Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #7: Russian to Get Ready for the Training Conference

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

At the next meeting: We'll create our Russia Country Poster and learn more about Russia
What's Due: Country Scavenger Hunt Part 2 worksheet (see below); Parent Driver Packet for Training Conference Drivers
What's overdue: Payment #2 (see info below)

1.) Country Poster: At the next meeting, we'll be making our Russia poster. To create it, we'll need you all to bring in some information. Here's a worksheet to gather the info that we'll need. Chances are that you've already looked up most of this for the handout you received earlier in February. All answers can be found via google search. This CIA Factbook entry about Russia is also worth spending time reviewing! 

If you'd like to print out any pictures of Russian geography, culture, food, art, etc, to bring in to help decorate our poster, you are welcome to! Small pictures (4x6 or smaller) are best. 

2.) Program Area Assignments: Here are this year's program area assignments. Program areas were assigned based in part on Ambassador preference and in part on Advisor assessment of the best fit for each Ambassador. We are only given a certain number of spots in each program area and we do factor in grade level as well. Included here are leadership opportunities (see next item):

AssignmentLeadership Opportunities
AdelaideEconomic & Social Council (Committee 5)ECOSOC Committee Chair (Appointed)
AsherNGO-UN HabitatNGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed); NGO President (Elected)
AzadehGeneral Assembly (Committee 6)GA Committee Chair (Appointed)
CameronInternational Court of JusticeICJ President (Elected)
CooperSecurity CouncilSC President (Elected)
HarryGeneral Assembly (Committee 5)GA Committee Chair (Appointed); GA President (Elected)
HugoInternational Press CorpsBureau Chief (Appointed)
JoyNGO-ICAONGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed)
KennedyInternational Court of JusticeSecretary-General (Elected)
RileyNGO-UNDPNGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed)
RowanEconomic & Social Council (Committee 6)ECOSOC Committee Chair (Appointed)

3.) Leadership Opportunities: Want to make the most out of your MUN experience? Apply for leadership in your program area! We discussed this at a previous meeting but you can read about leadership opportunities here. Applications are found in your Reggo account. Here is a visual guide to finding them (note that the images are from last year so the positions have changed, but the way you find them has not!). (Ignore the "recommended background" part - don't count yourself out if you're new to MUN.) Applications are due by Tuesday, March 3 at 8pm

3.) March 10 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting for Ambassadors and Parent: Our March 10 meeting is mandatory for all Ambassadors and a parent/family member. This will be our pre-conference meeting where you'll receive details about the March 14-15 Training Conference. Here is some preview information:

  • We anticipate the conference starting around 10am on Saturday, March 14. We anticipate the conference ending around lunch time on Sunday, March 15. The schedule should be released next Monday.
  • Ambassadors will be staying in cabins (by gender). We expect to be housed with our sister delegation, Gold Country. We will potentially be staying with additional delegations as well. 
  • Cabins are enclosed, have windows, heating, and bunk beds with mattresses. Ambassadors will need to bring a sleeping bag or bedding and a pillow. Bathrooms are either attached or adjacent to the cabins. 
  • There is no cell service at Camp Jones Gulch. Advisors may have periodic access to WiFi but don't expect to hear from your Ambassador while we are at camp. There are landlines for emergency use and a contact number will be included in pre-conference materials at the pre-conference meeting. 
  • It's a very short trip - Ambassadors won't need more than pajamas and a change of clothes for Sunday. 
4.) Looking Way Ahead - Summit Hotel Lodging: Because it came up at last night's meeting - a reminder from the info session way back in December: At the MUN Summit in Los Angeles in April, Ambassadors will be housed up to 4-to-a-room. Hotels have 1 bed or 2 beds (they never have 4 beds). This means Ambassadors can 1) take turns sleeping in beds and camping out on the floor in the sleeping bags they'll be told to bring, 2) share beds, 3) parents can potentially book a roll-away bed based on availability and whether the statewide program provides that option this year. We have no control over whether we are assigned hotel rooms with 1 bed or 2 beds and we don't know until we show up to check-in what we have. Housing Ambassadors 2-to-a-room would be cost-prohibitive and logistically impossible to keep everyone in one hotel. Please begin preparing your Ambassador's expectations now for roommate life in April. This is part of the life-skills kids can learn in Y&G. They will likely have roommates someday in college or while they are young. Learning to keep one's things tidy and share a bathroom are real-world skills! 

Parent Corner

Conference Transportation Plans. Thanks for your patience as we finalize our transportation plans for this program year. Here is where we stand:
  • March Training Conference: Thank you to those who have volunteered to drive in March. At this week's meeting, we'll have parent driver packets that you'll need to fill out. All volunteer drivers will also need to be fingerprinted. Instructions will be provided at this week's meeting as well. 
  • April Summit: We will be bus-pooling with a Bay Area delegation to and from Los Angeles. The bus will pick us up from the YMCA in Sacramento at about 6:30am on Thursday, April 23 and return us on Sunday evening, April 26. Final times and details will be in a future bulletin. 

Volunteer Event Ideas. Do you have an idea for a community service or other volunteer event we can do as a delegation in the next month or so? Bonus if it is related to our chosen Sustainable Development Goal. Bring your ideas to the next meeting or send your advisors an email. 

Payment #2 Due: the second program payment was due February 20. If you haven't yet, please bring your payment (or pay online) this week. Checks are payable to YMCA of Superior California and should have your Ambassador's name in the memo line.

Resolutions Review: At previous meetings, we learned about "Resolutions" - which are the documents that members of the UN create to share their proposals for how to make the world a better place. Resolutions have two parts: Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Phrases. If you want to review Resolutions, check out the presentation here. To review the script for how we share resolutions in MUN, check out this link. These are the core of what Ambassadors work on who are in the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) organs. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 20: Payment #2 Due
March 20: Payment #3 Due
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #6: Courts, Councils, and Conference Plans

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

At the next meeting: We'll learn about the ICJ and Security Council programs
What's Due: Your completed country fact sheet. 
What's overdue: Payment #2 (see info below); Training Conference Transportation SurveySpring Break Survey - help us finalize our meeting schedule by completing this survey today! 

1.) International Court of Justice. This week, well have a special guest speaker to talk with us about the International Court of Justice program area. 

2.) Security Council. A benefit of representing Russia this year - we have a seat on the UN Security Council! Not every delegation has a spot in this fun program area. We'll learn all about it this week.

3.) Program Area Preferences. As of this week's meeting, we'll have learned about all of the MUN Organs in which you can serve at the Summit. This week, you'll be asked to rank your program area preferences. We only have a few spots in each program area. Not everyone will receive their top choice but your advisors will make sure you end up in the best program area for you! 

4.) Country Fact Sheet. Don't forget to bring back your completed country fact sheet!

5.) Volunteer Event Ideas. Do you have an idea for a community service or other volunteer event we can do as a delegation in the next month or so? Bonus if it is related to our chosen Sustainable Development Goal. Bring your ideas to the next meeting or send your advisors an email. 

Parent Corner

Payment #2 Due: the second program payment was due February 20. If you haven't yet, please bring your payment (or pay online) this week. Checks are payable to YMCA of Superior California and should have your Ambassador's name in the memo line.

Conference Transportation Plans. Thanks for your patience as we finalize our transportation plans for this program year. Here is where we stand:
  • March Training Conference: Thank you to those who have volunteered to drive in March. At this week's meeting, we'll have parent driver packets that you'll need to fill out. All volunteer drivers will also need to be fingerprinted. Instructions will be provided at this week's meeting as well. 
  • April Summit: We will be bus-pooling with a Bay Area delegation to and from Los Angeles. The bus will pick us up from the YMCA in Sacramento at about 6:30am on Thursday, April 23 and return us on Sunday evening, April 26. Final times and details will be in a future bulletin. 

Resolutions Review: At previous meetings, we learned about "Resolutions" - which are the documents that members of the UN create to share their proposals for how to make the world a better place. Resolutions have two parts: Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Phrases. If you want to review Resolutions, check out the presentation here. To review the script for how we share resolutions in MUN, check out this link. These are the core of what Ambassadors work on who are in the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) organs. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 20: Payment #2 Due
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

All-CapCo Post-Conference Mini-Bulletin

If you're anything like your advisors, you're pretty sleepy but also pretty happy today! Sac conference was wonderful and we're so proud of all that you accomplished. Here's a few must-know items this week:

1.) Banquet ticket sales end tomorrow, Wednesday February 19 at 8pm. Get your tickets before it's too late!

Delegates should plan to wear Sac Attire. Guests are welcome to wear business attire or business casual

2.) Awards Nominations now openComplete this form before Friday at 5pm to cast your vote for CapCo awards. 

3.) Annual Campaign Still Going! There's time left to help us reach 100% participation! Give today

4.) Eldo Appointed Leadership Applications Due MondayApply to lead an Eldo Family next year and more! Applications due Monday, February 24. 

5.) Get a jump on DoD for next year. Complete the MLC Survey now

6.) Incoming & Outgoing Officer Teams should keep an eye on their email carefully this week for action items related to the banquet. Coming soon! 

We look forward to celebrating with you on Sunday!

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020, Tickets available here.  

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Consolidated All-CapCo PRE-CON SPECIAL: 96 hours to change the world....

It's time. This is it. Sac Conference is here. You have 96 hours to change the world, or at least, to change your world. How do  you want to be known? You are #notanonymous. The things you say and do matter. You matter to us. Your advisors are proud of you. 

1.) 4th Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Sun, Feb 23. Tickets available here. If you're coming, please get your tickets ASAP - the quick turnaround between conference and banquet makes the logistics tricky. Have mercy on your party-planning advisors and buy your ticket todayIf the ticket cost presents a hardship, let your Lead Advisor know ASAP. 

2.) Annual Campaign: Can we get to 100% before February 13? Give today! bit.ly/capcocampaign

3.) Current Officers and Officers-Elect: Please complete this form so I know if you will be present at the Celebration Banquet to participate in the program/be sworn-in. 

4.) Awards Season - Advisor of the Year, Spirit of Y&G, Service to Youth, and more! Due by 11:59 PM on Thursday, February 14th. Click here for a list of all awards and to nominate

5.) ELDO Item: Want to be a leaders next year? Appointed Leadership Applications for family leaders and other roles now open! Expectations, required training dates, and application found here. Applications are due at 11:59pm on Monday, February 24. 


A.) Pre-conference letter with all the details.

B.) Slides from the pre-con meeting. Pay attention to YOUR delegation's information.

C.) Top 6 Things to Bring:

  • Money for food
  • DoD Lanyard (if applicable)
  • Band-aids
  • Pen and highlighter (just don't take them into the Capitol!)
  • Delegation Sweatshirt
  • Your A Game.
D.) Here is the MLC Schedule. You'll be provided a hard copy when you get to Opening Joint Session at Memorial Auditorium. As ever, take a look now, get familiar with the layout, read carefully, and watch for Remind updates on changes.

E.) Your reporting time is 11:15am on Thursday, February 13 to the Hyatt Regency, Regency Ballrooms D/E/F to drop your luggage.
  • We suggest dropping off at 13th and K. Note that 13th is only open southbound from J to L. 
  • Carpooling is HIGHLY recommended. 
  • No early arrivals. Supervision is not available prior to 11:15am. 
  • After you drop your luggage, if you are in ConCon, DOF, Forum, Houses, or NIC you need to make a name placard on the 2nd floor of the Hyatt. First initial + Last Name ONLY. No doodles, no decoration, nada.
  • NIC Delegates must check-in at Sheraton Durang by 12 noon. 
F.) Familiarize yourself with the boundary map

G.) National Judicial Competition Interview schedule is available here.

H.) Be prepared for the new Capitol Rules. If you have sessions in the Capitol, don't bring unnecessary items with you, no bags, no writing utensils, food, beverage (incl. water). Plan ahead. Allow extra time to enter the building. Using the Capitol is a privilege that is not guaranteed. It's up to us to protect our legacy.


Delegation of Distinction Lanyard: Make sure to find that and set it out with your luggage for Sac Conference!

School Attendance
. ORHS Delegates, a list of participants will  be submitted to your attendance office. For all other delegates, make sure you provide a note to your school. Here's a sample letter.

Parent Corner:

Code of Conduct: Please take a few minutes to read the Code of Conduct and to have your delegate do the same. It is important to review these expectations prior to Thursday. We need your help ensuring that delegates understand our expectations and meet them. We also need your help ensuring that delegates don't bring contraband (alcohol, vapes, tobacco products, drugs, etc) to the conference. Violations of the Code may result in your delegate being sent home and, in certain instances, bar their future participation in this program. If you have any questions about the Code, let me know ASAP.

Communication is Key! There will be additional information emailed between now and the conference. Please remind your delegate to check their email, Groupme, and Remind texts frequently (read: daily) between now and the conference. If your delegate will not have a cell phone at conference or if you need to update their number, please email your Lead Advisor no later than Tuesday, February 11, so we know.

Conference Transportation: Because we're the home team, delegates are responsible for their own transportation to and from downtown Sacramento for the conference. Delegates may not, under any circumstances, drive themselves to or from the conference. It is a violation of the CalYMCA Code of Conduct and delegates found to have driven themselves to conference will be sent home.

Sac Conference Meal Budget: Unlike previous conferences, only two meals are provided during our final conference of the year. Delegates are responsible for feeding themselves. A budget of approximately $100-$150 is recommended, depending on your delegate's tastes and appetite. Delegates will need to eat breakfast before they come to the conference next Thursday. They can bring a sack lunch that day as well. They will be responsible for their own dinner Thursday; Breakfast and lunch on Friday; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday; and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday. Dinners are provided on Friday and Sunday night. You will pick them up on Monday morning from the conference, so they can eat breakfast at home.

We STRONGLY encourage delegates to bring some quick, non-perishable breakfast foods with them as breakfast is generally the most overpriced meal that is the hardest to obtain in the shortest amount of time before session - especially on Friday morning. Instant oatmeal, granola bars, bananas, etc, are a very, very good idea. Refrigeration is not guaranteed available in hotel rooms. Food is available locally at every price point and many K Street restaurants have specials during our conference.

If this presents a financial hardship, please contact your Lead Advisor ASAP. No delegate will go hungry.

Sac Conference Attendance: Sac Conference constitutes an excused absence from school under the Education Code. Please remember that regular season sports or other regular, predictable, or recurring events (like homework or tests) do not constitute valid excuses for missing any part of Sac Conference. Exceptions will only be granted on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances (like state championships, meetings with the pope or president, that sort of thing). We thank you for respecting this policy and helping us ensure a safe and positive experience for all delegates.

Helpful Links:

Mark your calendars:
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020, Tickets available here.  

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #5: NGO and IPC Week

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! Please encourage them to complete the two "homework" tasks they have for this week's meeting - selecting a news article and reading about two NGOs. 

At the next meeting: We'll learn about the IPC and NGO programs and choose our Sustainability Goal for this year.  And we should learn which countries we'll be representing this year!
What's due:  Ambassadors should bring a newspaper article with them - more info below!; Training Conference Transportation Survey
What's overdue: Spring Break Survey - help us finalize our meeting schedule by completing this survey today! 

1.) International Press Corps. This week, we'll be learning about the IPC. To help us, every Ambassador needs to bring in a news article (not opinion piece!) about one of the following topics: 

  • Climate Change
  • Air Pollution
  • Public Health
  • Endangered Species
  • Water Resources
  • Food or Hunger 
2.) Non-Governmental Organizations. This week, we'll also be learning about Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Get a jump start on the meeting by reading about Habitat for Humanity and Doctors Without Borders. We'll ask for volunteers to explain what each organization does and where they do their work. 

3.) Choosing our Sustainability Development Goal. We've learned about all but 1 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This week, we'll decide which we want to champion this year and which of the goal designs will be feature on our sweatshirt! Take a moment to review the goals here.  


Resolutions Review: At previous meetings, we learned about "Resolutions" - which are the documents that members of the UN create to share their proposals for how to make the world a better place. Resolutions have two parts: Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Phrases. If you want to review Resolutions, check out the presentation here. To review the script for how we share resolutions in MUN, check out this link. These are the core of what Ambassadors work on who are in the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) organs. 

Parent Corner

- Payment #2 is due by Feb. 20: the second program payment is due February 20. We don't have a meeting on February 18, so we encourage you to bring your payment (or pay online) this week. Checks are payable to YMCA of Superior California and should have your Ambassador's name in the memo line. We will be sending updated payment schedules to Y-Assist applicants in a separate email. Prompt payments help us tremendously! Thanks!

Conference Transportation Plans. Thanks for your patience as we finalize our transportation plans for this program year. Here is where we stand:

  • March Training Conference: We are looking for parent carpool volunteers for our March 14-15 training conference. Thanks to those of you who expressed a willingness to drive on your registration form. Now it's time to gather particulars so please fill out this quick survey form. Everyone can fill it out so we know you've seen this part of the bulletin! 
  • April Summit: We should have our plans inked early next week however it looks certain at this point that we will be bus-pooling with a Bay Area delegation to and from Los Angeles. The bus will pick us up from the YMCA in Sacramento at about 6:30am on Thursday, April 23 and return us on Sunday evening, April 26. Final times and details will be in a future bulletin. 
- FINAL CHANCE to weigh in! Spring Break Survey: Last year, the conference fell during spring break for many Ambassadors - not so this year! To help us plan our April meeting schedule - which is full of important conference prep - please complete this short spring break survey to help us finalize the meeting schedule. 

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
February 18: No meeting
February 20: Payment #2 Due
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gold Country Delegation Bulletin #18: And then there was ONE!

Here we are, folks! We have ONE meeting left this year, ONE conference, ONE celebration banquet, and then the curtain will fall on the 72nd Model Legislature & Court. Here's what we need to focus on between now and Thursday (Feb 7) so we can get ready for Feb 13-17:

1.) Mandatory Meeting This Week, Feb 6. Coming up in two days is our pre-con meeting. As mentioned in the last 10+ bulletins, it is mandatory for all delegates + a family member. I let family members off the hook for the first two conferences, but the logistical changes for this year's conference mean all need to attend. 

2.) 4th Annual CapCo Celebration Banquet, Sun, Feb 23. Tickets available here. If you're coming, please get your tickets ASAP - the quick turnaround between conference and banquet makes the logistics tricky. Have mercy on your party-planning advisors! If the ticket cost presents a hardship, let me know ASAP. We have options.

3.) CONA, California Advocacy Days, and Governing Board Apps were due Feb 1 in Reggo, but if you get them in TODAY, I'll accept them. Details in previous bulletin here. These are GREAT opportunities - go for it! Some need letters of recommendation so you need to ask for those NOW if you're applying (hence the deadline, AND I'd appreciate a heads-up.). 

4.) Annual Campaign: GREAT WORK, everyone!!! We're at 100%, which means we get a pizza party in Sacramento! I believe that'll be Saturday night. In the meantime, mo' money mo' Y-Assist funds, so hook it up and spread the word to friends and family that they have this amazing golden opportunity to support a cause near and dear to your heart! Send them here if they'd like to contribute to the Gold Country delegation: bit.ly/goldco2020 (details + more options below in Parents' Corner)

5.) Dress Code Review. Before you get too far into packing for Sac, please review the dress code here (and here in Spanish). Slides from Sac's dress code review can be found here. At the conference, you must be in Sac attire from 8am/when you leave your hotel room in the morning until 10pm at night. 

6.) New Capitol Rules. Together, we will review the new Capitol rules. Delegates signed this policy, and parents need to sign it at the meeting next week. It's a big change, everyone, so please read it carefully.

7.) Early Arrival: Applies only to Zayo. Zayo, please plan to be in Sacramento at 9:30am on Wednesday, Feb 12, per instructions you received If you need help getting the absence excused, please let me know. If you haven't yet received very specific instructions on what to do for drop-off in Sac through meeting up with your delegation (us), please let me know ASAP.

8.) Also...Congrats to our newly elected Officers! Thank you to all who ran. We're going to have another great year next year! Congrats to our 73rd MLC Executive Officer Team who will be sworn in at the Celebration Banquet on February 23:
  • President: Mia McKnight
  • Vice President/Sergeant-at-Arms: Sabine Noyes
Toward the beginning of the year next year, we will elect our Secretary, Media Manager, and Chaplain. All returners will be encouraged to run for those positions.

Delegation of Distinction LanyardMake sure to find that and set it out with your luggage for Sac Conference! 

Parents' Corner
1) See you Thursday!

2) Sacramento Central YMCA Annual Support Campaign. Each year, the Sacramento Central YMCA provides over $100,000 in financial support to guarantee that our programs, focusing on healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility, are available to everyone in our community. At the YMCA we believe that opportunity should be a right, not a privilege. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your means are, everyone has the right to live a healthy life to their fullest potential

Our goal each year is simple: 100% participation by each of our Capitol Coalition Families. Participation starts at just $1. Here are 4 ways to participate:
  1. Visit bit.ly/goldco2020
  2. Text GOLD1 to 71777
  3. Return our 2020 Pledge Form with a cash or check donation.
  4. Set up your own Fundraising page with our CapCo Team and ask others to support Y&G! 
On behalf of Gold Country Families who benefit from your generous support - Thank You! You are making a difference in the lives of many. 

Lead Advisor, Gold Country Delegation
Advocacy, Grit, and Growth Mindset

Mark your calendars:
February 1  - CONA,Advocacy Day, Governing Board Apps Due in Reggo (I will accept these through today.)
February 6 - Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
February 8 - Rotary Club Crab Feed in Sacramento, in case you're interested. To volunteerTo buy tickets
February 13-17 - 72nd Model Legislature & Court
February 23 - Celebration Banquet 2020, Tickets available here.  

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program.