Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #14: Gobble Up This Great Info!

Happy Thanksgiving! In the rush of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, I hope you'll all consider supporting the less prominently branded, but more important Giving Tuesday by supporting your favorite charity or cause. That could be our delegation or the Y, or your local food bank, shelter, animal rescue, etc . . . . 'Tis the season!

Also - there's a reading test in here. Just sayin'.

1.) No Meeting This Week - there will be no meeting tomorrow (11/25).

2.) Application Madness!  - If you are interested in applying for an elected or appointed leadership position, the Conference on National Affairs, the National Judicial Competition, the MUN Secretariat Program, or the Y&G Governing Board, applications must be submitted by December 4 so I can approve them before 11:59pm on December 5. Except I won't be awake that late because I am very old. So you should text/email me that you have an application that needs approval by Noon on Friday, December 5. And if your application requires an advisor letter of recommendation, I need to know by Monday, December 1. Applications are in Reggo under our registration. Email me if you can't find them.
Here's a link to program areas and leadership opportunities.

3.) Program Area Assignments: Here are your program area assignments:
Appellate Court: Ariel, Calvin
Constitutional Convention: Hannah, Rose, William
Dept of Finance: Emiliano
IAC: Shyanne
Judicial Review: Bailey
Lobbyist: Francis, Dexter
Media Program: Gus, Bella
NIC: Victoria, Efrain, Tony

4.) Secret Santa Time! Hope y'all didn't lose your scraps of paper because I can't help you if you did.
Please complete this form. Once everyone has done so, I'll send everyone the responses and you can grab the info for your person.
There is a $10 max (not a minimum or a target) for gifts. Handmade, funny, etc, all welcome. We'll be exchanging at our December 17 Meeting/Holiday Party. Please complete this form by tomorrow night. (ahem - READING TEST!)

5.) Payment: A $250 payment is due at our December 3 meeting. If you applied for a Y&G individual scholarship, we expect to hear from the office about awards on December 2. So you'll get two updates for me - one today or tomorrow with your current balance and one updated next Tuesday, if necessary.

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Coming up:
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #13: Bye Bob and a bye week

That was an amazing weekend! I hope you all had a great time at our first Training & Elections Conference. I am proud of each and every one of you. You all seemed to dive in enthusiastically (even when super tired) and I loved watching you all learn about the program and each other and support your fellow delegates. Thanks for your hard work! Only a few things to share this week:

1.) No Meeting This Week - there will be no meeting tomorrow (11/12). Next week's meeting (11/19) will feature an explanation of CONA, NJC, the Governing Board, and the MUN Secretariat program. Don't know what any of those things are? All the more reason to make sure you're there next week. We'll also talk cheer-prep for the next conference AND program area selection. Which brings us to . . .

2.) Bob I Survey and Program Area Preferences: Please complete this google form ASAP. When you submit it, you can save a link to go back and alter your program area preferences in case you change your mind. You'll have until Monday, November 17 to make changes on the form - after that, you'll have to email me.

3.) Program Area Availability: Here are the program areas we have to choose from based on the size of our delegation. If the area you want isn't listed, don't panic! As mentioned over the weekend, advisors engage in a competitive market of program are slot swaps. We live for it. So just make sure you complete that form above so I know what to try to get for you:
Appellate Court: 1
Assembly: 2
Bench Trial: 1
Board of Education: 1
Constitutional Convention: 1
Dept of Finance: 1
IAC: 0
Judicial Review: 0
Legislative Analyst: 1
Lobbyist: 1
Media Program: 1
NIC: 2
Political Parties: 0
Polling: 0
Senate: 2

4.) Button sales: Good work, all! We sold $614.75 worth of buttons which, after paying the cost of making the buttons, gives us a net profit of $344.75. This money helps ensure that our delegation completes the program year together. Every button we sell from now on (our FresYes! buttons) is pure profit. Thanks!

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Coming up:
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #12- Let's get our Con On! (That's Conference)

Wow. Bill Hearing Night was AMAZING. I am so, so proud of all of your hard work and appreciative of the many families and community members who came out to support you last night. I really can't think of a better Bill Hearing Night out of the many I've seen. You should all be proud of yourselves. A big thank you to the Bill Sponsors for stepping up to the challenge. Good job with your Sac Attire, too. I don't think I saw anyone out of dress code. This bodes well for Sac Conference in February!

Four things this week:

1.) Training & Elections Conference (Bob) I: Departure information and packing list for our first conference are attached. Note: We are NOT leaving from the Y this year. Please read the attached or you'll be left behind. Robbie will be the advisor you check in with when you arrive at White Rock Elementary. Rob and Christiana will meet you at Camp Roberts.

Don't forget to pack for two weather extremes - warm sunshine in the day, and COLD at night. You'll likely need something heavier than your delegation sweatshirt, so pack accordingly. Remember your sleeping bag and pillow! And many delegates find it comfortable to bring a twin-size fitted sheet for the bed mattresses which tend to be a little dusty (as are most things at Camp Roberts.

Attached is a draft of the schedule. Feel free to check it out. You do not need to print it as a copy will be given to you at the conference. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you bring a highlighter to mark where you need to be and when - the schedule isn't the easiest thing to follow. Also, there may be some changes between this version and the final version on Saturday.

2.) Button Sales: We'll be selling buttons this weekend to raise money for the delegation. They commemorate our last visit to Camp Roberts and celebrate our move to Fresno in January. We'll have to come up with some kind of award for whomever can sell the most! Free lunch at In-n-Out on the way back from the conference, maybe? I heard we had some excellent sales people at the Auction - let's see who can beat them with buttons. . . .

3.) Holiday Festival CHANGES: Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to cancel our usual plans for the Holiday Festival on December 6. Instead, some of our vendors will attend Swim With Santa night on Friday, December 12 from 5-8pm at the YMCA. All delegates are expected to volunteer at this event (which is super cute and a lot of fun). Delegates will help with arts & crafts for kids and serving holiday treats. And with promoting the event!

4.) Meeting Schedule: There will be *no* meeting on Wednesday, November 12 after we return from Camp Roberts. There is also no meeting on Wednesday, November 26 due to Thanksgiving. That leaves November 19 as our only regular meeting this month. Please do your best to attend this meeting. We'll be discussing a lot of important things including role selection for the remainder of the conference. You won't want to miss it. (We will meet again on 12/3, 12/10, 12/12 at Swim With Santa, and 12/17.)

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory)
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

Monday, November 3, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #11- Biggest Week Ever!‏

It's a jam-packed week - here's what you need to know. And please, do a busy advisor a favor and read this.

1.) Payments: This Wednesday is a payment due date. Please remember to bring your payment and submit to Christiana when you arrive at Bill Hearing Night.

2.) Bill Hearing Night: It's this Wednesday at Historic Sacramento City Hall - the fancy old building on I Street across from Cesar Chavez Plaza (915 I Street). Delegates must arrive by 6pm - DO NOT BE LATE. Guests should arrive at 6:30. Here is what I believe are the time limits for the event. Practice your speeches for time!
- Sponsor speech - 3
- Questions of intent/interp (open to all/audience) - 3
- Legislative analyst - OMIT
- Lobbyist for - 2
- Lobbyist against - 2
-Roll call - OMIT
- General discussion - 4 (ish. per chair decision, but have to cut off some time; open to all/audience)
- Lobbyist for summation - 1
- Lobbyist against summation - 1
- Sponsor summation - 2
(hold vote until end, via secret ballot)
Total per bill: 18min.
x 4 bills: 72 min (1 hr, 12 min)

REMINDER: You should dress in "Sac Attire" according to the attached dress code on Wednesday. For gentlemen, that means dress pants, a collared shirt with a tie, and something over that shirt (sweater, sports coat, suit jacket), and dress shoes. For ladies, that means either dress pants or an appropriate (knee) length skirt (or dress) and a blouse or sweater, etc. No bare legs. And dress shoes are required.

3.) Bill Authors: Received a separate email from Christiana - look for it!

4.) Camp Roberts Required Form: The following people need to bring back this waiver form with both delegate and parent signatures on Wednesday: Tony, Shyanne, Ariel, Bailey, Rose, Calvin, Hannah, and Bella.

5.) Training & Elections Conference (Bob) I: Departure information and packing list for our first conference are attached. Note: We are NOT leaving from the Y this year. Please click on the forms and downloads tab for the info.

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Coming up:
November 5, Bill Hearing Night
November 8-10 Training & Elections Conference I (Mandatory)
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign