Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #15: A Busy December‏

Jingle Bells, Here's some info:

1.) Payment: A payment was due at our December 3 meeting. Please bring your payment to the December 10th meeting.

2.) Community Service Project - speaking of the December 10th meeting, if we can find a community service project (outside of the Y) to do next week we may do that instead of a regular meeting. Ideas? Send them along, quick! otherwise, same bat time and bat channel.

ADDENDUM: Rose's family has forwarded this opportunity. You can indicate your availability on the sign up form linked below and we'll see whether we can make it happen:
With the cold and wet weather finally here, those who are homeless in Sacramento are more in need of a warm, dry place to sleep than ever. Help us to make CBI that safe haven THIS Monday night!  On Monday evening, Dec 8, our congregation will host 80 to 100 homeless individuals for the night as part of the countywide Winter Sanctuary Program. We need volunteers anytime between 1pm and 8pm (you won't need to stay overnight!) to set up the Social Hall, prepare dinner in the afternoon, serve dinner at 5:30pm, interact with our guests, and to serve breakfast (very) early the following morning. We also will need food donations to make the dinner and breakfast possible.

3.) Swim With Santa - is next Friday. We can use help as early as 3pm, however, the official volunteer start time is 5pm. You'll be done by 8pm.
Please complete this form so I know who is coming. Remember, this is required unless you have a significant preexisting commitment.
AND Parking Lot Fundraiser - there's a big Antique Fair under the freeway across from the Y. We let people park in our lot for a donation. It can make us a lot of money, depending on the weather. We need volunteers. Easiest possible job imaginable except that you have to wake up early on a Sunday. 7a -11a at the YMCA.
(Same sign up form)
AND Bill Box Project - we help the Y&G office organize the bill boxes - that's all the legislation from all of the other delegations. It's easy - but time consuming. We'll meet over at the Y&G offices on 3rd Street. I don't know for sure what dates, but I have tentative ones on the same form.

4.) All Kinds of Dates - These are important, please make a note of them:
December 12:            Swim With Santa – YMCA, 5p-8pm
December 13:            MUN Secretariat  App Deadline, Governing Board App Deadline
December 14:            Antiques Fair Parking Lot Fundraiser – YMCA, 7am-11am
December 17:            Holiday Party, Bill Box Work – SECRET SANTA GIFTS!
December 24, 31:      NO MEETINGS – Happy Holidays!
December 29, 30:      Bill Box Meetings (details in upcoming bulletin, save the dates!)
January 7:                  Final Payment Due ($250 or balance of program fees)
January 17:                National Judicial Competition Deadline
January 17:                Conference on National Affairs Application Available
January 17-19:          Training & Elections Conference II, Fresno, CA
February 1:                Conference on National Affairs Application Deadline

5.) Secret Santa - $10 Max, have your gift at our December 17 holiday party meeting. The info on everyone is attached. (See page 2)

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