Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Delegation Bulletin #6: Leadership Apps; Back To Bill Work

Here's what savvy delegates will know for the week ahead:
Capitol Coalition Halloween Field Day/Costume Contest/Party/Event formerly known as "Baby Bob:

Join us on October 29 for a day at the park with delegates from the El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegations. Location is TBD, but it will take place at a park in El Dorado Hills this year, Sac Central - we'll set up some carpools! We'll eat, we'll play, we'll get to know each other. It's going to be a great day! (El Dorado Delegates earn 3 points for attending!) #costumeparty #fun  If you previously RSVPed for the old date and now need to change your status, just register again at the link below.

To attend, you must RSVP and there is a $10 fee to cover lunch and event supplies: http://bit.ly/CapCoFieldDay2016 Please bring your $10 to this week's meeting. 

Payment Deadline This Week:
There is a payment due by this week's meeting. You can make a payment online today or bring a check payable to "Sacramento YMCA" with your name and "Y&G" in the memo line. (El Dorado Delegates, 3 points for on-time payment)

Leadership Applications:
Youth & Government has leadership opportunities aplenty! Take a chance toss your hat in the ring for elected or appointed office. Not only is it a cool thing to do, but holding a leadership position guarantees your spot in the program area of your choice! Here are the instructions for finding the leadership applications (they are in your Reggo). And here is a list of all program areas and their elected/appointed leadership positions!

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for approved leadership forms is October 13. That means YOUR DEADLINE to complete your leadership application is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 at 11:59pm. If you submit an application beyond the deadline it may not be approved in time and you may not be able to run/apply for your desired position. TAKE NOTE OF THE DUE DATE: OCTOBER 11.

Bill Development:
By this week's meeting, if you want to author a bill you should have information written on this this bill worksheet showing that you have done some research into your idea. Want a recap of initial bill research tips? Check out this video.  For more tips - check out this doc.  #noresearchnobill Also, if you want to author a bill you must also either be willing to serve in the Legislature to sponsor it at Sac Conference or have a person already designated who would carry the bill.

This coming Saturday, October 8, is the Tahoe Park Clean-Up Day. PLEASE do your best to attend. RSVP here.  Since Tahoe Park is our home, we should do our best to help keep it beautiful! 

Bill Hearing Night: NEW DATE! We'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (doesn't count if it's a sibling in the delegation already).

Meeting attendance/on-time arrival points: Delegates earn 2 points for each meeting they attend IF they arrive on time and are in their seats and ready to work by 7pm. Think about how long it takes to check in? Don't arrive at 7pm and expect to earn full points. Meetings START at 7pm. Consider arriving by 6:45 to ensure you get your full points.  Leaving early also results in a points-deduction.

Points: We now award points for meeting attendance, conference registration, and other activities. Points affect your ability to select the program area of your choosing.  Don't leave points on the table!
Upcoming Points:
Payment by 10/14 at 11:59pm (includes post-meeting grace period): 3 points
Meeting 10/13, 20, 27 - 2 pts (ontime)
CapCo Field Day - 3 points
Pre-Conference Meeting 11/3 - 5 points
Bill Hearing Night 11/10 - 10 points (bonus 2 for bringing family member)
Payment by 11/11 at 11:59pm (includes post-meeting grace period): 3 points
T&EI: 19 points

Mark your calendars with these key events!
October 8: Tahoe Park Clean Up (SacC)
October 9: YMCA Parking Lot Fundraiser (SacC)
October 12/13: $400 Payment Deadline
October 26, 2016: Sacramento Central Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
October 29, 2016: Capitol Coalition Field Day 
November 2, 2016: Sacramento Central Bill Hearing Night
November 3, 2016: El Dorado Mandatory Pre-Con Meeting
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station (sign-ups open in November)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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