Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Y&G Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #2: Service, Fundraising, Legislation and more!

(referenced attachments are in your email inbox)
Next meeting: Wednesday, September 6, 6:30 pm all delegates (6pm officers only). Meetings run until 8pm. Tahoe Park Community Center, 5959 8th Avenue, Sac, 95820)
What to bring to meetings: Pen/pencil, paper or notebook, and your planner or calendar. Every week!

Communication Stuff:
We use 3 methods to communicate:
- Email: weekly emails, preconference information, program information, and more
- Groupme: Informal discussions, reminders, keeping up, communication at conferences. Downloading the free app is highly recommended but not required.
- Remind: Group text blasts for links to bulletin, important announcements/reminders/conference communication. Will come through as SMS. App download is optional and not required. If you are not receiving Remind texts (you should've received one today at around 11am), please follow this link to join our class: (I think only Jimmy, Delaney, and Zack are not currently in the class): https://www.remind.com/join/sacc70

At next week's meeting you will:
- Discuss current events (keep current by checking out this site daily!)
- Have more fun with parli-pro
- Start thinking about the bill development process

And here's what you need to know this week:
1.) Service Project Sign-Ups: We have two events in September for which we need volunteers. You might have taken note of them during registration. Now is the time to sign up! Click here to officially sign-up! (Yes, even if you ticked "yes" on your registration form.)

2.) Mixed Bags Sales Begin Soon! Our first fundraiser of the year - Mixed Bags catalogs sales - will begin soon (most likely next week if the catalogs arrive in time). You'll have two weeks to hit up friends, family, neighbors, whomever to purchase colorful, eco-friendly bags and other wares. A full 50% of what you sell is credited to your program fees. Some delegates have been able to slash their balances considerably through Mixed Bags.

3.) $100 Deposit DUE September 1: The $100 deposit to register for the delegation is due today. If you haven't already submitted your deposit, pay online here. If the $100 deposit poses a hardship, please let me know, and turn in your completed Y-Assist application (found in the paper registration packet) with supporting documents at next week's meeting, or scan and email to Dylan O'Tarrow, our YMCA Coordinator (dotarrow@ymcasuperiorcal.org) If you have submitted a Y-Assist app already, it is in process with Dylan.

4.) Paper Registration packets DUE next week: Your paper registration packets are DUE September 6. You can find them here or I have attached a copy for your convenience.

5.) Camp CapCo Evaluation: Please complete the Camp CapCo evaluation: http://bit.ly/CampCapCoEval, whether you attended or not! Help us make next year even better.

6.) Recruiting: We're looking for new delegates from all grades! Please spread the word to your friends, especially 9th and 10th graders about Y&G.

7.) Mark Mandatory Meetings: Grab those calendars - our first two mandatory meetings happen back-to-back and sooner than you think! Bill Hearing Night is Wednesday, November 1 and our pre-conference meeting is Wednesday, November 8. Both are mandatory!

Parent Corner:
Y-Assist and Financial Aid: We have three main forms of financial assistance: Y-Assist funds from the Sacramento Central YMCA; the Individual Scholarship from California YMCA; and the money we raise through fundraisers. Money raised through most fundraisers is available only to those who have applied for Y-Assist. However, we occassionally have events where all delegates can reduce their program fees. Our Mixed Bags fundraiser is the first of those this year. All delegates are encouraged to participate. 50% of what a delegate sells (pretax) is credited to his or her balance.

Camp Capital City, September 23, 5:30pm, Sacramento Central YMCA
The YMCA's biggest fundraising event of the year! Tickets and sponsorships are still available for this fun evening of camp nostalgia. Games, BBQ, adult libations, gourmet s'mores bar, and the chance to support YMCA youth programming throughout our region - including Youth & Government. Click here for more information.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 16: Delta Clean-Up Volunteer event
September 23: Camp Capital City
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Week 1 Tips and Tricks: Writing Tip

Borrowed from this post.

“I Can’t Hardly Believe Miami’s Gone!”

With Miami’s condominiums serving as artificial reefs and the Miami Seaquarium now stretching from Loxahatchee to the Bahamas, the [Imaginary]President Doe has sought to quell the rising tide of saltwater and public sentiment by noting that the climate on Earth has always been a bit capricious: "Why do you think we have all those fish fossils in Montana?" First Lady Jane Doe urges Americans to support her latest cause: “Adopt a Manatee.”

Personally, I am shocked that the President and First Lady waste so much time refuting climate change. Everybody already knows that this alarmist rhetoric comes from nothing but a bunch of scientists, the same ones who stage photo ops by placing people and cars in oak trees after one of our daily tornadoes. These so-called “scientists” are really pseudo-scientists looking for work. We all know that. As President Doe himself has said, “Climate change will not be real in my mind until the saltwater in St. Louis rises two feet above my zories." Amen.

I suggest that the President pay more attention to far greater problems, like Americans’ incessant writing of negative words. This problem is real, it’s now, and it cannot be denied by deniers: Our human brains simply have to work too hard to assimilate negatives. Presidents, like Doe, congressional leaders, like what's-her-name, and a bunch of lawyers tie themselves in nots every day, and even they trip over sentences like this from a newspaper reporter:

The committee found that President Doe did not err in refusing to keep the initiative off the calendar.

Encountering negative words forces us to go through a two-step process to sort them out. First, we have to identify the negative words, which sometimes is difficult, but not too bad here:

The committee found that President Doe did not err in refusing to keep the initiative off the calendar.

With negative words identified, we now have to hark back to eighth-grade algebra--where we first learned that two negatives make a positive--and toss them out or combine them two at a time. As President Doe would say, “They love me; they love me not.”

The committee found that President Doe was correct in allowing the initiative to stay on the calendar.

Much clearer. No one has to stop and count; everyone understands the first time.

If you're wondering about this tip's title, grammarians call the word hardly (scarcely, barely, seldom, and similar words) “negative in effect." So when we negate hardly, we have a double negative--like "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." And that's okay for the leader of the Rolling Stones, but not for the leader of the free world - or your own writing. 

Sometimes we have to use a negative, but we should avoid three kinds (see Tip "In the Land of Not"):

A simple negative made clearer and shorter in the affirmative:

This climate thing has not met with much success.
This climate thing has met with little success.

A negative followed by the word any:

President Doe did not conduct any polls.
President Doe conducted no polls.

And the plain old double (or triple or quadruple) negative:

The State Department is barred from disallowing entry.
The State Department must allow entry.

Some of you, especially the lawyers, might not agree that the last two sentences say the same thing. But before we stick with the former version, let's check it closely: Sometimes we prefer it only because we’re used to seeing it that way.

Your homework: As you drift off to sleep tonight, think about how you would rewrite this statement in the positive:

On whether to reelect President Doe, I could not fail to disagree with you less.

Parli Pro Example - The President Conducts a Meeting

On the day of the meeting, these people arrived at the meeting room a few minutes early to talk over the business of the day and to make any last-minute arrangements: Mr. Brown, the leader; John, the president; and the officers.

Call to Order
When the other members arrived and had been seated, John rose and said, “The meeting will please come to order. Becky will lead the pledge/cheer/song/etc.” Becky asked all members to rise and do so. When the members were seated again, John asked, “Will the secretary call the roll?”

Roll Call
Instead of answering ‘Present,’ “questioned Bill, the secretary, “will each member stand and tell the delegation about the progress of his or her bill/project since the last meeting?”

Reading Minutes (if applicable)
After each member reported, John rose and said, “The secretary will now read the minutes of the last meeting.”

Approving Minutes
When Bill finished, John asked, “Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes?” He paused. “If not, they stand approved as read.” (Had there been additions or corrections, they would have been made; and John would have said, “The minutes are approved as corrected.”) “We will now have the Officer’s Reports.”

Officer’s Report
The treasurer announced the amount of expenditures for the past week and stated the balance in the treasury. Then the president asked, “Will the chairperson of the recreation committee now report?”

Committee Report
Susie, the chairperson, rose. “Mr. President.”

Recognition from the chair: “Susie,” said John.

An enthusiastic discussion followed. Finally, one of the members who wanted the delegation to vote on the motion, called, “Question.” Then John asked, “Are the members ready for the question?”

Oral Vote
Since no one seemed unready to vote, he said, “All those in favor of the motion signify so by saying ‘aye.’”

Aye,” chorused all the members.

All those opposed, by saying ‘no,’” continued John. Since there were no opposing votes, John said, “The motion is carried.”

Unfinished Business
When the other committee reports were given, John asked, “Is there any unfinished business to come before the meeting?”

New Business
Since none was introduced, John continued, “Is there any new business to come before the meeting?”

Out of Order
Tom began to speak without first addressing the president. “Tom, you’re speaking out of order,” said John. “You’re addressing the meeting without recognition from the chair.” This time, Tom stood and said, “Mr. President.”

Tom,” replied John.

The Motion
I move that we have a new delegation logo,” said Tom. After the motion was seconded, Sally rose and was recognized.

Amending the Motion
I amend the motion to read ‘that we have a new delegation logo and sweatshirt.”’ After the amendment was seconded, the members held a short discussion. Then the president brought the amendment to vote: “All those in favor of this amendment signify so by saying ‘aye.”’

Aye.” “All those opposed by saying ‘no.”’

Voting on a Motion as Amended
Since there were no opposing votes, John said, “The amendment is carried. We’re now ready to vote on the amended motion. Is there any discussion?” Since there was none, John said, “The motion was made, seconded and amended that we have a new delegation logo and sweatshirt. All those in favor signify by saying ‘aye.’” “Aye,” answered all the members. “Those opposed, ‘no.’ “There being no opposing votes, John said, “The motion is carried. Is there any other business to come before the meeting?” Cathy stood and was recognized. “I move that we invite the Delegation from Townsville to our party Friday,” she said. When the motion was seconded and discussed, John conducted an oral vote in the usual way. Since there were many opposing votes, however, he couldn’t tell whether the motion was carried or lost.

Standing Vote
Therefore, he said, “All those in favor of the motion please stand.” After counting the votes he said, “All those opposed to the motion please stand.” Since there were more votes against than for, he announced, “The motion is lost.”

When all the business was finished, John said, “If there is no further business, a motion for adjournment is now in order.”

Mr. President,” said Bill.

Bill,” replied John.

I move that we adjourn until Thursday, the x of month y.” When the motion was seconded, John said, “All those in favor, say ‘aye.’” “Aye,” answered all the members. “Those opposed, ‘no.”’ John paused. “The motion is carried,” he concluded, “and the meeting stands adjourned until Thursday, the x of month y.”

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #1: Welcome Back!

Welcome back to weekly bulletins! Each week, you'll receive at least one email about delegation happenings. It's why you're required to become a more regular email-checker when you participate in this program. #readthebulletin 

(See your email inbox for mentioned attachments)

Next meeting: Wednesday, August 30, 6:30 pm all delegates (6pm officers). Tahoe Park Community Center, 5959 8th Avenue, Sac, 95820) 

At this week's meeting you will:
- Discuss current events
- Learn the basics of parli-pro
- Learn more about the program

And here's what you need to know this week:

1.) Registration: By now you should've completed the online registration form and received the link to our paper registration packet. Please return your signed registration documents ASAP. You can find them here or I have attached a copy for your convenience.

2.) $100 Deposit Due: The $100 deposit to register for the delegation is due at this week's meeting (or by September 1st). If you haven't already submitted your deposit, please bring it to this week's meeting or pay online here. If the $100 deposit poses a hardship, please let me know, and turn in your completed Y-Assist application (found in the paper registration packet) this week with supporting documents.

3.) What to bring to meetings: Pen/pencil, paper or notebook, and your planner or calendar. Every week!

4.) Service Project Sign-Ups: We have two events in September for which we need volunteers. You might have taken note of them during registration. Now is the time to sign up! Click here to officially sign-up! (Yes, even if you ticked "yes" on your registration form.)

5.) Thinking of Running for Youth Governor (Junior Returners)?:  On Sept 5th from 4-5pm, there is a webinar for those interested in more information on being a Youth Gov candidate. Delegates do not need to register for the webinar in advance. The webinar will be recorded and posted online after the info session. Delegates can submit questions in advance to summer@calymca.org.
  • When:Tuesday September 5th 
  • Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
  • Place: Link or Call in via phone #: (571) 317-3122 (enter passcode 376984053)
6.) Camp CapCo Evaluation: Please complete the Camp CapCo evaluation: http://bit.ly/CampCapCoEval, whether you attended or not! Help us make next year even better. 

7.) Recruiting: We're looking for new delegates from all grades! Please spread the word to your friends, especially 9th and 10th graders about Y&G. 

8.) Parent Corner: Camp Capital City, September 23, 5:30pm, Sacramento Central YMCA
The YMCA's biggest fundraising event of the year! Tickets and sponsorships are still available for this fun evening of camp nostalgia. Games, BBQ, adult libations, gourmet s'mores bar, and the chance to support YMCA youth programming throughout our region - including Youth & Government. Click here for more information

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 16: Delta Clean-Up Volunteer event
September 23: Camp Capital City
November 1: Bill Hearing Night (Mandatory)
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I

December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature &Court

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #2

This is what you need to know this week: 

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams

1.) Registration: Please return your signed registration documents ASAP. You can find them here 

2.) Parents' Night: Parents' Night is this Thursday, August 31. A parent or guardian from each   delegate family is required to attend. Delegates are also required to attend this meeting. If you cannot have a parent or guardian attend, then please contact me.

3.) $100 Deposit Due: The $100 deposit to register for the delegation is due on September 1st. If you haven't already submitted your deposit, please bring it to this week's meeting. If the $100 deposit poses a hardship, please let me know, and turn in your completed Y-Assist application this week with supporting documents.

4). Camp Capital City: Next month, there will be an opportunity to volunteer at the event. You'll get dinner and s'mores (and points) for doing so. Ask me for more information.
  • When: Saturday, September 23, 2017
  • Time: 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Location: Sacramento Central YMCA, 2021 W Street, Sacramento CA
5.) Thinking of Running for Youth Governor?: On Sept 5th from 4-5pm, there is a webinar for those interested in more information on being a Youth Gov candidate and will be held via online webinar. Delegates can view the webinar online here or dial in for audio only by calling (571) 317-3122 (enter passcode 376984053). Delegates do not need to register for the webinar in advance. The webinar will be recorded and posted online after the info session. Delegates can submit questions in advance to summer@calymca.org.
6.) Camp CapCo Evaluation: Earn an easy point by clicking this link to complete the Camp CapCo evaluation: http://bit.ly/CampCapCoEval. Point is available to all, whether you attended or not! Help us make next year even better. 

7.) Communication: Our delegation communicates through a few different ways. If you do not already have it, please download for your phone (or login with a computer) GroupmeRemind, and check your personal email. Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. 
  • You are required to have, use, and check all three of these forms of communication to be apart of our delegation.
8.) Delegation Leadership Positions: Are you interested in being an appointed leadership position? Check out this link for more information: http://bit.ly/2wm53Tx. Leadership positions will be filling up soon so don't delay! Please contact myself and your officer's if you are interested in a position.

9.) Recruiting: We're looking for new delegates from all grades - help us recruit them! We are currently at 96 delegates and would like to be at 120. Please spread the word to your friends, especially 9th and 10th graders about Y&G. They do not have to be Oak Ridge students to be apart of our delegation. 

10.) Delegate Look Book: Please note: In the next few meetings, advisors will taking photos of all delegates to create a look book to learn delegates names/faces. 

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
August 31: Parents' Night 
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
September 23: Camp Capital City
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)

December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #1

Below is your weekly El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #1. 
This is what you need to know this week:

"Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on."
-Thurgood Marshall 

1.) Registration: Please return your signed registration documents ASAP. You can find them here

2.) Camp CapCoSign up for Camp Cap CoOn Sunday, August 27, we'll convene at Camp Pollock along the scenic American River Parkway for a day of coalition bonding, leadership, and s'mores. Free CapCo t-shirt for the first 80 delegates to register and we'll be tie-dying, too. This will be a great way to get to know both your fellow El Dorado and Sacramento Central delegates!

3.) Parents' Night: Parents' Night is in two weeks - August 31. A parent or guardian from each delegate family is required to attend. Delegates are also required to attend this meeting. If you cannot have a parent or guardian attend, then please contact me.

4) Communication: Our delegation communicates through a few different ways. If you do not already have it, please download for your phone (or login with a computer) GroupmeRemind, and your personal email. Groupme is use to message each other (especially at conferences) and our family groups and Remind is how we send out need-to-know information. 

For Remind: Once you have downloaded the app, use this link: https://www.remind.com/join/derekd to join our class. 

You are required to have, use, and check all three of these forms of communication to be apart of our delegation.

5.) Delegation Leadership Positions: Are you interested in being a Family Leader or another appointed leadership position? Check out this link for more information: http://bit.ly/2wm53Tx. Leadership positions will be filling up soon so don't delay! Please contact myself and your officer's if you are interested in a position.

6.) Recruiting: We're looking for new delegates from grades 9 and 10 - help us recruit them! We are currently at 86 delegates and would like to be at ~100. Please spread the word to your friends, especially 9th and 10th graders about Y&G. They do not have to be Oak Ridge students to be apart of our delegation. 

Helpful Links:

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
August 24: Camp CapCo payment deadline ($20 check or cash; bit.ly/CampCapCo2017)
August 27: Camp CapCo 
August 31: Parents' Night 
September 1: $100 Deposit due
September 15: $375 Payment due
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court