Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #4: Picnics, Bills, and Registration

Coalition Unity Through Combined Bulletins! 

Capitol Coalition Field Day RSVP:
Join us on October 2 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sunday, October 2, from 10am to 4pm. Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!)

(Updated) CapCo Field Day - New Date and Time!
We're going to move our coalition event to Saturday, October 29 from 12noon - 4pm. Still in El Dorado. Still costs $10. The link to RSVP is the same. It will be a joint coalition Halloween party! Costume contest, games, maybe even a haunted bounce house. If you paid your $10 already, it will be applied to the new date. Contact your lead advisor if you paid and you cannot attend the new date.

To attend, you must RSVP and there is a $10 fee to cover lunch and event supplies: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016

Training & Elections Conference I
Registration is now open for our first conference of the year: November 11-13 in Fresno, CA. Yes - yet another registration form! You're excited, right? Click here to register. You must do so by September 30 (Select "Delegate Registration).

If you're new to Reggo - here are some instructions. Congrats to Sophia B and Delaney R for winning Starbucks cards by completing their registrations prior to meetings this week!

Payment Deadline:
Too many people are late with payments. If you have not yet made the $300 payment due on September 14/15, please make a payment online today. If you aren't up-to-date on payments, you risk not being able to attend our first conference.  The next $300 payment is due by October 12 (Sac Central)/13 (El Dorado).

Y-Assist Financial Assistance, Individual Scholarships, And More Fundraising Opportunities
You should have received notification of your Y-Assist award from Dylan O'Tarrow this week. We expect that you will receive a notification from Cal YMCA Youth & Government the week after next about the Individual Scholarship they offer. They also offer a second round of scholarships in December (more on that when we get closer to it). Additionally, we have several more fundraisers coming, including this Saturday's Camp Capital City (see above). We are committed to ensuring that financial hardship never prevents a delegate from completing this program. If you have additional concerns, please contact your lead advisor ASAP.

Bill Development:
Both delegations had some great discussions about bill ideas for the coming year. Good work! Remember to google a bit this week about your ideas. #yayresearch

Want a recap of initial bill research tips? Check out this video.  For more tips - check out this doc. If you have a bill idea, start thinking about these questions and use them to guide your research.  This week, in El Dorado, we went over types of legislation - if you missed out, here's a video to catch you up. Next week, both delegations will be working on bill ideas some more. The week after, we'll be talking about finding your bill a home in current state law. As well as the parts of a bill that you'll be writing. All of this leads up to Bill Hearing Night! (Nov 2 for Sac Central, Nov 3 for El Dorado).

El Dorado Delegates: Starting next week, we will be awarding attendance points. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing. So far, points have been awarded for on-time payments, on-time submission of paperwork, completion of your conference registration, and participation in volunteer activities. Don't leave points on the table!

El Dorado: Looking a few good Frosh:
We are able to offer 10 additional spots in the El Dorado Delegation FOR FRESHMAN ONLY. They will be enrolled on a first come/first served basis. If you know 9th graders who are interested or who would make good delegates, encourage them to register here: http://bit.ly/ElDoSecondRoundReg
The form will close once we have our 10.

Mark your calendars with these key events!
September 24, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: Camp Capital City Fundraising event at the YMCA
September 30, 2016 T&EI Registration Due
October 2, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day (El Dorado Hills)

November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night (DATE CHANGE!)
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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