Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, December 9, 2019

2019-20 El Dorado Youth and Government Delegation Bulletin #15

"It is not possible for one man to hold another man down in the ditch without staying down there with him.”  Booker T. Washington

1.) Final Payment of the Year This Week: The final payment for this year is due this week on Dec 13. You can pay online here or call the YMCA Front Desk (916-452-9622 ext 0) and provide a credit card number over the phone. If you cannot pay online, please have your delegate bring a check, made out to the Sacrament Central YMCA, to this week's meeting.   

2.) Role Selection Thursday (12/12)!: Program area assignments will happen on this week on Dec 12th!  This process will determine your role at T&EII and Sac Conference. Here are the spots we are allotted this year. (We've factored out Forum kids and those who were appointed to leadership roles, and in I&A, and thus get a spot in that program area already.) Click here to see where you rank in the delegation with points. Remember, the more points you have, the better the shot out have of getting your program area of choice! (Shout out to Anna Moghaddam for having the most points right now!) 

Appellate Court7
Bench Trial7
Board of Ed5
CA Invest Bank1

3.) Model United Nations Program: Did you know Y&G also offers a middle school program? Now in its 19th year, YMCA Model United Nations gets kids in grades 6-8 interested in the world around them by teaching them about geography, research skills, and public speaking, all framed by the Y's core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.  Gold Country and Sac Central have Model UN programs currently, but we haven't yet been able to offer the program in El Dorado Hills - but we're hoping that will change in 2020 or 2021. 

If you have a friend or family member that is a student in grades 6-8, please help us gauge interest by completing our mailing list form today: bit.ly/CapCoInterest

4.) Potluck Holiday Party Meeting (12/19): Our holiday party is on Thursday, Dec 19 at 6:30pm in lieu of our normal meeting.  The holiday party will be a potluck and everyone needs to bring some food (a dessert or side or soda). The holiday party will be offsite as Savanna Crist and her family have graciously agreed to host our delegation for the holiday party (thank you!), details are available in your inbox (address not posted online for privacy reasons - go check your email). 

This meeting is an official delegation meeting and you will receive points for attending (which matter for the family competition even after the role selection process!). Advisors will also attend this holiday party. 

5.) Holiday Meeting Schedule: As we near the holidays, we will NOT be having meetings on either Dec. 26, 2019 or January 2, 2020. Our normal meetings will resume on January 9, 2020 and then we will have our mandatory pre-con meeting on Jan 16th. Below is a list of the next few meetings:
  • Dec. 12 - Program Area Draft
  • Dec. 19 - Holiday Party
  • Dec 26 - NO MEETING
  • Jan 2 - NO MEETING
  • Jan 9 - Regular Meeting
  • Jan 16 - MANDATORY Pre-Con Meeting
  • Jan 18-20 - Training and Elections 2 Conference
6.) Letters of Recommendation: Feeling the college application stress? Y&G Advisors are happy to provide letters of recommendation upon request. Here's what you need to do:
  • Email me (or the advisor of your choosing) your request and include:
    • Due dates for any requested letters
    • Submission Process (email? online form? sealed envelope?)
    • If you have it - a resume or list of your other activities, accomplishments
  • It's your responsibility to nag until you receive confirmation that the letter has been written and submitted.
  • Please give at least 2 weeks notice in advance of due dates where possible. 

Parent Corner:
  • Final Payment of the Year: The final payments for this year is due on Dec 13. You can pay online here or call the YMCA Front Desk (916-452-9622 ext 0) and provide a credit card number over the phone.    
As always, thank you for reading and I will see you on Thursday!

Derek Dolfie
Lead Advisor/Delegation Dad
El Dorado Delegation
Helpful Links:
Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Question about the Sacramento Central YMCA?
Question about CalYMCA?
Question about our delegation?
Want to know which family you are in?

Mark your calendars for these key events!
December 13, 2019 - Fourth and Final Payment Due
Dec 19, 2019 - Holiday Party (Happy Holidays!)
Dec 26, 2019 - NO MEETING (Happy Holidays!)
January 2 - NO MEETING (Happy New Year!)
Jan 16 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
Jan 18-20, 2020 -Training and Elections 2 Conference (Fresno)
February 13-17, 2020 -
72nd Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)
February 23, 2020 - Celebration Banquet (Sacramento Central YMCA) 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sac Central Delegation Bulletin #13: CIM & Party Details

As we head into our last meeting of 2019, take a moment to think back to all we've done this year. For returners, you had a great 71st MLC and have started off the 72nd already racking up the accomplishments. Think back and look forward: 2020 is going to be amazing!

Also - a warm welcome to our newest delegate, Elena! We're so glad you've joined us!

At the next meeting:  It's Holiday Party & Secret Santa Time! 
What's due: Payment #4
Now overdue: Your response to this form if you haven't done it yet! 

1.) CIM Is This Sunday! Hopefully you read the email earlier this week about CIM this coming Sunday, December 8. If not, click here and make sure you know where to go and when!

2.) Final Payments Due Next Week: Final payments should be brought to the meeting next week. Payments received after next Friday (Dec 13) will be considered late and may be subject to a $20 late fee. If you are not sure about your remaining balance, contact Christiana or Dylan ASAP!

3.) Holiday Party Next Wednesday: At next week's meeting, we'll celebrate the Holidays and the end of 2019 with food, friends, and our Secret Santa gift exchange. Confirm that you did by clicking here and letting me know - and let me know what you'll bring for the potluck Holiday Party on Dec 11

4.) Model United Nations Family Info Night, Tuesday December 10: This item moves back into the main part of the bulletin this week. Do you have a middle schooler at home? We have a program for you! Join us on Tuesday, December 10 from 6:30-7:30pm for a Family Information Session on the YMCA's Model United Nations program for grades 6-8. To sign up for the MUN mailing list, click here.

We'd love your help reaching out to other families in the community to encourage folks to join MUN! If you've applied to be a Secretariat, you're welcome to attend the info night as well.

5.) NEW Following up on our guest speaker's presentation, here's an article about spotting "Fake News" and why it is important not to spread misinformation.


Swim With Santa - December 13 - Sacramento Central YMCA: Thank you to James, Jenni, Kathina, Priya, Ting, Trisha, Miranda, Elena, and Sam for signing up to volunteer at Swim With Santa on Friday, December 13 at the Y. If you indicated "no" on the survey (Aaron, Carenna, Connor, Jimmy, Miraya) but your availability changes, let me know. Ideally we need 10 volunteers. Thanks!

Schedule Reminder: We'll have no meeting on December 18, December 25, or January 1 in observance of Winter Break. Meetings will resume on January 8.

January Parking Lot Fundraiser: Thank you to Connor, Jimmy, Miraya, James, Elena, and Kathina for signing up for the January 12 Parking Lot Fundraiser. We could still use 2-3 more volunteers. Let me know if you're available.

DoD Lanyards: Make sure you put your blue, Delegation of Distinction lanyard in a safe place so you can bring it to the next two conferences. We won't be provided with replacements if you lose/forget yours.

Letters of Recommendation: Feeling the college application stress? Y&G Advisors are happy to provide letters of recommendation upon request. For info on how to request a letter, check out the last bulletin.

Family Corner: 

Second Round Individual Scholarships were announced last week and you should have received an email from Dylan letting you know of your award and remaining balance. Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox and then contact Dylan if you didn't receive the email. 

Final payments for the year are due by December 13. If you have any question about the remaining balance due, please contact Christiana or Dylan. 

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
December 8 - California International Marathon Volunteer Event
December 11 - Delegation Holiday Party/Meeting
December 13 - Swim with Santa Volunteer Event at the YMCA
December 13 - Payment #4 Due
December 18-January 1 - Winter Break - No Meetings
January 8 - Meetings resume
January 12 - Parking Lot Fundraiser
January 15 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
January 16 - CONA, NJC, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo
January 18-10 - Training & Elections Conference II
February 5 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020 (tickets on sale in January) 

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

2019 CIM Aid Station 1B

THIS INFO IS FOR THE AID STATION CLOSEST TO EDH (Folsom Station) ONLY. If you're looking for the Sacramento Aid Station info, click here. Make sure you report to the station you're signed up for or you won't get your points! 

Thank you for volunteering for this year's CIM Aid Station. We appreciate your coming out to help! Please note that we're counting on you being there on Sunday morning. Eldo delegates who no-show lose 5 points. This email reviews all the info you need for the event:
Your Station: Aid Station 1B (Village)- Course Mile 2.2
Address: Village Shopping Center (south side of street), 9580 Oak Avenue Parkway, Folsom 95630
Picture of location of aid station (make sure you check this link out!) 

Station Captain: Advisor Derek
(don't expect quick response times in the morning as set up time is busy!). 

Parking is limited so please carpool or get a ride if you can. If you do drive, there is limited parking available (see the linked picture above) and you will not be able to move your vehicle until the roads open again. Please look at the map linked above.  

  • Crew Arrival – 5:15am (do not be early and do not be late, there will be road closures so be sure to leave time to navigate around them)
  • Estimated End of Event – 8:05am
  • El Dorado Delegates get 8 points for full attendance.
    • If you cannot attend and do not let us know in advance, you will lose 5 points. 
What to expect:
  • You will be filling and handing out cups of water and sports drink. 
  • It will be cold! The weather will be in the low 50s. This event will be held RAIN OR SHINE and is entirely outdoors. Make sure to bring lots of layers and warm gloves. Better to bring a layer you don't need rather than wish you had brought one.
    • Wear your Delegation Sweatshirt!
  • You will get wet! The runners have a habit of throwing their water cups towards you, the ground, and the trash cans. There can be splash back on you. Please make sure that you are dressed appropriately.
  • You can bring cowbells, jingle bells, and make signs to cheer on the runners. We can win prize money for having the most spirited and/or cleanest Aid Station on the course! 
  • No sandals or open-toe shoes. It will be wet, dark, and we don't want delegates injuring themselves. 
  • Bring a flashlight or headlamp. We will be there very early in the morning and it will be dark. The course streets may not be fully closed so you must be visible and stay aware of your surroundings. To make sure that you can see and are safe make sure to have a light source. 
  • Bring some food. There will be no food provided at the aid station and no breaks to go and get something, so eat before you arrive and bring some granola bars with you!
  • New This Year: all water and Nuun cups are compostable so we'll be making extra sure only water and Nuun cups go in the cup waste boxes and we keep other non-compostable trash out of them. 
  • Make sure you communicate pick-up times and instructions to your rides  if you are not driving yourself.  Share road closure info as necessary. 
    • As we may have mentioned, you're expected to show up at 5:15am and stay for the duration of the event. #liveyourvalues #responsibility #dedication

2019 CIM: Aid Station 12 Info

THIS INFO IS FOR THE AID STATION CLOSEST TO SACRAMENTO ONLY. If you're looking for the Folsom Aid Station info, click hereMake sure you report to the station you're signed up for or you won't get your points! 

Thank you for volunteering for this year's CIM Aid Station. We appreciate your coming out to help! Please note that we're counting on you being there on Sunday morning. Eldo delegates who no-show lose 5 points. This email reviews all the info you need for the event:
Your Station: Aid Station 12 (near Smartrise Engineering)- Course Mile 20.3
Address: 2625 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95864
Picture of location of aid station (make sure you check this link out!) 

Station Captain: Advisor Christiana 
(don't expect quick response times in the morning as set up time is busy!). 

Parking is limited so please carpool or get a ride if you can. If you do drive, there is very limited  parking available in the parking lot behind the aid station (see the linked picture above) and you will not be able to move your vehicle until the roads open again. Please look at the map linked above. There is also parking in the residential neighborhoods above and below Fair Oaks Blvd. Be mindful of driveways and other posted parking restrictions. Do not park in the Loehmann's Plaza shopping center unless you want your car towed. 

  • Crew Arrival – 6:45am (do not be early and do not be late, there will be road closures so be sure to leave time to navigate around them)
  • Estimated End of Event – 12:30pm
  • El Dorado Delegates get 9 points for full attendance.
    • If you cannot attend and do not let us know in advance, you will lose 5 points. 
What to expect:
  • You will be filling and handing out cups of water and sports drink. 
  • It will be cold! The weather will be in the low 50s. This event will be held RAIN OR SHINE and is entirely outdoors. Make sure to bring lots of layers and warm gloves. Better to bring a layer you don't need rather than wish you had brought one.
    • Wear your Delegation Sweatshirt!
  • You will get wet! The runners have a habit of throwing their water cups towards you, the ground, and the trash cans. There can be splash back on you. Please make sure that you are dressed appropriately.
  • You can bring cowbells, jingle bells, and make signs to cheer on the runners. We can win prize money for having the most spirited and/or cleanest Aid Station on the course! We'll have some speakers there this year as well. If you'd like to bring a playlist (on something that can bluetooth itself to the speaker), feel free IF the playlist is Y-rated and motivational for the runners! (Think upbeat, fun, and festive!)
  • No sandals or open-toe shoes. It will be wet, dark, and we don't want delegates injuring themselves. 
  • Bring a flashlight or headlamp. We will be there very early in the morning and it will be dark. The course streets may not be fully closed so you must be visible and stay aware of your surroundings. To make sure that you can see and are safe make sure to have a light source. 
  • Bring some food. There will be no food provided at the aid station and no breaks to go and get something, so eat before you arrive and bring some granola bars with you!
  • New This Year: all water and Nuun cups are compostable so we'll be making extra sure only water and Nuun cups go in the cup waste boxes and we keep other non-compostable trash out of them. 
  • Make sure you communicate pick-up times and instructions to your rides  if you are not driving yourself.  Share road closure info as necessary. 
    • As we may have mentioned, you're expected to show up at 6:45 and stay for the duration of the event. #liveyourvalues #responsibility #dedication