Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #23

This is what you need to know this week:

Well, we made it. This week marks our final regular weekly meeting. It will be our 23rd regular meeting of the year. We've conquered two weekends in Fresno, a lot of reading, a lot of research, a lot of preparation, and it all comes down to this next week or so. The 70th ML/C is your time to shine. It will be what you make of it - you are in control of your experience and the choices you make will impact your time and that of everyone around you. For some, it will mark your third and final Sac Conference. For some, it will mark your first. For all of you: make it count by making friends, making memories, and making a difference. You represent your family, your school, your YMCA, your delegation, and, most importantly, yourselves, always. How do you want to be known?

You are not anonymous. You matter. The choices you make matter - for worse or for better. You have more power than you think. You can change the world if you want to. And you can start today. 

70th Model and Legislature and Court Conference Countdown:  9 Days Left!

1.) Meeting Schedule: This week's meeting, February 8, is a MANDATORY pre-conference meeting. All delegates must attend. New delegates must bring a family member along. Returning delegate families are encouraged, but not required, to attend. 

2.) Candidate Form Due February 11: Are you a finalist for and Eldo Officer position? Make sure to complete this form prior to Sunday, Feb 11 at 11:59pm. We will send a candidate guide to all Eldo delegates. Help us create an informed electorate! 

3.) Program Area Specific News:
  • Bill Sponsors (primary, secondary, and author) should make sure they meet up between now and Sac conference to make sure each has everything needed for a successful bill presentation. Primary Sponsors need to have their 2 min sponsor speech ready for committee and the floor (if your bill passes committee. Secondary Sponsors need a floor speech ready if the bill makes it over to their house.
  • NIC Delegates need to have a 2 minute sponsor speech ready to go on their proposals. Keep in mind the criteria used for evaluating your proposals. Make sure you're ready!
  • Court delegates should be preparing their cases
  • DOF and LegAn delegates should be preparing to present their proposals
  • This list is not exclusive! If you have stuff to do before Sac conference, get workin'!

4.) Early Arrival DelegatesLizzy F, Jack M, Jasmine P, Bella R, Sydney Tamplin, and Anna T - make sure you have reviewed the Early Arrival email and know where to be and when! Didn't see the email? Contact Derek ASAP!

5.) School Attendance: We will provide a list of Oak Ridge HS conference attendees to the Oak Ridge attendance office. Oak Ridge students do not need to submit an excused absence letter. 

For non, ORHS students: hopefully, you've alerted your school as to your absence next week.Participation in Y&G constitutes and excused absence under the education code. Here's a sample excused absence letter you can take to your school. Don't return it to Derek!


Annual Campaign Is Underway! Each year, YMCAs around the country hold their Annual Support Campaign. Our very own Sacramento Central YMCA campaign is underway and we need YOU to join! 100% of our Volunteer Advising Team has already made their pledge. We hope you'll join us by giving online today at http://bit.ly/eldodonate2018 or via the form available here.

Our goal is 100% delegate participation. Participation starts at just $1. 
We are currently at 33%

If you give $1 or more by conference check-in on February 15 and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Starbucks gift card. The first family group (our delegation counts as one family group) to hit 100% participation will win a special prize!

Celebration Banquet Returns! Join us on Wednesday, February 28 for our Second Annual Capitol Coalition Celebration Banquet. It's a fun evening featuring presentations from various program areas, awards, and maybe a guest speaker or two. We will again meet at Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova. Tickets are $15 each and cover salad, your choice of one of three entrees, and dessert. Thank you to the Old Spaghetti Factory for providing complimentary beverages again this year - we appreciate their support! Tickets can be purchased here https://capcobanquet.brownpapertickets.com

Online tickets have a small service fee attached. If you want to avoid that fee, you can pay me in person at meetings until February 7. Online ticket sales will end February 22. ***If the ticket cost presents a financial hardship, let me know ASAP. We don't want anyone staying home due to financial concerns***


Family Corner

Communication is Key! There will be additional information emailed between now and the conference. Please remind your delegate to check their email, groupme, and remind frequently (read: daily) between now and the conference. If your delegate will not have a cell phone at conference, please email me ASAP so I know. 

Conference Transportation: Because we're the home team, delegates are responsible for their own transportation to and from downtown Sacramento for the conference.Delegates may not, under any circumstances, drive themselves to or from the conference. It is a violation of the CalYMCA Code of Conduct and delegates found to have driven themselves to conference will be sent home. 

This Week's Meeting: As mentioned, it is mandatory for delegates and new delegates must have a family member in attendance. Returning delegates are encouraged, but not required, to have a family member with them. 

Sac Conference Meal Budget: Unlike previous conferences, only two meals are provided during our final conference of the year. Delegates are responsible for feeding themselves. A budget of approximately $80-$100 is recommended, depending on your delegate's tastes and appetite. Delegates will need to eat breakfast before they come to the conference next Thursday. They can bring a sack lunch that day as well. They will be responsible for their own dinner Thursday; Breakfast and lunch on Friday; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday; and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday. Dinners are provided on Friday and Sunday night. You will pick them up on Monday morning from the conference between 7 and 8am, so they can eat breakfast at home. 

We STRONGLY encourage delegates to bring some quick, non-perishable breakfast foods with them as breakfast is generally the most overpriced meal that is the hardest to obtain in the shortest amount of time before session - especially on Friday morning. Instant oatmeal, granola bars, bananas, etc, are a very, very good idea. Refrigeration is not guaranteed available in hotel rooms. Food is available locally at every price point and many K Street restaurants have specials during our conference. 

If this presents a financial hardship, please contact me ASAP. No delegate should go hungry

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
Ongoing: Annual Campaign. Donate online or via this form
February 8, 2018 Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 14, 2018 NO MEETING! Get a good night's sleep!
February 15, 2018 Annual Campaign Challenge Deadline for Raffle Entry
February 15-19, 2018 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

February 28, 2018: 2nd Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet

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