Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Enjoy A Night Of Entertainment And Support Our Delegation At The Same Time!

To purchase tickets call Samantha Doffo at the YMCA at 916-452-9622 ext 132 or email Christiana at cdominguez [at] cslea [dot] com

See you there!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Delegation Bulletin 10 - No Meeting This Week!

If you received an individual scholarship from the Y&G scholarship committee, you should have received from me a blank thank-you note at Bill Hearing Night. The completed thank-you note was due back to me this past week. You need to make arrangements to drop the completed note off at the YMCA as soon as possible.


The December payment deadline has passed for both regular and alternative payment schedules. If you have not met your obligation, you must make arrangements to do so/drop off a check at the YMCA BY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 or risk you position in the program. Email me or call Sam Doffo at the Y if you have questions about the amount you owe. (The standard payment due was $200 by last Friday)

January 8 - Final Payment Deadline ($200)

Upcoming Events:
December 17 - NO MEETING
December 19 - Holi-Day Camp at the Y Fundraiser. So far Tucker, Jordan, Airayana, Lawrence, Maribel, Emily, Kymeshia, and Daija have signed up. Want to sign-up? Email me ASAP. If you have signed up already, your attendance is expected or a phone call is required no less than 24 hours in advance.
December 31 - Noon Year's Eve Volunteer event. Jodran, Maribel, Emily, Kymeshia, Lawrence, and Tucker have signed up for this. If you can help, please call Sam at the Y at 916-452-9622 ext 132. Again, if you have signed up already, your attendance is expected or a phone call is required no less than 24 hours in advance.
January 7 - next meeting, 7pm, Board Room. Bring your payments ($200)
January 10 - Antique Fair parking lot fundraiser

Ongoing Events:
Coupon books can still be sold. Sam should be receiving more at the Y today or tomorrow - including additional sales order forms. If you would like to sell more books (and you should be pushing these for the holidays), contact Sam Doffo at 916-452-9622 ext 132

Door to door sales attempts? Have you tried to sell these books to your neighbor? I would suggest that you - accompanied by your parent(s) and NEVER ON YOUR OWN - put on your best dress-code attire and practice your public speaking skills by presenting the product and talking about the program to your neighbors. Heck, you can even adopt an entirely new neighborhood if you'd like. These books won't sell themselves - you need to get out there. Be safe.

Reminders/New for the Week:

1.) I've sent out many individual updates and messages so far today. Please read all of your email and respond/act when required.

2.) Forgetfullness doesn't excuse non-payment of program fees. If you have no expressed financial need and are behind in payments, your grace period for catching up expires at the close of business on Wednesday, December 16. Get your payments in. Yes, you'll need to make a special trip to the Y if you missed last week's meeting or attended the meeting but forgot your payment.

3.) Thank you to the six (out of 15) delegates who signed up for an attended the parking lot fundraiser on Sunday, despite terrible weather and terrible results. Your dedication is noted and appreciated.

4.) See you at our next meeting on January 7. Please watch your email between now and then.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Delegation Bulletin 9

IMPORTANT: If you have any coupon books, or money collected from the sales of coupon books, in your possession - BRING THE BOOKS/MONEY TO THE MEETING THIS WEEK. We need to figure out where a lot of outstanding books are or else we can't get more from the company. You can take them away with you again after the meeting, but we need to know FOR SURE where they are.

Upcoming Deadlines:
December 11 - December $200 payment is due (be smart: bring it to the meeting on Dec 10)
December 11 - Bill Supplement packets due (again, be smart, if you're a bill sponsor, and bring to the Dec 10 meeting)
Various appointed leadership deadlines - see applications. Note any advisor signature requirements.

Upcoming Events
December 7 - Big Spoon fundraiser
December 9 - alternative Big Spoon fundraiser day for at least the East Sac location
December 13 - Antique Fair parking lot fundraiser/bake sale/etc
December 19 - afternoon childcare fundraiser(? - see below)

Ongoing Events:
Coupon book sales (note reminder at the top of this bulletin)

We're considering organizing an afternoon of childcare at the YMCA as a fundraiser. Parents would pay a set amount for up to 4 hours of supervised activities for their kids so they can go Christmas shopping, etc. Money raised by the event would benefit those delegates who volunteer to work the event. We don't have details yet. Who is interested in helping with this? (Assume it will be an afternoon event. There are no set hours yet). We're looking at Saturday, December 19.

Reminders/News for the Week

1.) KEEP FUNDRAISING! Coupon book sales are still going on and can through at least Bob II - maybe longer. This is money you can be earning. So go get it. Also, I sent a good number of you information on how to contact elected officials for help with sponsorships. So far, no one has shown me a draft letter.

2.) Thanks to the efforts of your advisors, we have secured an additional $500 in scholarship money. This money will ONLY be distributed to those who have a) completed the YMCA's need application (given out so many times now, I've lost count) AND b) to those who demonstrate fundraising efforts and participation in delegation meetings and events.

If you have not turned in this form yet - it is due at the December 10 meeting. NO EXCEPTIONS.

3.) Thanks for a mostly successful bill hearing night. It was great to see so many parents there and I think our other special guests were impressed by your efforts. We're almost there on getting everyone to show up for meetings on time. As far as I know, only Angelik and Joseth let Patrick or Christiana know about delays in getting to the meeting on time. Other latecomers: you need to let Patrick or Christiana know if you're going to be late.