Dozens of parents and delegates convened at the Sacramento YMCA last Thursday for delegation's Parents' Night. Thanks to the outreach efforts of delegates, advisors, and the Y, we welcomed several new families into the exciting world of Y&G. A lot of information was dispensed in a short amount of time, but the meeting ended with several new delegates officially taking the plunge into the program and enthusiastic parents offering more help with recruiting.
If you missed Parents' Night, you can download this year's Parent Packet here in pdf format.
Missing a specific form?
Click on the following forms to download:
Code of Conduct
Emergency Release and Medical Information
Individual Scholarship Application
(due October 16; needs Advisor signature!)
Sac Central Delegate Contract
See you at our next meeting, this Thursday, October 1 in the Board Room at the Y! Bring your forms and, if you haven't turned it in yet, your first, $100 payment.