Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Delegation Bulletin #2

Upcoming Deadlines
Oct 15 Paperwork! (see item 4 below)
Oct 15 Sweatshirt Design due to printers (SUBMIT IDEAS NOW!)
Oct 16 Individual Scholarship Deadline (REQUIRES ADVISOR SIGNATURE)
Nov 12 $250 payment deadline (mandatory for conference attendance without prior Y approval for alternate plans. No Exceptions)

Upcoming Events
Oct 24 Halloween Volunteer event at the Y
Nov 6 Sold On Youth Auction (BIG MONEY FUNDRAISER)
Nov 8 Antique Fair Parking Lot Fundraiser

Ongoing Events
Raffle ticket sales
Coupon book sales

Keep the bill ideas coming. Now is the time to start your preliminary research as well. Next week we will divide into bill groups.

1.) Two payment deadlines have now passed and each delegate is responsible for having paid $300 for the program so far. Remember, you can meet that requirement in two ways: first, with a check; second, through your fundraising activities. If you have spoken to me regarding payment concerns, please remember: it is better to make ANY payment ($50?) than to make no payment at all. Making some level of payment will demonstrate to the YMCA that you are dedicated to the program. It's a "putting your money where your mouth is" showing of good faith. Again, we understand that in some cases, even $20 is impossible for some families. If this is you and your family, you MUST have a parent contact Sam Doffo at the YMCA to discuss the situation. 916-452-9622 ext 132. Don't delay!

2.) Bring your calendar or planner to meetings to record events and deadlines.

3.) If you sign up for an event but are unable to attend at the time you said you would or at all, you MUST contact Patrick, Chelsea, or Christiana at least 24 hours in advance. Unexcused absences may count against you when it comes to dividing fundraising proceeds and selecting program roles.

4.) ALL PAPERWORK is due at the next meeting. Did you lose yours? Download here. NOTE: do not return the entire parent packet. There is information there designed for your reference throughout the program. Return only forms requiring a signature. Delegates must submit the Delegation Contract, Medical Release Form, Code of Conduct, and Payment policy by Oct 15 or jeopardize their place in the program.

5.) Meeting Check-in Process: Upon arriving at meetings, delegates should first check the side table for any sign-up forms, handouts, or other information. CELL PHONE POLICY: Beginning Oct 15, delegates must turn off their phones (vibrate-mode is not the same as turned-off!) and leave them on the side table for the duration of the meeting. Delegates are not permitted to make or answer calls or texts during the meeting. This policy ensures an efficient, respectful meeting and allows us to continue with an hour-format for our meetings. Exceptions to this policy are granted only in legitimate, medical emergencies. Otherwise, everyone can survive for an hour. (This policy extends to the wearing of headphones/ear pieces/or blue tooth equipment. All are prohibited during the meeting.)