Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #5: The Really, Really Long One

(Note - see your email inbox for all referenced attachments)
Get comfortable - this is a long one!

{NEW DELEGATES: You'll find the registration process and documents here: http://bit.ly/completereg Please complete and return next week or as soon as you can! Registration must be on file to participate this weekend.}

1.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka Baby Bob, aka overnight retreat) is this Saturday! If you have not submitted your $20 fee for this weekend, then I don't know that you're coming. So reply to this email and let me know you'll be there, $20 in had. Attached is the packing list for this weekend. Of special note: we're sleeping in the gym, so bring a floor pad of some kind if you'll need it! And bring your refillable water bottle, too. Remember, this event is at the YMCA (2021 W Street), not at our Tahoe Park meeting location. We convene at 1:30pm.

2.) Payment Status: At this point, if you have not applied for financial assistance, you should have paid $350 towards your program fees.  Please make sure to bring any late payments to the Y this Saturday or to our next meeting. Your next payment deadline is Oct 7 for another $250.

3.) Y-Assist Determinations: We apologize for the delay in Y-Assist financial aid determination notification. Due to a sizable increase in interest in the coalition, processing is taking longer than normal. But you are NOT forgotten and we'll be getting back to you as soon as we can.

4.) Mixed Bags Sales: Hopefully you are selling some Mixed Bags products! If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll bring you a sales catalog. This is our first fundraiser of the year! Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all sales and checks are payable to "Sacramento YMCA"
5.) Camp Capital City: Parents should've received an email with information about our annual YMCA fundraising event, Camp Capital City, on Saturday, October 3. This fun, casual, camp-themed night features all you can eat BBQ, a gourmet s'mores bar, beverages, camp games, live music and more. More information, tickets, and sponsorships available here: http://ymcasuperiorcal.org/main/camp-capital-city/ For a limited time, $25 off each ticket while supplies last!
6.) October 3 Volunteer Opportunity: And for our delegates: we need your volunteer help at Camp Capital City on Saturday, October 3. I need at least 10 delegates from 5pm - 10:30pm to help with set-up, camp games, food service, and clean up. Attire is jeans and a polo. Please indicate your availability here: http://bit.ly/CampCapCityVols

NOTE: ALL DELEGATES SHOULD COMPLETE THIS FORM! This is your reading test this week  ;)

7. ) November 2 meeting added: Please make a note in your calendar that we are adding a special Monday meeting on November 2 to prepare for our Bill Hearing Night on November 4th! Mark it down!
8.) Bring your calendar or planner each week: we have important dates for you to take note of nearly every week.

9.) Bill group work begins next week: Attached are the bill worksheet and bill research guide for our new delegates. Next week, we'll divide into bill groups and really dive in. Make sure you give your idea the best shot at life by spending a bit of time researching your topic. Questions on research avenues or where it would live in code? Email your advisors!

10.) GroupMe: Your delegation leadership uses the GroupMe app to communicate important reminders and updates, especially during conferences. We'll be adding you to this app. Look for a text message from us, soon. You can download the free GroupMe app for Apple or Android or you can use it through your text messaging system. For more info, visit: https://groupme.com/

11.) Checking your email: It's really important that you check your email at least once per week (by Monday each week) and read delegation-related communication. We know there's a lot of information right now, but that's the nature of the new year! Attached is our delegation communication policy - please review it. You'll find frequent "reading tests" in bulletins. Sometimes, there are prizes to be won for individuals or the group! Delegates are not required to join social media, but if they are already on Facebook, they are encouraged to like our page and join our closed group.

12.) Register for the first conference! What, another registration form? You betcha!!!! This gets you officially signed up for the first conference in Fresno, November 13-15. The deadline is approaching, so don't miss out.
- Head to: https://app.reggo.org/calymca
- You'll select the first option for "68th ML/C Training & Elections Conference I"
- Then you'll select "Delegate registration" and put "1" in the number box.
- Create your Reggo profile.
- From the drop-down Delegation menu, select "Sacramento Central"
- Your role is "delegate"
And follow the prompts from there. That's it!

Next meeting is Wednesday, Sept 30. Officers: 6pm, Delegates: 6:30pm. Please arrive on time! (What's that saying? Early is on-time, on-time is late, late is not an option!)

Like our page!

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