Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Y&G&Me Videos!

We need your help telling the YMCA's stories to the people in our community who support us now and who might want to support us in the future. 

You might be saying to yourself, "Heck yeah, I love Y&G and the YMCA, how can I help?" I'm so glad you asked!

Just film a quick video explaining what Y&G means to you: meetings, conferences, that speech you made, that proposal you wrote, that story you broke, the late night bonding while getting ready for your court case, freezing cold mornings at a CIM aid stations, whatever sticks in your mind and whatever you think shows the power of Y&G to others! The impact you know you have on the world around you, how you love livin' those values, why should others join, why should people support our program and the YMCA, etc. 

Your video might be featured in our Annual Campaign, at Camp Capital City this fall, to help us recruit delegates for next year, or featured on the Y's or our delegation's facebook page! #sofamous

Here's what your clip needs to have:
  • An answer to the question: "Why do you participate in Y&G" that starts with the word "Because . . . ."
  • The statement "I am [your name] and I am the YMCA" 
Film your testimonial (1-2 min in length is great! And the better the audio and lighting the more helpful it is since people want to be able to both hear and see you!) and drop it here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/P91KGyTTub2193Ku8

We need your videos by Wednesday, March 13. 


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