Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation 2020-21 - Bulletin #4 (Thursday Meeting)

“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” - Fourth President of the United States, James Madison

What's (over)duePayments and Y-Assist application (where applicable).

At our next regularly scheduled meetingWe'll continue with Reliable Research and Information with a guest speaker who makes it his job to know more about candidates than they know about themselves . . . 

1.) Last Call for Sweatshirt Designs: If you have a sweatshirt design idea, you can submit it via this formHere are some past designs for inspiration. Designs must be Y-appropriate and should assume that we'll only have ONE color of printing on our shirts. We'll take submissions through Wednesday (10/14) at 12 noon. 

2.) Vice Presidential Debate Watching Activity: If you watched last week's Vice Presidential Debate and jotted down notes on this form - keep it handy so you can help decide the topic of our current events discussion this week.  

3.)Thanks for watching S'moresfest! If you missed the live stream on Saturday, you can see our Y&G highlight reel here or the entire event here. S'moresfest supports our Y-Assist fund that ensures everyone who wants to participate in our YMCA programs - like Y&G! - can do so regardless of financial means. You can support our efforts here

4.) More on Media LiteracyPlease Read the article, “Stop Trusting Viral Videos” and view this news clip prior to our next meeting. Make sure you've watched the Media Literacy Webinar  if you didn't attend live (linked below).

5.) Zoom Link: here's this week's Zoom meeting link. Officers and family leaders should log on at 6pm. All other delegates will be admitted to the meeting at 6:30pm.  SEE EMAIL FOR LINK


Media Literacy WebinarIf you missed the Media Literacy webinar, make sure to watch the replay before this week's meeting. 

Parli Pro: What is Parli Pro? And why should we care about rules and procedure? Check out this video for more info on the magic of Parli Pro. 

Payments and Financial Aid: This year's program fee is $250. There are two payment options:

  • Option 1: Pay the entire fee online here. (On the "Review Order Screen" make sure you click the blue "Pay full amount instead" link). 
  • Option 2: Option 2: Make a $25 deposit online and submit your completed Y-Assist application with supporting documents. Note: applications cannot be processed without the required supporting documentation.

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation


Helpful Links:

Weekly meeting overview

Missed a bulletin?

Need to make a payment?

Looking for forms or handouts?

Mark your calendars:

September 25 - Payments/Deposits and Y-Assist applications due for currently registered delegates. November 8 - PolicyFest 2020

December 13 - Conference 2

January 10 - Conference 3

February 28 - Conference 4

March 6-7 - Final Conference Weekend

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

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