Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #2: Parents' Night & Info Session‏

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

With two great meetings down, and plenty more to go, this week will see our annual Parents' Night & Info Session, Wednesday, September 4, at 6pm at the YMCA (2021 W Street). New delegates have had a taste of the program so far and learned about parliamentary procedure.  This week, we'll answer all of your - and your parents - questions about the program, our policy, this year's calendar, and our fundraising program this year.

We still have room for new delegates, so grab those friends you've been meaning to bring along, and come on down. Parental attendance this week is not required, but it is highly encouraged!

1) Think about those sweatshirt ideas!
2) The deadline to register for our Fall Leadership Retreat at Bear Valley Y Camp is approaching. The cost to attend is $60 and covers transportation, lodging, meals, and a t-shirt. This is a great chance to get to know your fellow delegates better, learn more about the program, and meeting delegates from our sister delegation in El Dorado Hills while enjoying a great weekend at camp. There will be s'mores! Your payment secures your spot and is due by Sept 11.
3) Paperwork: if you haven't submitted your registration paperwork and initial $100 payment, please do so this week. Missing forms? See the link at the bottom of this email.
4) Financial Aid: make sure you bring your completed financial aid form WITH the required supporting documentation to this week's meeting, if applicable. Applications cannot be considered with the supporting documentation. If you have questions about the form, please contact me ASAP.

Upcoming Events
Sept 4: Parents' Night
Sept 11: Fall Retreat Payment Deadline
Sept 18-Oct 2: Mixed Bags fundraising sale
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night

Like our FB *page* and join our FB *group*

Missed past bulletins? Click here. Need a form? Click here

Friday, August 23, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #1: Welcome New And Returning Delegates!

We had a great turn-out for our first meeting of the year on Wednesday. It was wonderful to see returning faces and quite a few new ones as well. We hope those of you that took a leap of faith on attending the first meeting liked what you heard enough to come back next Wednesday, August 28, for our second meeting of the new year.

If you missed the first meeting, you can find all the necessary handouts - including this year's registration packet - here.

I'd also like to invite you to our Fall Leadership Retreat - a great way to meet people from our delegation and our sister delegation in El Dorado Hills during a fun weekend camping in the Sierra. I've attached a flyer - feel free to share with your friends!

Next week, we'll discuss:
- Parliamentary Procedure while debating some rather unconventional topics
- Sweatshirt designs for the new year - bring your creativity!
- This year's calendar
- Baby Bob
- An exciting Holiday fundraiser

Don't forget:
- Return your registration paperwork next week, along with your initial $100 payment.
- Return your financial aid application, with supporting paperwork. (if applicable)
- Bring your friends - it's not at all too late to join!
- Our Parents' Night will be Wednesday, Sept 4 - invite your parents, please!
- Like our FB *page* and join our FB *group*

Missed past bulletins? Click here. Need a form? Click here

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Year, New Forms!

Welcome back! We're at the start of the 66th ML/C - seems like just yesterday we were arriving at the Convention Center for the start of the 65th . . .

Here are this year's forms, handily consolidated in two packets - one for registration, one for financial aid.

Soon, individual forms will be available, in case you lose one, but for now, this will get you started:

Click here for the 2013-14 Program Year Forms.