We will meet tomorrow, but we'll take this show on the road and visit our sister delegation for their Bill Hearing Night. Here are the details:
1. Address & Time: 6p - 9p
Blue Shield Building (4203 Town Center Boulevard, across from Town Center)
Take 2nd driveway to Blue Shield; no parking restrictions after 5 pm
Enter through main lobby and notify security you are with Y&G
2. We will meet at the YMCA (in the foyer of the main building) for a prompt 5pm departure.
3. Delegates will text/call their parents for arrival times back at the Y when we depart El Dorado Hills. Expect to pick up delegates between 8:30 and 9:30.
4. A HUGE thank you to Tracey Anderson (Iris' mom) and Gary Klein (Sarina's father) for providing transportation for our delegation!
5. Please confirm your attendance through e-mail so we can have a final count for carpooling purposes
5. Bring snacks in case you don't have time to eat between school and heading off for EDH!
6. Wear Sac Attire!
Are you interested in serving as a judge for their Bill Hearing Night? Email me ASAP if you are!
Mixed Bags: Our first order is in and will be available for pick up at tomorrow's meeting. If you have any other outstanding orders, please return them tomorrow!
Role Selection: Check out this PowerPoint presentation with helpful summaries of the various program areas.
The distribution formula gives us the following slots for our delegation of 8:
1 Senate
2 Assembly
1 Print Media
1 Lobbyist
1 Page
We currently have no slots in the Court programs, Legislative Analyst, Political Parties, Constitutional Convention, or Dept of Finance program areas HOWEVER I will request space in those program areas if there is interest. I don't like having anyone in the Page program, either.
Please send me your current top 3 program area wishes in the order you most want them as well as whether you are applying for an elected or appointed leadership position. Since I know we have several people interested in Print Media, I *highly* recommend you apply for a leadership position in that program area if it's your top choice. We'll do our best to get everyone his or her top choice program area, but we can't make any guarantees. (They are all fun, we promise)
Elected and Appointed Leadership - All Due December 7:
Here is the link to the Elected leadership application: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dE85c3FpcDRXeUNTczhheGhBc3psNHc6MA#gid=0
Here is the link to the Appointed leadership application: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDB4QjM1YVZleVFrVDNQdXlHSW9EOFE6MA#gid=0
Use the drop-down menu to confirm your
position is up right now. If you have questions about qualifications or
duties, ask an advisor after checking out past bulletins and links at
our delegation website.
Here is the Governor's Cabinet application: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGZfb083S0QxRlJ5aUxYd090V0tmMVE6MQ#gid=0
See you tomorrow for El Do's Bill Hearing Night!