Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Y&G Sac Central Bulletin #14: Fa la la la lots of dates to note

A big thank-you to all who turned out to help with CIM yesterday! It was a long, but fun, event and everyone did a great job!

Here's what you need to know this week (pssst - lots of dates and a reading test!!!!)

1.) Elected and Appointed Leadership Opportunities - DEADLINE EXTENDED! Now that you have your program area assignments, I encourage you to see whether there are leadership opportunities available. If so, you should apply/run! http://bit.ly/LeadershipInfoMatrix Applications are available in Reggo and are due December 11 (11:59pm). If you submit an application - and you should! - make sure to let Christiana know so she can approve your application by the CalYMCA deadline.

There is literally NOTHING to lose by making a run at an elected or appointed leadership position. It's great interview or campaign experience, and leadership comes with some fun benefits (like early Sac Conference arrival). Our delegation has a very strong history of leadership positions, so you benefit from a good reputation going in. Get out of your comfort zone and give it a shot!

2.) Special Program Area Applications: If you would like to apply for California Emergency Team, Jury Trial, or the Supreme Court, that application is now available in Reggo. Please complete the application for your desired program area ASAP and let me know when you have completed it so that I can approve it. Applications are due by December 11 (11:59pm). Information about each special program area can be found at the Leadership Info Matrix link.

2a.) National Judicial Competition. Applications for the 2018 YMCA National Judicial Competition (NJC) are now available in Reggo. NJC is a national YMCA judicial competition held in Chicago, Illinois. NJC is an amazing opportunity for Court delegates to take their Y&G experience to the next level. The selection process is highly competitive, awarding 28 delegates the opportunity to participate each year. The conference will be July 26-August 2, 2018. NJC applications are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, December 21 in Reggo. For more information on NJC, go to the NJC Resources page or ask Brenna Leigh, who attended last year's NJC.

3.) Holiday Meeting Schedule: We have our last regular delegation meeting of 2017 this coming Wednesday, December 6. Our holiday party will be held Wednesday, December 13. We will not meet on December 20, 27, or January 3. Meetings will resume Wednesday, January 10 with a mandatory pre-conference meeting in advance of our January 13 T&E II departure.

4.) Delegation Holiday Party and Secret Santa Gift Exchange. A holiday tradition returns with our Holiday Party and Secret Santa Gift Exchange. Santa assignments will be distributed at this week's meeting. There is a $10 limit on gifts and funny/white elephant/simple gifts are encouraged. Candy is always a good choice! And who doesn't like socks for Christmas . . . . 

Natalie's family has graciously offered to host our party this year. See your email inbox for their address. Next week's bulletin will include further details about our pot-luck style event.

5.) Swim With Santa. The following delegates volunteered to help with Swim With Santa on Friday, December 15 at the Sacramento Central YMCA (2021 W Street). If you signed up, please arrive at 4:45pm to help with set-up and plan to stay through 8:15pm to help with clean-up after the event. You should ask for Ali when you arrive, the Aquatics Director, who is in charge of the event. She will assign you to a volunteer role. Attire: please wear jeans, your delegation sweatshirt, and any festive holiday accessories you might have (santa hats, etc). No need to buy anything new if you don't have any on-hand.

JacobBeckerYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
ZacharyHansenYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
Connor McLaren FinelliYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
JimmyWongYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
KeymoraRobertsonYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
NatalieBrownYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, but I do not want to swim
Brenna LeighNancarrowYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, including in-pool help if needed
Ting TingPuYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, including in-pool help if needed
DelaneyRoybalYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, including in-pool help if needed
Bruce TranYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, including in-pool help if needed
MirandaVillarrealYes, I can help on Friday, Dec 15, including in-pool help if needed

6.) Bill Boxes: We will have a Bill Boxes working day on Wednesday, January 3, from 10am to 3pm at the CalYMCA headquarters, located at 1792 Tribute Road, Suite 480, Sacramento CA 95815. (map) Delegates will help copy and file bill supplement packets for all bills statewide. It's a lot of work, but with many hands to help, it won't take too long. Lunch will be provided.

7.) Alumni/Delegate Holiday Mixer, Thursday, December 28: Another holiday tradition returns with the 2017 Sac Central Delegation Holiday Mixer. This is a chance to meet and network with delegation alumni who have gone before you. Learn about their college choices, career paths, and more. More details in next week's bulletin.

8.) READING TEST: Complete this reading test and be entered to win a special holiday prize.

Parent Corner:
Payments and Scholarships: Final program payments are due December 15. Y-Assist applicants have been notified of their awards. Please make sure to reply to the notification email so I know you received it. If the remaining balance still presents a hardship, please let me know. We want to make sure all of our delegates cross the finish line!

Dress Code. In February, Delegates must dress for our final conference of the year in Sac Attire. For returning delegates, the rules have not changed too much. The major exception is that an "outer layer" is now required for all delegates. Here is the presentation from last week if you would like to review the dress code requirements this year.

For new delegate families, I like to highlight this requirement while there is still time to augment wardrobes, if necessary. It's worth noting that professional attire will be available at extremely low cost at "Sac Rack" at our Fresno conference in January. You can also find dress-code appropriate pieces at thrift stores. Delegates do not need to purchase expensive new wardrobes or full suits. Black dress pants, several dress shirts, and a couple of sweaters (and ties, if needed) are all that is needed to dress for the 4 days of professional attire required at our conference in February. If you have any questions about whether specific pieces are dress code compliant or you have concerns about acquiring attire, let me know ASAP. We have lots of ways to help!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
December 6: Regular Meeting
December 13: Delegation Holiday Party
December 15: Final $375 Payment Due
December 15: Swim With Santa Volunteer opportunity at the YMCA
December 20: No meeting
December 27: No meeting
December 28: Sac Central Delegation Holiday Alumni/Delegate Mixer
January 3: No meeting
January 10: MANDATORY Pre-Conference Meeting
January 13-15, 2018 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

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