You have a payment due this week. Please make sure to bring a check to this week's meeting or pay online now. If you have a question about the amount you owe, email your Lead Advisor or Dylan ASAP!
It's Conference Week! There's a lot to know:
1.) Mandatory November 8 Pre-Conference Meeting: Our meeting this week is mandatory meetings for
all delegates. Parent attendance is also required for new delegates
and recommended for returning delegates.
2.) Meals To and From Fresno. We will NOT stop for lunch on the way to Fresno this year. Delegates must bring a sack lunch with them. For the journey home on Sunday, delegates have the option (strongly recommended) to pre-order lunch from Subway that will be provided to them as they board the bus home. Lunch pre-orders must be received by 9pm on Thursday, November 9. Subway lunch is $7 for a 6" sandwich, chips, and a bottle of water. EXACT CHANGE is required at buscheck-in on Friday morning. Order Sunday lunch here:
3.) Mixed Bags:
If you ordered Mixed Bags products, they are in and will be available for pick up at our meeting on Wednesday.
4.) New Fresno Security Protocols:
The Fresno Convention Center facilities no longer permit standard
backpacks or bags larger than 12"x6"x12". While CalYMCA will be
providing small bags for everyone at check-in, you will not have access
to that bag before we arrive to the conference on Friday. It is highly
suggested that you bring a small tote bag (something close to the
dimensions above, or around 14"x16" at the most) or grocery bag with you
to hold your belongings between the time we leave our luggage at the
hotel and the time we check into the Convention Center. THERE WILL BE NO PLACE TO CHECK BELONGINGS AT THE CONVENTION CENTER.
Pack lightly for the day. You will need a pen, note paper, highlighter
and, if desired, your cell phone, charger, external battery pack (if you
have one), refillable water bottle, and some snacks. That's about it.
You will also go through security screening at building entrances so
don't bring extra metal objects and, this should go without saying, no
pocket knives, etc.
5.) CIM Volunteer Sign-Ups Now Open! Time for our favorite yearly service project - running aid stations at the California International Marathon, Sunday, December 3. It's early in the morning. It's going to be cold. But it'll be a ton of fun! We have 3 service areas to staff this year and if we do, we'll earn $1000 for our fundraising treasury. Pretty cool. Options include our usual aid stations and a new 20-person team helping at the finish line. (Eldo delegates get 1 point for completing the form and 8 points for showing up on December 3) Sign up today - we need EVERYONE's help!
6.) Conference info preview. Click here to preview our conference letter and pack-list. We'll review this information extensively on Wednesday, but if you'd like to come armed with questions, give it a read now.
7.) Operation Care and Comfort: At T&E I, CalYMCA will once again be partnering with Operation: Care and Comfort to provide care packages for our troops overseas. Delegations are challenged to support this effort by collecting assigned items that will be assembled and packaged during T&E I. We have been assigned: Snacks & Treats- Individually wrapped hard candy (no chocolate please, it melts!), chewing and bubble gum, mints, breath strips, individually wrapped fruit snacks, individually packaged nuts, seeds, pretzels, cookies, chips, crackers, sweetened drink mixes. Please bring a donation to the meeting this week if you are able. THIS IS YOUR READING TEST THIS WEEK!
Remind Reminder:
Remind: If you aren't receiving Remind texts, text "@sacc70" to 81010
Parent Corner:
On-Time Payments As mentioned above, a payment is due this week. It helps us tremendously not to have to chase people down with multiple reminders. Please make sure you pay on time! If ability to pay has changed since the start of the program, talk to us! We are always happy to help delegates stay in the program. Finances alone should never be a reason to drop out!
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!
November 8: $375 Payment Due
November 8: Pre-Conference Meeting (Mandatory for delegates and new-delegate parents)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 3, 2017: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
December 15: Final $375 Payment Due
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court
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