Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Pre-Season Bulletin

Welcome to the 72nd Model Legislature & Court program year! We're glad you're joining us. Each week, you'll receive a weekly bulletin with all of the information you need to make the most out of the program year. Bulletins are emailed to all registered delegates and their families and a link will also be sent via Remind. Bulletins are also archived online so they are always available for your reference. 

1.) First Meeting of the New Year: We're less than 1 week away from the first meeting of the 2019-2020 program year. Delegates should arrive at the Tahoe Park Community Center (5959 8th Avenue) on Wed, Sept 4, by 6:30pm ready to get to work on creating the best year ever. Our meetings end at 8:00pm. At the first meeting, Delegation Officers will provide a brief over view of the year, let you know about upcoming volunteer and fundraising opportunities, and we'll dive right into Parliamentary Procedure and get to arguing about stuff. It'll be great! 

Delegates should bring a notebook, pen, and calendar/planner to every meeting.

2.) Recruiting: Our delegation is what you make it! We have 11 registered delegates currently which leaves plenty of room for more! Friends and classmates are welcome. If you'd like help organizing outreach on your campus or would like Dylan to do a campus visit, please let us know. Flyers can be found here and we're happy to provide you with copies of flyers or brochures at your request. The sooner people join, the better!

3.) Paperwork: If you're receiving this email, congrats! You've already completed step 1 of our 3 step enrollment process. Step 2 is bringing back your completed paperwork packet to the first meeting. Make sure all signatures and requested information is included. And only return what is required to be returned. 

4.) Payments: Step 3 of the process is to provide your first payment of the year. Returners may have noticed a slight change in the payment process. By September 13, you need to provide one of the following options:

  • Option A: Bring a check for the full program fee for the year or pay online.
  • Option B: Bring a check for the first of 4 installments of $437.50 (or make the payment online) along with your completed Bank Draft enrollment form (included in the paperwork packet
  • Option C: Bring a $100 deposit check  (or pay online) along with your completed Y-Assist and Individual Scholarship Application with the required supporting documents. 
All checks should be made payable to "YMCA of Superior California" with the delegate name and "Y&G" in the memo line.

5.) Financial Aid: As mentioned above, financial assistance is available and information and applications are available in the paperwork packet. We cannot emphasize this enough: financial concerns should NEVER prevent a delegate from participating in Y&G. If you want to be here, we want you to be here and we'll all work together to make sure you complete the program. We can only help solve problems we know about, however, so please stay in communication with Christiana (Lead Advisor) or Dylan (YMCA Y&G Coordinator) regarding any concerns that arise throughout the year. Don't ghost!

6.) Fall Volunteer Events and CapCo Field Day: We kick off our year with a flurry of activities both at meetings and in the community. Here are some events you should add to your calendar:

  • Volunteer Events:
    • September 21: Delta Clean-Up Event (West Sacramento near the Barn)
    • October 12: S'moresfest Fundraising Event at the YMCA 
  • CapCo Field Day:
    • September 28: Sacramento YMCA - this event is an opportunity to meet delegates from our sister delegations and spend a fun day getting to know each other. There is a $15 additional fee to cover lunch, a CapCo t-shirt, and Field Day supplies. (If the cost presents a hardship, speak to Christiana). 
  • For additional details and to sign up, visit: bit.ly/falleventsignup
Family Corner:

Family Meeting: Wednesday, September 18, 6:30-7:15pm Please plan to join us for our annual parent info session on September 18. Delegates will meet while advisory review the calendar, program highlights, and expectations for the year. New delegate families are required to attend, returning delegate families are welcomed and encouraged to be there. 

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
September 4 - First Meeting! 6:30-8:00pm
September 13- Paperwork and First Payment Due
September 18 - Parents Meeting, 6:30-7:15pm
September 21 - Delta Clean-Up Day (sign up here)
September 28 - CapCo Field Day (sign up here)
October 12 - Smoresfest 2019 (sign up here)
October 18 - Payment 2 Due
October 30 - Mandatory Bill Hearing Night
November 9-11 - Training & Elections Conference I

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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