Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Delegation Bulletin #7 Reminders, Applications, and Registration, Oh My!‏

1.) Elected and appointed leadership applications are online and due by December 9.  Let me know if you apply for a position - I need to know so I can approve your application.

Appointed: https://docs.google.com/a/phoblographer.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFNkamduRXhIc0dyNFM3X09DbjRVM0E6MA#gid=0
Elected: https://docs.google.com/a/phoblographer.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHh5Z2VLT2k5VmU4MzBQdm9iTFpNVlE6MA#gid=0

Questions about the available roles? FIRST check past bulletins and the Delegation Website - then ask an advisor.  Delegation website is here.

2.) Payments were due at yesterday's meeting. Only one delegate brought a payment. The rest of you have a second chance to turn in your payments on Wednesday. Please bring them to Bill Hearing Night.

3.) Don't forget to time your bill presentations and polish your talking points for tomorrow!

3.) Here's a recap of the reminders we reviewed yesterday:

Bill Hearing Night Reminders:
Date and Location
Bill Hearing Night is Wednesday, November 30 and will be held in the Board Room (accessed via the lower parking lot)
Delegates must arrive by 6pm.  Parents and guests should be invited to arrive at 6:30pm. Plan for the hearing to run until 8pm
Attendance is MANDATORY
You MUST attend in Sac attire. This means professional attire.  Young men should wear a suit or dress pants and a collared shirt, tie, and a blazer or a sweater (you must having something covering your shirt, but not merely an overcoat).  Don’t forget to wear dress shoes (no casual shoes allowed).  Young women should wear a suit or dress, or a skirt (must be knee-length) or dress pants, with a dress shirt or sweater (and also appropriate dress shoes). Young women must wear hosiery with skirts and dress socks with pants (i.e. no bare legs or feet). When in doubt “church attire” may be a useful term of guidance for you.   If you are unclear on Sac attire, contact your delegation or an advisor before the meeting. 
Bill sponsors should be prepared to present their bills; group members should have planned who will act in a supporting and an opposing role.  Successful bill groups will be prepared with questions (supporting and challenging the bill) and answers which evidence your hard work and research over the course of the last few months.
Parents and guests will vote on which bill the delegation will carry to Sac conference. Our delegation is required to bring one bill. In certain circumstances, we may be permitted to bring an additional bill.
After Bill Hearing Night
The bill(s) chosen will need to be in their final form and uploaded to the Y&G website by this Friday, December 2.  Bill supplemental material will be due one week later, on December 9.  Bill sponsors must be prepared to dedicate additional time outside of the meetings to meet these deadlines. Sponsors unable to do so should withdraw their bills from consideration before Wednesday.

Dec 5 – regular meeting
Dec 9 – Elected & Appointed Leadership Applications due
Dec 12 – regular meeting
Dec 19 – regular meeting
Dec 26, Jan 2 – no meeting – Happy Holidays!
Jan 9 – MANDATORY meeting; Final $240 (or your specified amount) payment deadline.
Jan 14-16 – Bob II. Note: this conference runs Saturday through Monday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Y&G Bulletin #6: Important changes to the calendar

1.) We made some important changes the the Delegation Calendar last night. You can also pull it up on line here.

There will be NO MEETING on Monday, November 21. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 28 will be our practice bill hearing night. If you are a bill sponsor and holiday travels will keep you away through 11/28, make sure someone in your groups is prepared to present your bill.

WEDNESDAY, November 30 will be our Bill Hearing Night.  Delegates need to arrive at 6pm for last-minute preparations, guests will be invited to arrive at 6:30. Our meeting will run until 8pm.

Bill Hearing Night is MANDATORY for all delegates. During Bill Hearing Night, bill groups will present their bills in a modified committee hearing format.  At the end of all bill presentations, our guests (parents and whomever you would like to invite) will vote on which bill will proceed to the Sacramento conference and be presented on behalf of the delegation.  Again, note that this event will take place on a WEDNESDAY night, not our normal meeting day.

We will email an invitation you can pass out to your friends, family, teachers, principal, sponsors, etc, in the next day or two.

2.) The first round of Mixed Bag orders are available for pick up at the Y. If you can't recall whether your order was in the first or second round, please contact Morgan at 916-452-9622.

3.)  Role Selection: last night you filled out your Bob I survey and your program area preferences. If you change your mind about your rankings, please let me know by our next meeting.  The best way to ensure you get what you want is to apply for a leadership role!  Those applications will be available soon and I'll email you to let you know when they are online.  Elected and appointed leadership applications are due by December 2. For more information on program areas and available positions, check out the delegate handbook here : http://calymca.org/mlc-delegates/

We'll see you again on November 28. Please keep checking email for updates and any additional changes.