Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #8: Regular Meeting Wed, CIM Sunday!

 Hoping everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break! It's time to speed through the end of 2021 with some big to-dos, events, and info. A REMINDER: part of Y&G is learning skills like time management. You know your school deadlines and exam schedule, you know your Y&G deadlines and meeting schedule. Plan ahead and take care of business so you aren't missing meetings.  

  • At the next meeting on December 1: We'll dive into the bill idea, research, and writing process and prep for Sunday's CIM volunteer event
  • OVERDUE: Legislator and Firm Platforms via the Google Classroom

Giving Tuesday: In pre-pandemic times, we spent a lot more time fundraising as a CapCo family. This year, while we have fewer fundraising events, the need in our community has only grown. In January, you'll learn more about our YMCA's Annual Campaign and we'll be setting some delegation and coalition goals. But I'd be remiss if I didn't note that today is my favorite of these made-up, post-Thanksgiving branded days. Giving Tuesday is a great time to remember our favorite nonprofits and show them a little love. If you'd like to make a gift, click hereThanks for helping us insure that all who want to participate in Y&G, and all of our programs, are able to do so. 

Speaking of Giving and Fundraising: at our last meeting, it was proposed that we assembly two gift baskets to raffle off at the YMCA to help raise money for our Annual Campaign. If you'd like to help out, please bring a non-perishable item (food or gift item) that would fit one of our two basket themes: Family Movie Night or Chocolate/Desert/Holiday. (I think those were the themes, right?)

Working time during this week's meetingBring a laptop or tablet (if you have one), notebook, and pen this weekWe'll spend some time working on bills.

CIM is THIS SUNDAY December 5: The California International Marathon returns to Sac on Sunday, December 5 and YOU get to help make it a success. Yesterday, I sent out instructions to all who are signed up to attend. Didn't get that email? Check your spam folder. If it's still not there, let me know! We're counting on you to be there on Sunday

ICYMI - Bill Writing Webinar: If you didn't have a chance to attend last night's Bill Writing Webinar, you can check it out here.

Follow the Y&G Instagram account@cayouthgov. It’s a great place to catch the latest program info, reminders, and news!

Post-Conference To-Dos:

Everyone: Take this survey
Analysts, Media: Complete this form
Join your google classroom:
  • Legislators
    • Your policy platform is due by Friday via the Google Classroom. You'll have some time to work on this at this week's meeting.
  • Analysts
  • Courts
  • Media
  • DoF
  • Advocates: only the Firm Principal will need to join the google classroom. You'll be deciding who your Principal is at this week's meeting.
Zoom attendance: If you'd like to participate via zoom this year (for the whole year or for any time you need to stay home for illness or any other reason), you can catch Sac Central meetings via zoom on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm. The link is the same each week and has been previously provided. If you don't have the link, contact Christiana by 6pm on Wednesdays prior to the meeting. Otherwise, bookmark the one you've already received! 

Lead Advisor


Mark your calendars:
Friday, December 10: Draft Bills and Fact Sheets due from Firms via the google classroom
Saturday, January 29: Conference #3 (statewide virtual)
Saturday-Sunday, February 26-27: Final conference (statewide virtual)


We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #7: This week, we work!

Hope you had a good time and learned some stuff at this past weekend's conference! Now it's on to the work we need to do to get ready for our remaining conferences this year! This week is a working meeting. Be there or be squarely behind! 

  • At the November 13 Conference: We'll learned about our program areas and heard from the Attorney General and our statewide leadership. 
  • At the next meeting on November 18: We'll hold Delegation Level leadership run-offs (if necessary) and write our Advocacy Firm and Legislator Platforms
  • No meeting next week - Happy Thanksgiving

Meeting Attendance is Essential This Week: Attendance is always expected, however, this week we need you there as we'll be forming our Advocacy Firms, completing our Platforms, and holding our delegation-level leadership run-offs. Bring a laptop, hotspot (if you have 'em), notebook, and pen this weekWe'll be writing our 

Statewide Leadership Apps Due TOMORROW November 16: If you want to apply for or run for a statewide leadership position (like Governor, Secretary of State, Chief Justice, or for a position within a program), applications are due Tuesday, November 16. NOTE: that's 3 days before the statewide deadline, BUT you need your app in early so we can have delegation-level run-offs as there are limits to how many applicants or candidates can come from each delegation. If your statewide application is not on file by November 16 at 11:59pm you won't be able to apply/run! For info about leadership positions, visit the Leadership Tab on the Curriculum Airtable or this doc

CIM Volunteer Registration Deadline is Wednesday: One of our favorite delegation traditions is back - on Sunday, December 5 at a way-too-early-hour, we'll meet to staff a runner aid station along the California International Marathon Route. Click here to confirm you'll be there! If you have friends and family who would like to attend, share this link with them: bit.ly/capcocim2021 

Post-Conference To-Dos:

  • Everyone: Take this survey
  • Legislators, Analysts, Media: Complete this form
  • Join your google classroom:
    • Legislators
      • Your policy platform is due by Friday via the Google Classroom. You'll have some time to work on this at this week's meeting.
    • Analysts
    • Courts
    • Media
    • DoF
    • Advocates: only the Firm Principal will need to join the google classroom. You'll be deciding who your Principal is at this week's meeting.
Bill Writing Webinar, Monday, November 29 at 6:30pm: SAVE THE DATE! Watch for a link to a bill writing webinar on Monday, November 29. While we'll cover some of this during our meeting, this is a great chance for Advocates and Legislators to be fully ready to submit their bills on-time on December 10. 


Follow the Y&G Instagram account@cayouthgov. It’s a great place to catch the latest program info, reminders, and news!

Zoom attendance: If you'd like to participate via zoom this year (for the whole year or for any time you need to stay home for illness or any other reason), you can catch Sac Central meetings via zoom on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm. The link is the same each week and has been previously provided. If you don't have the link, contact Christiana by 6pm on Wednesdays prior to the meeting. Otherwise, bookmark the one you've already received! 


Mark your calendars:

NEW Tuesday, November 16, 11:59pm: CapCo Statewide Leadership App Deadline

Week of November 22 - No CapCo Meetings

Monday, November 29: Bill Writing Webinar 6:30-7:30pm (link coming soon)

Saturday, January 29: Conference #3 (statewide virtual)

Saturday-Sunday, February 26-27: Final conference (statewide virtual)


We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.