We're just about a week out from our first conference of the year! Make sure to complete our program area preference form (discussed below) by Saturday, Nov 6 at 5pm.
Attendance Reminders: Weekly meeting attendance is an expectation for all delegates. We live our value of dedication by showing up. If you can't attend a meeting, you need to let your officers or Derek know in advance.
- At the last meeting: We met our family groups, learned about program areas, and debating voting laws in Texas
- We WILL NOT MEET on Thursday, November 11 due to the Veterans' Day Holiday
- At the November 13 Conference: We'll get trained in our program areas
- At the next meeting on November 18: We'll hold Delegation Level leadership run-offs (if necessary) and write our Advocacy Firm and Legislator Platforms
Program Area Preferences Form Due Saturday: It's time to rank your preferences for the programs you'd like to serve in this year. Here's a pdf explaining each program area. Make sure to rank your preferences using this form by this Saturday, Nov 6 at 5pm. If you have questions about program areas: ASK! We'll be assigning roles this weekend so speak now or forever hold your peace!
CIM Volunteer Registration Is Now Open: One of our favorite delegation traditions is back - on Sunday, December 5 at a way-too-early-hour, we'll meet to staff a runner aid station along the California International Marathon Route. Click here to confirm you'll be there! If you have friends and family who would like to attend, share this link with them: bit.ly/capcocim2021
Conference is Coming!: Reminder: our first statewide virtual conference will take place on Saturday, November 13 from 10a-3pm.
- We'll hear a keynote address from California State Attorney General Rob Bonta. Click here to learn about the Attorney General and the California Department of Justice. The AG has agreed to some Q&A - you can submit a question here.
- Here's the Conference Schedule.
Remind Group Texts: Delegates, look for a text from this year's Remind text group and accept the invite. If you don't see it, text @eldoyg2021 to 81010 to join our Remind text group for this year. This is our platform for sending reminders and program updates.
GroupMe: Look for another text adding you to our delegation GroupMe. Make sure to accept the text and I encourage you to download the (free) GroupMe app. This is our more social information exchange platform.
Zoom attendance: If you'd like to participate via zoom this year (for the whole year or for any time you need to stay home for illness or any other reason), you can catch Sac Central meetings via zoom on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm. The link is the same each week and has been previously provided. If you don't have the link, contact Christiana by 6pm on Wednesdays prior to the meeting. Otherwise, bookmark the one you've already received!
Mark your calendars:
NEW No Meeting on Thurs. Nov 11 - Enjoy your day off!
Saturday, November 13: Conference #2 (statewide virtual)
NEW Wednesday, November 16, 11:59pm: CapCo Statewide Leadership App Deadline
Sunday, December 5: California International Marathon Aid Station Volunteer Day
Saturday, January 29: Conference #3 (statewide virtual)
Saturday-Sunday, February 26-27: Final conference (statewide virtual)
We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.
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