There are four MANDATORY MEETINGS/DEADLINES coming up:
November 5: Delegates are required to attend – and their parents are invited and encouraged to attend – this meeting to learn about our first conference for the year: Training and Elections Conference I. We will spend approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the meeting discussing the conference, travel, and answering questions. The remainder of the meeting will be spent discussing and debating bill proposals.
November 12: Delegates are required to attend the final meeting before we depart BRIGHT AND EARLY the following morning for the conference. This meeting is important for two reasons: 1) notifying delegates of any last-minute changes and answering any last-minute questions and 2) continuing with our bill group work since the next meeting will be our Bill Hearing Night.
Note: November 12 is also the deadline for the next $250 payment.
Delegates who do not attend the November 5 and November 12 meetings and do not make the $250 payment WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE BUS FOR THE CONFERENCE.
(Meeting absences will be excused only if signed note from a parent is provided. Alternative payment plans are granted only by Samantha on a case-by-case basis. Forgetting to attend a meeting, forgetting to provide a timely payment, or forgetting to have a parent call to make alternative arrangements will not be excused and you will not be permitted to attend the conference.)
November 18: Bill Hearing Night! This will be a special meeting at which we will select which of our bills will be presented at the final conference in Sacramento. Parents will be invited and encouraged to attend. Delegate attendance is mandatory. Delegates will also need to attend in dress code. This meetings will start at 6:30, not at our normal 7:00 pm meeting time.