $12,000 in aid supports our Capitol Coalition Delegates - representing 20-30% of our enrolled delegates each year. If we were to lose even one delegate to financial concerns, our family would be incomplete and we would have failed in our mission.

I invite each family to participate in the Annual Support Campaign by making a gift that is meaningful to you. No amount is too small (or too great!) and 100% every, single dollar goes back into our community - directly supporting equal opportunities. 

Our goal each year is simple: 100% participation by each of our Capitol Coalition Families. Participation starts at just $1. Here are 4 ways to participate:
  1. Visit bit.ly/capcocampaign
  2. Text SACRAMENTO1 to 71777
  3. Return our 2020 Pledge Form with a cash or check donation.
  4. Set up your own Fundraising page with our CapCo Team and ask others to support Y&G! 
On behalf of Sacramento Families who benefit from your generous support - Thank You! You are making a difference in the lives of many. 

4.) Final Meeting Schedule:  Below is a list of the remaining meetings for the year. Mark your calendars!:
  • Jan 30 - El Dorado Delegation Officer Primary
  • Feb 6 - MANDATORY Sacramento Pre-Conference Meeting
  • Feb 13-17 - Sacramento Model Legislature and Court Conference
  • Feb 23 - End of the Year Celebration Banquet

5.) Additional Y&G Applied Programs and OpportunitiesAll apps are available in your Reggo account. Please contact me if you have additional questions about any of these opportunities.
  • Conference on National Affairs (CONA): CONA is a ten-day national Y&G program that brings together delegations from all over the US for an NIC-style debate program. Twenty-five delegates from California are selected for this prestigious program. More information can be found here. Financial aid is available through CalYMCA if you are selected. Apply in Reggo. They are looking for more NorCal applicants this year, APPLY! Due: February 1. NOTE: A lead advisor recommendation is required and must be requested no later than February 1. 
  • CalYMCA Governing Board, Youth Member: Applications are now open for youth member spots on the CalYMCA Governing Board. In this role you represent your fellow delegates with a vote on the Board of Directors that makes important policy decisions about our programs. This is a very important position with a lot of responsibility and the power to have a lasting impact on Y&G. Requires quarterly meeting attendance. Travel provided by CalYMCA. Apply in Reggo. Due: February 1
You must notify me if you apply for any of these programs so that I can approve your application. Failure to let me know means your application won't be considered by CalYMCA. 

Parent Corner:
  • Final payments for the year were due by December 13. If you have any question about the remaining balance due, please contact Christiana or Dylan. 
  • Conference Attendance: We have one remaining conference this year. Please review our conference attendance policy:
    • For Sac Conference, (Feb 13-17): Partial attendance is not permitted. Though we happen to be the home team, pretend the conference is located in SoCal, Texas, or the dark side of the moon. No ins-and-outs. Regular season sports, other local extracurriculars, exams, etc, are not valid reasons to miss conference. 
  • A reminder about delegate access: We have several ticketed and cash-related events coming up including the CapCo Banquet in February. Cost should never prohibit a delegate from signing up for an event, etc. If you have financial concerns that may impede your attendance at anything, talk to me ASAP. I mean it. 

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation
Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Question about the Sacramento Central YMCA?
Question about CalYMCA?
Question about our delegation?
Want to know which family you are in?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
February 6 - Mandatory Sacramento Pre-Conference Meeting
February 13-17 -72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
February 23 - Celebration Banquet (Sacramento Central YMCA) 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #3: Goals and Resolutions

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

At the next meeting: We'll continue to to build or UN Trail Mix, Hear from our Sustainability Goals Volunteers, and more. 
What's due:  Sustainability Goals Volunteers should be prepared to share information about their selected Sustainability Goal; Reggo Conference Registration; Spring Break Survey
What's overdue: Reggo Conference Registration

1.) Sharing Sustainability Development Goals. Next week, our volunteers will present their selected Sustainable Development Goals to help the delegation learn about all of them. Here is who will present:

If you lost your paper copy from last week, the worksheet (and links to info on the goals) to use so you have notes on all the information to share can be found here. Ambassadors should be prepared to share for 1-2 minutes and don't need to have anything memorized. They can read from their worksheets. We need folks to share their topics because we need to learn about them all so we can select one that we want to study more in-depth this year and use for our sweatshirt design!

2.) Weekly Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article: Each week, the bulletin will include 1-3 articles from the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We may use these as discussion or debate topics at meetings from time to time. You can learn more about the Declaration here and make sure to read the Preamble!

  • Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
  • Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
  • Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

3.) Resolutions Review: This week, we learned about "Resolutions" - which are the documents that members of the UN create to share their proposals for how to make the world a better place. Resolutions have two parts: Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Phrases. We started sharing the Resolutions drafted about our Trail Mix ingredients. If you want to review Resolutions, check out the presentation here. To review the script for how we share resolutions in MUN, check out this link

4.) Meet the Secretariat! This week, MLC Delgeate Miraya joined us for our meeting. She was selected to be a Secretariat this past weekend at the Model Legislature & Court Training and Elections II Conference. Also serving as Secretariat this year will be high school delegates Jimmy and Jenni. From our sister delegation, Gold Country, Secretariat Mia and Anni were also selected. You'll be meeting them at our conference in March. Congrats to our Capitol Coalition Secretariat! 

Parent Corner

-Please Remind Your Ambassador to Complete The Sustainability Goals Worksheet! If your Ambassador's name is listed above, please make sure they complete their sustainability goals worksheet and bring it back next week, prepared to share with the delegation. All of our Ambassadors did a great job this week sharing and speaking in front of the group - so remind them that they can do this! Their Advisors believe in them! We're hoping to complete this project within the next two meetings so that we can use the information we've learned about to design our delegation sweatshirt this year. 

Spring Break Survey: Last year, the conference fell during spring break for many Ambassadors - not so this year! To help us plan our April meeting schedule - which is full of important conference prep - please complete this short spring break survey to help us finalize the meeting schedule. 

Reggo Conference Registration: Yes, this is one more request for you to fill out similar info to what was included on paper forms and on our internal registration form - but it's required for all! Please visit Reggo to register and set up a Reggo account (free). Ambassadors will need to access Reggo later in the program to apply for leadership or other special programs, so keep the log-in and password handy! Here's an illustrated how-to if you need it!

Snack Sign-Up: Thank you to all who have signed up for a snack week! If you'd like to bring snack for an unclaimed meeting, please use this sign-up form. Please do not bring products with nuts or peanuts. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
January 21: Reggo Conference Registration Due
February 18: No meeting
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help.