Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #14: Gobble Up This Great Info!

Happy Thanksgiving! In the rush of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, I hope you'll all consider supporting the less prominently branded, but more important Giving Tuesday by supporting your favorite charity or cause. That could be our delegation or the Y, or your local food bank, shelter, animal rescue, etc . . . . 'Tis the season!

Also - there's a reading test in here. Just sayin'.

1.) No Meeting This Week - there will be no meeting tomorrow (11/25).

2.) Application Madness!  - If you are interested in applying for an elected or appointed leadership position, the Conference on National Affairs, the National Judicial Competition, the MUN Secretariat Program, or the Y&G Governing Board, applications must be submitted by December 4 so I can approve them before 11:59pm on December 5. Except I won't be awake that late because I am very old. So you should text/email me that you have an application that needs approval by Noon on Friday, December 5. And if your application requires an advisor letter of recommendation, I need to know by Monday, December 1. Applications are in Reggo under our registration. Email me if you can't find them.
Here's a link to program areas and leadership opportunities.

3.) Program Area Assignments: Here are your program area assignments:
Appellate Court: Ariel, Calvin
Constitutional Convention: Hannah, Rose, William
Dept of Finance: Emiliano
IAC: Shyanne
Judicial Review: Bailey
Lobbyist: Francis, Dexter
Media Program: Gus, Bella
NIC: Victoria, Efrain, Tony

4.) Secret Santa Time! Hope y'all didn't lose your scraps of paper because I can't help you if you did.
Please complete this form. Once everyone has done so, I'll send everyone the responses and you can grab the info for your person.
There is a $10 max (not a minimum or a target) for gifts. Handmade, funny, etc, all welcome. We'll be exchanging at our December 17 Meeting/Holiday Party. Please complete this form by tomorrow night. (ahem - READING TEST!)

5.) Payment: A $250 payment is due at our December 3 meeting. If you applied for a Y&G individual scholarship, we expect to hear from the office about awards on December 2. So you'll get two updates for me - one today or tomorrow with your current balance and one updated next Tuesday, if necessary.

Like our page! Need a form?

Coming up:
December 12, 2014 Swim With Santa And Holiday Festival
January 17-19 Training & Elections Conference II (Mandatory)
February 12-16 67th Model Legislature & Court (Mandatory)
Also in February: YMCA Annual Sustaining Campaign

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