New Business:
1.) Summit Guide. Click here to review our pre-summit guide and packing list.
2.) Pre-Summit Meeting Slides: here is additional Summit information from our meeting this week.
3.) Here is the Summit schedule (note, Ambassadors do not need to print this in advance. They will be provided with a paper copy upon arrival.
4.) Here are annotated maps for the Sheraton and Hyatt. Please note that some room assignments may change! Ambassadors must listen during sessions for announcements of changes and should double check the schedule they will be provided when they arrive.
5.) We have confirmed with the Sheraton that rooms have mini-fridges but do not have stocked mini-bars with beverages or snacks. We still recommend primarily non-perishable snacks but they will have access to refrigeration if necessary. No caffeinated beverages and please consider limiting high-sugar foods!
3.) Awards Banquet Time! Our First Annual Awards Banquet will be held on Tuesday, May 7. This will be a chance for Ambassadors and their families to gather in celebration of all their hard work and accomplishments this year. Please purchase your tickets online by Tuesday, April 30.
4.) Be The Change Coin Challenge: As you may recall, two YMCA's make MUN possible, our own Sacramento Central YMCA and California YMCA Youth & Government. Both Y's provided us with generous scholarship money. Search your bedrooms, couch cushions, and cupholders for loose change for CalYMCA's "Be the Change Coin Challenge." At Summit, we'll decorate our collection jar and collect change as part of CalYMCA's effort to raise $1000 for MUN scholarships.
Summit Preparation:
We encourage you to email a copy of your prep work (scan it, send a document, snap a picture, etc) to Christiana by Monday, April 22 at 8pm so advisors can bring a back-up copy to Summit for you! The list of tasks can be found in past bulletins or here on the Airtable.
Want to brush up on some country facts? Here are the World fact sheets for all of the countries CapCo is representing as a delegation or in a program area!
Parent Corner:
Want to brush up on some country facts? Here are the World fact sheets for all of the countries CapCo is representing as a delegation or in a program area!
Parent Corner:
- Big Day of Giving - Find 15!: Thursday, May 2 is the Sacramento Region's annual Big Day of Giving - a wonderful day to support your favorite local nonprofits. We hope that you can #find15 to support the Sacramento Central YMCA! We're asking our members, supporters, and friends to find $15 dollars to ensure equal program access for everyone in our community and to ask 15 friends to do the same! Then, join us on Thursday, May 2 at Bike Dog Taproom (located at 915 Broadway) from 6:15 to 8:15 pm where 15% of your purchases will be donated back to the Y! (Bike Dog is family friendly - with dinner easily available at Selland's next door!). Event flyer found here.
- Time for Ambassadors to Shine! We've come a long way since January. Each of our Ambassadors has grown and met every challenge we've thrown at them. They are poised to do great things next week. Help them conquer fears and gain self-confidence and become more self-reliant by respecting our conference boundaries and rules prohibiting Ambassador interaction with non-program volunteers and participants. Please make sure to have a conversation with your Ambassador about personal responsibility, the importance of making good choices that reflect them as the great kids that they are, and review the Code of Conduct before they arrive at Summit.
Thank you!
-Amanda Levy & Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
April 23: No Meeting
April 25-28: 18th MUN Summit, Los Angeles
May 2: Big Day of Giving: #Find15 for the YMCA!
May 7: Celebration Banquet. Tickets available here.
May 2: Big Day of Giving: #Find15 for the YMCA!
May 7: Celebration Banquet. Tickets available here.
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help.
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