Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Y&G Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #9: Field Day Cancelled; But Full Steam Ahead Elsewhere

(Note: the bulletins are not combined this week. Make sure you are reading your delegation's bulletin. This bulletin is for Sac Central Delegates and Families)
EVENT CANCELLATION NOTICE: CapCo Field Day at ORHS tomorrow has been cancelled. We were alerted at about 3:30pm today that due to illness among staff at the school, no one is available to open the campus for us and be present as required by their school policy. We regret to inform you of this so late in the day.

The officer team is considering options for future events.  In the meantime, Gurnoor has suggested a great idea that anyone who now is looking for something fun to do tomorrow meet up at Sky High Sports (11327 Folsom Blvd, Rancho Cordova). This event is not sponsored by the YMCA and is an informal meet up starting at 12 noon for anyone interested.

For those who paid their $10 fee for Field Day, one of two things will happen with that money:

1.) If the officer team plans a subsequent coalition event, the fee will cover food and supplies for that event same as with Field Day or,

2.) If no subsequent event is planned, the $10 will be credited towards your program fee balance.
We are very sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this has caused.
BILL HEARING NIGHT: We will convene our annual Bill Hearing Night next Wednesday, November 2 at Historic Sacramento City Hall (915 I Street, Sacramento). Delegates must wear professional attire. (See the attached "Sac Attire" dress code).
Delegates must arrive at 6pm. Our event will begin promptly at 6:30 and will run until 8:30pm. Parents and family members are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend!

We have the privilege of having John Laird, Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency attending to give a welcome address. He is a former Y&G delegate with an accomplished record of public service. After his remarks, bill groups will present their bills. A vote at the end by all in attendance - delegates, family, and guests - determines which bill is sent to the full Model Legislature.
BILL LANGUAGE: By this Sunday, October 30, at 8pm, all bill groups must have finalized their bill language. Your bill language can be found here. BILL HEARING NIGHT SPEECHES:  Need tips on writing a persuasive speech? Click here. Practice your speech with a timer so you don't get cut off by the clerk! If you have questions about the procedure or time limits, contact Gus ASAP!

Bill Authors:
To present your bill at bill hearing night you must either a) be willing to carry the legislation yourself at Sac Conference as the bill sponsor or b) have identified another delegate who is committed to serve in the Legislative Houses program to sponsor the bill on your behalf. Bills with no identified and committed sponsors for the conference will not be eligible for inclusion next week.

Social Responsibility Project- Bring Donations November 9As was mentioned at this week's meeting, Y&G will be partnering with Operation: Care and Comfort to provide care packages for homeless veterans in Fresno and troops overseas. Sacramento Central has been assigned this category: ENTERTAINMENT: Suggested items to bring are pens, pencils, blank writing cards, playing cards, comic books, and AAA and AA batteries. (We have lots of batteries - bring playing cards or other activities!) Please bring your donations to the the November 9 meeting. Do NOT bring them to Bill Hearing Night!
Conference Information
Our pre-conference letter is attached to this email. Please review it. Note an addition since the meeting last week: Parents – if at any point during conferences you are out of town yourselves or know you will be unreachable by phone (cruise, flights, mountain climbing, etc), please make sure that you provide me with contact information for whomever will be available and in town to contact in the unlikely event of an emergency.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will meet on Wednesday, November 9.
We will not meet on Wednesday, November 16 or Wednesday, November 23.
We will return to regular meetings on November 30.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day CANCELLED
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting (El Do 5 pts)November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November) (El Do 8 pts for attending)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Y&G El Dorado Delegation Bulletin #9: Field Day Cancelled; But Full Steam Ahead Elsewhere

 (Note: the bulletins are not combined this week. Make sure you are reading your delegation's bulletin. This bulletin is for El Dorado Delegates and Families)
EVENT CANCELLATION NOTICE: CapCo Field Day at ORHS tomorrow has been cancelled. We were alerted at about 3:30pm today that due to illness among staff at the school, no one is available to open the campus for us and be present as required by their school policy. We regret to inform you of this so late in the day.

The officer team is considering options for future events.  In the meantime, Gurnoor has suggested a great idea that anyone who now is looking for something fun to do tomorrow meet up at Sky High Sports (11327 Folsom Blvd, Rancho Cordova). This event is not sponsored by the YMCA and is an informal meet up starting at 12 noon for anyone interested.

For those who paid their $10 fee for Field Day, one of two things will happen with that money:

1.) If the officer team plans a subsequent coalition event, the fee will cover food and supplies for that event same as with Field Day or,

2.) If no subsequent event is planned, the $10 will be credited towards your program fee balance.
We are very sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this has caused.
MANDATORY MEETING THIS WEEK (5pts): November 3 is a mandatory meeting for all El Dorado delegates who expect to attend the first conference. Parents of new delegates are encouraged to attend from 7:00-7:30pm (note new time) for the presentation of our conference information. Absences will only be excused for work or illness and require prior email notification to the Lead Advisor and a confirmation email from a parent/guardian that pre-conference material has been reviewed by the delegate and guardian. We will be reviewing pre-conference information, bill hearing night information, doing rooming assignments, and you will be meeting with your Family Group advisors.
Bill Development:
BILL LANGUAGE: By this week's meetings, all bill groups must have finalized their bill language. Your bill language can be found here
BILL HEARING NIGHT SPEECHES: Sponsors should prepare a 3 minute introduction speech (for the beginning) and a 2 min summation speech (for the end). Need tips on writing a persuasive speech? Click here. Practice your speech with a timer so you don't get cut off by the clerk!

Social Responsibility ProjectAs was mentioned at this week's meeting, Y&G will be partnering with Operation: Care and Comfort to provide care packages for homeless veterans in Fresno and troops overseas. Our Coalition has been assigned two categories of donations
1.) Sacramento Central: ENTERTAINMENT: Suggested items to bring are pens, pencils, blank writing cards, playing cards, comic books, and AAA and AA batteries.
2.) El Dorado: TOILETRIES: Suggested items to bring are gel deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and q-tips. (1 pt for delegates who bring items for the box)
Each delegation has a box in which to collect donations. Please bring your donations to this week's meeting.

Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory): We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (Sibling inside a delegation doesn't count as a family member. However, siblings can count the same family member guest). You can find the Facebook event listing here(Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each regular meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early may also results in a points-deduction. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK IN!

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing. More points = higher chance you get your first choice.  Don't leave points on the table!

Special Resources Advisors: Our delegation benefits from an amazing advising team who bring a host of talent and experience to their jobs. This year, we're working on establishing Special Resource Advisors who will work with various delegation leadership officers and delegates on program work throughout the year. Here are the Special Resource Advisor Assignments for the year so far. They are here for you! If you're a delegation officer, check out the list and make sure to introduce yourself to the Special Resource Advisor in your area next week.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day CANCELLED
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting (El Do 5 pts)November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November) (El Do 8 pts for attending)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Friday, October 21, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Bulletin #8: Homestretch for Bills; Mandatory Meetings Ahead

Take four minutes to read this because #knowledgeispower

(Parents, please ask your delegates if they have read the bulletin. If not, encourage them to do so. Too many delegates are missing application deadlines and other important information each week, despite that information having been provided repeatedly and across many channels)

Social Responsibility ProjectAs was mentioned at this week's meeting, Y&G will be partnering with Operation: Care and Comfort to provide care packages for homeless veterans in Fresno and troops overseas. Our Coalition has been assigned two categories of donations

1.) Sacramento Central: ENTERTAINMENT: Suggested items to bring are pens, pencils, blank writing cards, playing cards, comic books, and AAA and AA batteries.
2.) El Dorado: TOILETRIES: Suggested items to bring are gel deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and q-tips. (1 pt for delegates who bring items for the box)
Each delegation has a box in which to collect donations. Please bring your donations to this week's meeting. 

Bill Development:
By this week's meetings, all bill groups (from both delegations) should have done the following:
1) Have a copy of this bill worksheet and their bill language (template here) in the appropriate shared drive: (Sac Central info goes here. El Dorado information goes here.) Many groups have done one or both already. Make sure an EDITABLE version of the docs is there (So if it's a pdf currently, you need to add another copy that can be edited by an advisor).
***Email me if you need help uploading a file to either of these drives or help on making a copy of the bill worksheet or bill template to use for your group's work***
2) For El Dorado delegates: If you submitted your bill language already, you should be prepared to do a practice bill presentation next week.  That means at least the author/sponsor speech is at least to rough-draft state and ready to be presented. If you have not yet submitted your draft language, here are some resources that can help: here is a video tutorial explaining the parts of a bill. The trickiest part of your bill language is figuring out what section of existing law you are amending or repealing or where you should add a new section.  Here is a video tutorial on how to figure out where you bill would live in statute.
3) For Sacramento delegates: all members of your group must be ready to present their speeches this week.

Limited time to apply for re-opened leadership positionsApplications for legislative and department of finance committee chairs have been re-opened through this coming Sunday, October 23.  Applications are accessed via your Reggo profile. Here are the instructions for accessing the application in Reggo. Here is information on all elected/appointed leadership opportunities and program areas within Y&G.

SAC CENTRAL Delegation Information
October 26 is a mandatory pre-conference meeting. Our meeting will start at 6pm and run until 8pm. We will spend the first 90 minutes on bill work. 
All parents are welcome to attend from 7:30-8pm for our conference information review (new delegate parents are strongly encouraged to attend for this portion of the meeting).

Bill Hearing Night (MANDATORY): Wednesday, November 2, Sacramento Historic City Hall (915 I Street). You can find the Facebook event listing here. (Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

EL DORADO Delegation Information:
Attendance: There are 104 people in the delegation. Only about 79 are attending each week. Were is everyone else? Delegates who fail to attend our two upcoming mandatory meetings may jeopardize their ability to attend the first conference.

Special Resources Advisors: Our delegation benefits from an amazing advising team who bring a host of talent and experience to their jobs. This year, we're working on establishing Special Resource Advisors who will work with various delegation leadership officers and delegates on program work throughout the year. Here are the Special Resource Advisor Assignments for the year so far. They are here for you! If you're a delegation officer, check out the list and make sure to introduce yourself to the Special Resource Advisor in your area next week.

Halloween Costume Contest: The tradition continues! For this week's meeting (Oct 27) come in your Halloween best. You'll get the usual 2 points for attending the meeting, plus a bonus if you come in costume!

November 3 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting: We'll review all the information you need to know to have a successful conference. Those in attendance will earn 5 points. Those who do not attend and who do not let the Lead Advisor know in advance that they will not attend risk not being able to go to the first conference. If you have a conflict that night, contact Christiana ASAP.  All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are encouraged to attend from 8:30-9pm for the presentation of our conference information.

Bill Hearing Night Mandatory: We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (Sibling inside a delegation doesn't count as a family member. However, siblings can count the same family member guest). You can find the Facebook event listing here.  (Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early also results in a points-deduction.

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing. More points = higher chance you get your first choice.  Don't leave points on the table!

Public Service Announcement: Monday, October 24 is the final day to register in order to vote in the November 8 election. Is everyone you know who is over 18 registered? If not, send them this link: http://registertovote.ca.gov/

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 26, 2016: Sacramento Central Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day (El Do 3 pts)
>November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting (El Do 5 pts)November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)

>December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November) (El Do 8 pts for attending)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Friday, October 14, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #7: A party, some bills, and some REALLY important dates

Some stuff for everyone, some stuff for each delegation - give it a read and stay informed!
Public Service Announcement: Monday, October 24 is the final day to register in order to vote in the November 8 election. Is everyone you know who is over 18 registered? If not, send them this link: http://registertovote.ca.gov/

Last Chance to Sign Up For Our Halloween-Themed Field Day

Join us on October 29 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!) #costumeparty #fun  If you previously RSVPed for the old date and now need to change your status, just register again at the link below.

DEADLINE: To attend, you must RSVP by next Thursday, October 20: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016 and bring your $10 to this week's meeting. We're doing this event in El Dorado HIlls this year, so we really expect a high turnout from El Dorado delegates!
Note that attendance at this event also assists both delegations' Delegation of Distinction applications.

Bill Development:
BILLS! By next week bill groups should:
1) have a draft of this bill worksheet and
2) have a draft of their actual bill language that they email to Christiana by 11:59pm on Wed Oct 19. Here is a template for your bill. You can download or save a copy of this and edit it. Here is a video tutorial explaining the parts of a bill. The trickiest part of your bill language is figuring out what section of existing law you are amending or repealing or where you should add a new section.  Here is a video tutorial on how to figure out where you bill would live in statute.
3) have assigned roles to each member of their bill group (who will give the sponsor speech, who will lobby for, who will lobby against, etc)
4) have a sponsor/author prepared to give a 1 minute mini-speech on the problem their bill solves and how, and why they chose to address this problem.

El Dorado Note: Every member of bill groups in which the author submits a draft worksheet and draft language to Christiana by 11:59pm on Wed, Oct 19 (El Do) will receive 2 points for each document. That's a possible 4 bonus points on the line for each member of a group!

SAC CENTRAL Delegation Information
Special meeting times for October 19 and October 26: It's a sprint to Bill Hearing Night for us! To make sure we are prepared for Bill Hearing Night on November 2, our next two meetings will start at 6pm and conclude at 8pm (in other words, we'll have 2 hours meetings). These are the only long meetings we anticipate needing this year. It is ESSENTIAL that delegates carve out the extra time to make sure we complete the bill drafting process and have our presentations ready for Bill Hearing Night. Contact your Lead Advisor if you have a conflict (after you figure out whether you can avoid having a conflict). Note also that October 26 is a mandatory pre-conference meeting. All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are strongly encourage to attend from 7:30-8pm for our conference information review.

Save the Date! Bill Hearing Night: Wednesday, November 2, Sacramento Historic City Hall (915 I Street). You can find the Facebook event listing here. (Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

EL DORADO Delegation Information:
While we expect you to attend each meeting, there are several meetings throughout the year that are mandatory. The first two mandatory meetings are coming up.

November 3 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting: We'll review all the information you need to know to have a successful conference. Those in attendance will earn 5 points. Those who do not attend and who do not let the Lead Advisor know in advance that they will not attend risk not being able to go to the first conference. If you have a conflict that night, contact Christiana ASAP.  All parents are welcome. Parents of new delegates are encouraged to attend from 8:30-9pm for the presentation of our conference information.

Bill Hearing Night Mandatory: NEW DATE! We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (Sibling inside a delegation doesn't count as a family member. However, siblings can count the same family member guest). You can find the Facebook event listing here(Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early also results in a points-deduction.

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing. More points = higher chance you get your first choice.  Don't leave points on the table!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
October 26, 2016: Sacramento Central Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day (El Do 3 pts)
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting (El Do 5 pts)November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November) (El Do 8 pts for attending)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Friday, October 7, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #6: Leadership Apps; Back To Bill Work

Here's what savvy delegates will know for the week ahead:
Capitol Coalition Halloween Field Day/Costume Contest/Party/Event formerly known as "Baby Bob:

Join us on October 29 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!) #costumeparty #fun  If you previously RSVPed for the old date and now need to change your status, just register again at the link below.

To attend, you must RSVP and there is a $10 fee to cover lunch and event supplies: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016 Please bring your $10 to this week's meeting. 

Payment Deadline This Week:
There is a payment due by this week's meeting. You can make a payment online today or bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name and "Y&G" in the memo line. (El Dorado Delegates, 3 points for on-time payment)

Leadership Applications:
Youth & Government has leadership opportunities aplenty! Take a chance toss your hat in the ring for elected or appointed office. Not only is it a cool thing to do, but holding a leadership position guarantees your spot in the program area of your choice! Here are the instructions for finding the leadership applications (they are in your Reggo). And here is a list of all program areas and their elected/appointed leadership positions!

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for approved leadership forms is October 13. That means YOUR DEADLINE to complete your leadership application is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 at 11:59pm. If you submit an application beyond the deadline it may not be approved in time and you may not be able to run/apply for your desired position. TAKE NOTE OF THE DUE DATE: OCTOBER 11.

Bill Development:
By this week's meeting, if you want to author a bill you should have information written on this this bill worksheet showing that you have done some research into your idea. Want a recap of initial bill research tips? Check out this video.  For more tips - check out this doc.  #noresearchnobill Also, if you want to author a bill you must also either be willing to serve in the Legislature to sponsor it at Sac Conference or have a person already designated who would carry the bill.

This coming Saturday, October 8, is the Tahoe Park Clean-Up Day. PLEASE do your best to attend. RSVP here.  Since Tahoe Park is our home, we should do our best to help keep it beautiful! 

Bill Hearing Night: NEW DATE! We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (doesn't count if it's a sibling in the delegation already).

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early also results in a points-deduction.

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing.  Don't leave points on the table!
Upcoming Points:
Payment by 10/14 at 11:59pm (includes post-meeting grace period): 3 points
Meeting 10/13, 20, 27 - 2 pts (ontime)
CapCo Field Day - 3 points
Pre-Conference Meeting 11/3 - 5 points
Bill Hearing Night 11/10 - 10 points (bonus 2 for bringing family member)
Payment by 11/11 at 11:59pm (includes post-meeting grace period): 3 points
T&EI: 19 points

Mark your calendars with these key events!
October 8: Tahoe Park Clean Up (SacC)
October 9: YMCA Parking Lot Fundraiser (SacC)
October 12/13: $400 Payment Deadline
October 26, 2016: Sacramento Central Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day 
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #5: Sweatshirts, Mixed Bags, & Money

Here's what you need to know this week:

Sweatshirt designs
Our coalition sweatshirts this year will be white. Both delegations will choose their sweatshirt design at this week's meetings. Printing will be done in ONE color (only). You pick the design for the front of the shirt. The back of the shirt will feature the Y logo and our Coalition logo in the shoulder area. You have the option of an additional design or words (subject to approval) in the center below the two logos. All designs must be Y-appropriate and either digitally available for the printer or drawn on paper in a format/manner the printer can turn into a printed image. 

Mixed Bags Orders
If you have collected Mixed Bags Orders, you MUST return them to your delegation meeting this week (with payments for orders). If you have any questions, contact your Lead Advisor. 
Capitol Coalition Halloween Party/Field Day RSVP:
Join us on October 29 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!)

To attend, you must RSVP and there is a $10 fee to cover lunch and event supplies: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016 Please bring your $10 to this week's meeting. 

Payment Deadline:
Thirty people are late with payments. If you have not yet made the $300 payment due on September 14/15, please make a payment online today.  The next $300 payment is due by October 12 (Sac Central)/13 (El Dorado).

Y-Assist Financial Assistance, Individual Scholarships, And More Fundraising Opportunities
You should have received notification of your Y-Assist award from Dylan O'Tarrow last week. We expect that you will receive a notification from Cal YMCA Youth & Government this week about the Individual Scholarship they offer. They also offer a second round of scholarships in December (more on that when we get closer to it). Additionally, we have several more fundraisers coming,  We are committed to ensuring that financial hardship never prevents a delegate from completing this program. If you have additional concerns, please contact your lead advisor ASAP.

Bill Development:
If you have a bill idea and want to be a bill sponsor, then you should have your idea written down and have done some preliminary research by this week's meeting. 

Want a recap of initial bill research tips? Check out this video.  For more tips - check out this doc. If you have a bill idea, start thinking about these questions and use them to guide your research.  This week, in El Dorado, we went over types of legislation - if you missed out, here's a video to catch you up

This coming Saturday, October 8, is the Tahoe Park Clean-Up Day. PLEASE do your best to attend. RSVP here.  Since Tahoe Park is our home, we should do our best to help keep it beautiful! 

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing.  Don't leave points on the table!

Looking a few good Frosh - MUST ENROLL BY TUESDAY:
We are able to offer 10 additional spots in the El Dorado Delegation FOR FRESHMAN ONLY. They will be enrolled on a first come/first served basis. If you know 9th graders who are interested or who would make good delegates, encourage them to register here: http://bit.ly/ElDoSecondRoundReg 
The form will close once we have our 10. 

Mark your calendars with these key events!
October 8: Tahoe Park Clean Up (SacC)
October 12/13: $300 Payment Deadline
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day 
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court