Here we are, folks! We have ONE meeting left this year, ONE conference, ONE celebration banquet, and then the curtain will fall on the 72nd Model Legislature & Court. Here's what we need to focus on between now and Thursday (Feb 7) so we can get ready for Feb 13-17:
1.) Mandatory Meeting This Week, Feb 6. Coming up in two days is our pre-con meeting. As mentioned in the last 10+ bulletins, it is mandatory for all delegates + a family member. I let family members off the hook for the first two conferences, but the logistical changes for this year's conference mean all need to attend.
2.) 4th Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Sun, Feb 23. Tickets available here. If you're coming, please get your tickets ASAP - the quick turnaround between conference and banquet makes the logistics tricky. Have mercy on your party-planning advisors! If the ticket cost presents a hardship, let me know ASAP. We have options.
3.) CONA, California Advocacy Days, and Governing Board Apps were due Feb 1 in Reggo, but if you get them in TODAY, I'll accept them. Details in previous bulletin here. These are GREAT opportunities - go for it! Some need letters of recommendation so you need to ask for those NOW if you're applying (hence the deadline, AND I'd appreciate a heads-up.).
4.) Annual Campaign: GREAT WORK, everyone!!! We're at 100%, which means we get a pizza party in Sacramento! I believe that'll be Saturday night. In the meantime, mo' money mo' Y-Assist funds, so hook it up and spread the word to friends and family that they have this amazing golden opportunity to support a cause near and dear to your heart! Send them here if they'd like to contribute to the Gold Country delegation: (details + more options below in Parents' Corner)
5.) Dress Code Review. Before you get too far into packing for Sac, please review the dress code here (and here in Spanish). Slides from Sac's dress code review can be found here. At the conference, you must be in Sac attire from 8am/when you leave your hotel room in the morning until 10pm at night.
6.) New Capitol Rules. Together, we will review the new Capitol rules. Delegates signed this policy, and parents need to sign it at the meeting next week. It's a big change, everyone, so please read it carefully.
7.) Early Arrival: Applies only to Zayo. Zayo, please plan to be in Sacramento at 9:30am on Wednesday, Feb 12, per instructions you received If you need help getting the absence excused, please let me know. If you haven't yet received very specific instructions on what to do for drop-off in Sac through meeting up with your delegation (us), please let me know ASAP.
8.) Also...Congrats to our newly elected Officers! Thank you to all who ran. We're going to have another great year next year! Congrats to our 73rd MLC Executive Officer Team who will be sworn in at the Celebration Banquet on February 23:
- President: Mia McKnight
- Vice President/Sergeant-at-Arms: Sabine Noyes
Toward the beginning of the year next year, we will elect our Secretary, Media Manager, and Chaplain. All returners will be encouraged to run for those positions.
Delegation of Distinction Lanyard: Make sure to find that and set it out with your luggage for Sac Conference!
Parents' Corner
1) See you Thursday!
2) Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Support Campaign. Each year, the Sacramento Central YMCA provides over $100,000 in financial support to guarantee that our programs, focusing on healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility, are available to everyone in our community. At the YMCA we believe that opportunity should be a right, not a privilege. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your means are, everyone has the right to live a healthy life to their fullest potential.
Our goal each year is simple: 100% participation by each of our Capitol Coalition Families. Participation starts at just $1. Here are 4 ways to participate:
- Visit
- Text GOLD1 to 71777
- Return our 2020 Pledge Form with a cash or check donation.
- Set up your own Fundraising page with our CapCo Team and ask others to support Y&G!
On behalf of Gold Country Families who benefit from your generous support - Thank You! You are making a difference in the lives of many.
Lead Advisor, Gold Country Delegation
Advocacy, Grit, and Growth Mindset
Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 1 - CONA,Advocacy Day, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo (I will accept these through today.)
February 6 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 8 - Rotary Club Crab Feed in Sacramento, in case you're interested. To volunteer; To buy tickets
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020, Tickets available here.
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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