Dear Sacramento Central YMCA MUN Families,
Thank you for your patience as we have awaited word from the statewide MUN office regarding plans for this unusual year. We are very sad that this program year has not been what we expected but we are heartened to know that our collective efforts to flatten the curve appear to be paying off in terms of lives saved and illnesses prevented.
As conferences aren’t possible amid stay-home orders, MUN will be moving to an online platform for the remainder of the year starting next week.
We wanted to update you on the financial aspects of the program. Please read this email carefully. Your action is required.
Since, of course, we won’t be traveling to conferences, incurring hotel room charges, or other expenses, the costs of this year’s program have been greatly reduced. Because the training conference was cancelled so close to when we were scheduled to depart, there were some costs incurred that cannot be refunded. We have learned, however, that due to the cancellation of the Summit scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, our conference registration costs have been reduced from $515 to $175 per Ambassador. Accordingly, we can offer the following options (a form to let us know which you choose is linked below):
- OPTION 1: For those who want to continue with virtual programming this year: a refund of anything paid over $230.
- This amount reflects the registration costs already paid to the statewide program, the cost of your sweatshirt (which we will find a way to get to you!) and approximately $35 of administrative overhead that covered meeting supplies and programming offered from January through March.
- Please complete this form to register for the virtual program by this Wednesday, April 22 at 11:59pm (this must be completed regardless of whether you completed the earlier in-person reggo registration.)
- Select your delegation name in the appropriate drop down (Sacramento Central)
- Write your lead advisor name where asked (Christiana & Amanda)
- Please also review this message from the statewide program office. There are two available parent info sessions about our virtual program available this week (Tuesday and Wednesday). Note that both Gold Country and Sac Central will still be working with their advisors. We may have new friends joining our meet-ups from other delegations.
- OPTION 2: Those who do not wish to continue with virtual programming this year: a refund of anything paid over $55.
- This reflects $20 for sweatshirts and $35 of administrative overhead that covered meeting supplies and programming offered from January through March.
- DONATE EXCESS FUNDS: If you wish to, you may donate any fees paid in excess of $225 (Option 1) or $55 (Option 2) which will be used to cover the work the YMCA continues to do right now providing meals for children who aren’t able to receive them at school and emergency childcare for essential workers like doctors and nurses on the frontline of COVID-19 response. Our YMCA, like every YMCA across the nation - as well as so many business and nonprofits - has been greatly impacted by this global health crisis.
For those who applied for and received Y-Assist support should also complete the form to let us know if they intend to continue with virtual programming. Whether in person or online, all who want to participate in YMCA programming will be able to do so regardless of financial need.
Thank you again for your patience as we all have been getting used to this new normal and getting our own families situated in response to the COVID-19 crisis. We hope that you and your Ambassadors are safe and well. We miss you a lot and look forward to when we can convene again in person.
-Christiana & Amanda
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN
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