Happy Election Day! Remind everyone you know who is 18+ and eligible to get out there and vote. Visit the Secretary of State's website for everything you need to know about the Election and to register or pre-register (if you're 16 or 17). Same day provisional registration is also available at polling places. There's no excuse for anyone not to exercise their right. And remember: accurate results take time, so get comfy and watch democracy happen.
Here's what else you need to know this week:
1.)PolicyFest: Watch Your Email: Later this week, you'll receive a pre-conference email with zoom links for Sunday, information on our conference presenters, program areas, and more. Be on the lookout! Our conference is this Sunday, November 8 from 10am-4pm.
2.)How do you log on to Zoom? For Sunday's conference, we'll be assigning breakout rooms that will give you a chance to meet delegates from across Northern California. To do this, we need to make sure that we know what email you use to log on to zoom. Take a moment to confirm the email you use for zoom by filling out this form. (And yes, everyone should fill it out, even if you only have one email address.)
3.)Looking for Legislative Priorities: spend a few minutes searching the web today for the legislative priorities of an organization you like that champions a cause you care about. Whether it's the environment, health, voting rights, gun rights, immigration, or tax policy - there's an organization out there advocating for those issues. What were their legislative priorities in 2020? Have they set any for 2021?
4.) Zoom Link: here's this week's Zoom meeting link. Officers should log on at 6pm. All other delegates will be admitted to the meeting at 6:30pm.
PolicyFest Reminder: Our first virtual conference of the year is coming up! Make sure you have saved the date and times: Sunday, November 8 from 10:00am - 4:00pm.
Complete this scavenger hunt and you might win a prize! Yup, you still need to do this:
- Check out this list of websites that you'll be using this year to write and research bills and stay informed about California policy and politics.
- Join our CapCo google classroom. Note: you may need to use a personal email address rather than your school email address if your school uses google classroom!
- Complete the Scavenger Hunt assignment before Sunday!
- It's okay if you don't get all the answers right. We'll be reviewing this at an upcoming meeting. Just give it a try now.
Join our Remind Text Group: If you haven't already, text @saccentral to 81010 to join our remind text group.
Helpful Links:
Looking for forms or handouts?
Payments can now be made only by phone - call the YMCA at 916-452-9622.
Mark your calendars:
Sunday, November 8 - PolicyFest 2020; 10am-4pm
Saturday, November 14 11:59pm: CapCo Leadership Application Deadline 1 (link coming soon)
Wednesday, November 25 - NO MEETING, Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, December 13 - Conference 2; 10am-3pm
Sunday, January 10 - Conference 3
Sunday, February 28 - Conference 4
Sat-Sun, March 6-7 - Final Conference Weekend
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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