Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #13: Jingle All The Way To January

Here's what you need to know this week. Read it carefully or you won't know where to go for our meeting/party tomorrow.


1.) Attendance & Remaining Meetings: Last week, half the delegation was absent. Illness happens and we certainly prefer that you keep your germs at home when you're sick! Life happens, too. But, as we enter finals season, I'd like to remind everyone that time-management is a skill we work to develop in Y&G. Finals or midterms aren't a good excuse for missing a meeting because you know when meetings are and you know when your exams are. Good time management should allow you to take care of all of your commitments.

We only have 4 or 5 meetings left this year - if you can believe it. Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
Dec 16 - Holiday Meeting/Party (see item #2 below)
Dec 23 - No Meeting
Dec 28 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Dec 29 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Dec 30 - No Meeting
Jan 2 - Bill Boxes Work at CalYMCA HQ on 3d Street (more info to come)
Jan 6 - Regular meeting, payment deadline
Jan 13 - MANDATORY pre-con meeting, NIC delegates should have proposal drafts
Jan 16-18 - T&EII in Fresno
Jan 20 - No Meeting?
Jan 27 - Regular meeting, Bill sponsors practice bill presentation
Feb 3 - MANDATORY final regular meeting, pre-con meeting
Feb 11-15 - 68th ML/C

2.) December 16 Meeting & Holiday Party Gus and his family have graciously offered their home for our Meeting & Holiday part tomorrow. The address is ______________. Be there at 6:30pm. Food and drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring something to share as well. Remember to bring your Secret Santa gift. You all should have your slips of paper or the picture you took of that slip of paper so you know your Secret Santa assignment. Limit is $10/gift. Funny (in a kind way) gifts, re-gifting, all fine.

3.) Bill Boxes Project  Each year, our delegation helps the Y&G HQ assemble program materials relied on by 800 or so delegates. We organize and file the bills submitted by all delegations, statewide. It isn't complicated work but it can be VERY time consuming without enough help. It is vital that you show up for the shifts you indicated availability for. Below is the schedule and the days people indicated they could attend. If you can come more days than you originally thought, please do so. We may have to add additional days/times as well. Lunch will be provided. We DO NOT meet at our meeting location and we DO NOT meet at the YMCA. We will meet at the California YMCA Headquarters: 2555 3rd Street, Suite 215 Sacramento CA 95818

Monday, 12/28; 10a-4pTuesday, 12/29; 10a-4pSaturday, 1/2; 10a-2p
Efrain Vallejo

Brenna Leigh Nancarrow

Tilton Hoyt

Monse Villarrealx

Emiliano Gómez

Cameron Miller

Delaney Roybal

Zachary Hansenxxx
Jacob Becker

Gus Marcinxxx
Calvin Santoscoyxxx
Dexter allen
Victoria Veraxxx
Matthew Zheng

Ally Jeffers



4.) NIC Delegates You should begin thinking about your proposals. Please review the attached information on the NIC program area and proposal development process.  You also have Victoria and Efrain as resources since they both participated in NIC last year. You should have an idea selected by our Jan 6 meeting and a draft proposal by our Jan 13 meeting.

5.) National Judicial Competition and Conference on National Affairs  There are two additional conferences to which you can apply that are national and convene during the summer. The NJC application is due January 11 and the CONA application will likely be due February 11. You can learn more about these here and here. The NJC application is already available in Reggo. I am going to work on having delegation alumni who have participated in these conferences visit a meeting or do a google hangout to answer your questions. We'll discuss these more at a future meeting, but you should read up on these opportunities now.

6.) Spring Conference Interest  Each April, there is a Y&G Spring Conference held in Corcoran, CA. It's a short weekend with NIC and Legislative House and it's really fun. It is great for delegates considering running for office next year or to recruit your friends for the program. We camp on the YMCA lawn in Corcoran, it's all very casual, there's still a dance, and there's a water slide. The conference this year is April 8-10.  The cost last year was $200 for program fees + Amtrak tickets (about $60-80). I don't yet know what this year's program fees will be. Financial assistance or an extended payment plan may be available. I would like to know if anyone is interested in attending. We do not yet know how many delegates we'll be able to take. Please let me know if you might like to attend or if you have friends who might be interested in checking out the program.

See you all tomorrow evening!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Y&G68: Delegation Bulletin #12: A December To Remember...Lots of Stuff

1.) Meetings resume tomorrow, December 2.

2.) Tomorrow is a payment deadline (Most delegates should have paid $1100 by that date)

2a.) Information about the second round of Y&G individual scholarships should be out by Friday. If you are waiting on information about that, please still submit some level of payment on Wednesday. If it isn't your full payment amount, please email Christiana ASAP.

3.) We will be selecting names from the hat for our holiday gift exchange.$10 MAX budget for gifts. Regifting welcomed. Should be fun, not a budget buster ;)

4.) California International Marathon Volunteering SUNDAY December 6, 6:30a-12:30p. We will be manning a water station at mile 20.4 of the marathon route. We still need many more volunteers. Please sign yourselves up here: http://bit.ly/CapCoCIMVolunteers  You are encouraged to recruit your family and friends along as well! We need 5-10 more people for this station. Please help recruit!

4.a). Look for more information about the race arriving in your inbox on Thursday. Our team captains meeting takes place during our regular meeting time, so you'll get info via email. Please watch for it! 

5.) Swim With Santa - remember this event is on Friday, December 11th at the YMCA. Make sure you've saved the date on your calendar if you signed up. If you can't remember whether you signed up, see Bulletin #11.

6.) Elected and Appointed Leadership Applications are due December 11 but must be approved by an advisor prior to that date. The internal delegation due date for applications is December 4. The applications are available now on your reggo registration pages. Please don't wait till the last minute on these! Program area and leadership opportunity info can be found here: http://bit.ly/LeadershipInfoMatrix

7.) SAVE THE DATES - The Bill Boxes Project is approaching. Below are the dates we'll be meeting and the delegates who signed up for those dates. Please mark your calendars and do not forget about this commitment:

Bill Boxes Project12/28; 10-412/29; 10-41/2; 10-2
Efrain Vallejo

Brenna Leigh Nancarrow

Tilton Hoyt

Monse Villarrealx

Emiliano Gómez

Cameron Miller

Delaney Roybal

Zachary Hansenxxx
Jacob Becker

Gus Marcinxxx
Calvin Santoscoyxxx
Dexter allen
Victoria Veraxxx
Matthew Zheng

Ally Jeffers



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Thursday, November 19, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #11: Gobble this Info

Boy, am I sorry for that really bad Thanksgiving-pun subject. But anyway.

At our next meeting, please be mindful of Gus's requests from Wednesday. Everyone needs to be a bit more respectful during meetings when Gus is trying to move us through the agenda. Also, please work on carefully reading the bulletin and noting important dates and deadlines. Time management and responsibility are two of the biggest skills you can gain from Y&G. Don't miss out on opportunities!

1.) No meeting next week - Happy Thanksgiving!

2.) Meetings resume Wed, December 2. That is a payment deadline (Most delegates should have paid $1100 by that date) and we will be selecting names from the hat for our holiday gift exchange.

Okay - read these next two parts really carefully:

3.) California International Marathon Volunteering SUNDAY December 6, 6:30a-12:30p. We will be manning a water station at mile 20.4 of the marathon route. We still need many more volunteers. Please sign yourselves up here: http://bit.ly/CapCoCIMVolunteers

You are encouraged to recruit your family and friends along as well!

4.) California International Marathon Volunteering SATURDAY December 5, 8:30a-12noon, Race Expo at Sac Convention Center. This is an optional secondary event so we can work on completing more volunteer hours as a delegation. The PRIORITY volunteer event is the Sunday water station. This is a bonus event. So if you can only volunteer for one thing, do the water station. If you can volunteer on Saturday too, then you need to email me to let me know that you can by tomorrow night.

5.) Swim With Santa - remember this event is on Friday, December 11th at the YMCA. Make sure you've saved the date on your calendar if you signed up.
This is who I have as signed up:

Available and willing to get in the pool:
Brenna Leigh Nancarrow
Monse Villarreal
Delaney Roybal
Gus Marcin
Calvin Santoscoy
Ally Jeffers

Available, does NOT want pool duty
Zachary Hansen
Dexter allen
Victoria Vera

6.) Elected and Appointed Leadership Applications are due December 11 but must be approved by an advisor prior to that date. The internal delegation due date for applications is December 4. The applications are available now on your reggo registration pages. Please don't wait till the last minute on these! Program area and leadership opportunity info can be found here: http://bit.ly/LeadershipInfoMatrix

7.) SAVE THE DATES - The Bill Boxes Project is approaching. Below are the dates we'll be meeting and the delegates who signed up for those dates. Please mark your calendars and do not forget about this commitment:

Bill Boxes Project12/28; 10-412/29; 10-41/2; 10-2
Efrain Vallejo

Brenna Leigh Nancarrow

Tilton Hoyt

Monse Villarrealx

Emiliano Gómez

Cameron Miller

Delaney Roybal

Zachary Hansenxxx
Jacob Becker

Gus Marcinxxx
Calvin Santoscoyxxx
Dexter allen
Victoria Veraxxx
Matthew Zheng

Ally Jeffers



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Monday, November 16, 2015

Program Area Descriptions And Allotments 2015

Senate(2)/Assembly(4)  - Delegates debate bills on the floor of the legislature. Great balance of public speaking and discussion of a variety of issues affecting California.

NIC (2) : National Issues Commission - Commissioners each develop and present their own proposal (like a bill) on a national or international issue. Debate begins in smaller commissions and successful proposals move on to larger and larger groups. Good opportunity to ease into a public speaking role. Also attracts passionate debate.

Lobbyist(1): - Delegates are assigned bills to work for or against and work to persuade Senators and Assemblymembers. Sometimes will speak for bills they may not agree with, which is good practice in public speaking. After presenting to Legislative Committees, Lobbyists work together to write an initiative (like a proposition in real life) and get other delegates across the program to sign it. Can apply to be a Governor's Lobbyist the following year. Great for delegates with a sharp sense of salesmanship.

Board of Education(0)  - A smaller group. Great for delegates to collaborate in teams yet not speak in front of large groups. Looks specifically at one current issue within education and comes up with ideas on how to improve it. Can run for State Superintendent of Public Instruction the following year.

Assistant Legislative Analysts (1)   - Assigned to a Legislative Committee as the impartial expert on a bill. Responsible for figuring and presenting how much money the bill will save or cost the state. Will present analysis to Senate/Assembly body if the bill makes it out of committee. Good intro to public speaking and can potentially have a profound impact on the passage/defeat of a bill. Can run for State Legislative Analyst the following year.

Department of Finance(1)– Spinoff of ALA program. Groups will prepare a state budget. There will be research and debating of issues in a small group setting.

ConCon (1) : State Constitutional Convention. Tackles the challenge of writing the State Constitution from scratch in three days. Will work in smaller groups and debate in larger discussions. Well run and for those who are motivated. Great for Seniors!

Appellate Court (1) - Try cases based on the way previous cases were settled. Only way to be a judge (very cool!). Great for those more interested in debating matters of law than deciding facts of a case. Less work in some ways than Trial Court since delegates will not have to prep any witnesses.

Judicial Review(0)   –Great for returning court delegates looking for more of a challenge. Appellate court type program which will deal with a factual scenario developed to evaluate the constitutionality of a bill from a previous ML/C.

Bench Trial (Trial Court)(1) - Try a case with a partner. The type of court on TV (e.g. Law & Order). Get to prep a witness and make arguments in front of a judge. Great practice for those who are considering the career of a lawyer. Good route for delegates interested in Jury Trial, the more advanced version of Trial Court.

Media(1) – Combo of Broadcast Media and Press Corps. Focus on written media, social media, and a broadcasted news program. Get a press badge to walk around and check out the different program areas. Great for creative delegates. Can apply to be an editor the following year.

Political Parties(0)   – Help with campaigns for statewide candidates. Recruit members to join your party. Must have initiative, be responsible, and be able to manage your time efficiently.

Political Polling(0)   – Small group that will learn about measuring and interpreting polling results as well as data collection, bias, and how to phrase questions. Members will work closely with Political Parties, Media, Gov office, and Lobbyists

IAC(0)   - International Affairs Commission – This is NOT the NIC with an international focus. It is instead a group looking at major international issues facing our planet. The program will focus on small group collaborative work, research, technology based presentations, public speaking, and debate.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #10: The Pre-Con Dozen

(See email inbox for referenced attachments)

Are you excited! Tomorrow night we'll be on our way to the first conference of the year. You've worked hard on your bills, you've read about program areas, now it's time to go meet 3000 new friends. Here is what you need to know for tomorrow:

1.) Be at the YMCA (2021 W Street - NOT OUR USUAL MEETING PLACE) lower parking lot (closer to 20th and W), at 6:30pm sharp. We will depart as soon as the buses arrive to pick us up.

2.) Eat dinner before you get on the bus or bring it with you. (If you bring it, all your litter better leave the bus with you in Fresno). We will NOT be stopping on the way down and there won't be food options available when we arrive there (around 9:30-10pm). Pack non-perishable snacks if you're likely to get hungry.

3.) Pack lightly. It's a short trip and you need to be able to carry everything you bring.

4.) Don't forget a sleeping bag unless you plan to share beds with your roommate.

5.) The informational letter and pack list is attached, please read it again.

6.) During the conference day you will NOT be allowed back to your hotel room for any reason. Bring a backpack with you to hold the pen, highlighter, and notebook you also need to bring with you. Don't arrive with nothing to write with. Unprepared is not a cool thing to be.

7.) YOUR LAST CHANCE TO EARN PIZZA FOR THE DELEGATION: Right now, today, or sometime BEFORE you arrive for the bus tomorrow, go to https://app.reggo.org/calymca and register for the "68th Model Legislature & Court." Select "delegate registration" then complete the form, selecting "Sacramento Central" from the delegation drop-down menu. Your "role" is "delegate."

Note: Dexter and Jacob - you didn't do this at all for the first conference so I created a profile for you. You're going to have to complete the process on your own this time!

If everyone in the delegation completes their registration by 6:30pm tomorrow night, we'll have pizza at our delegation meeting on Saturday night. If not everyone completes their registration by 6:30pm tomorrow, your advisors will enjoy a pizza pie on their own. ;)

8.) Please review the preliminary schedule (you don't need to print it, you'll get a copy at the conference or it will be available on the CalYMCA app - available from the iTunes or Google Play store today!) and give some thought to which program area presentations you'd like to attend. I've also attached our summary of all program areas with the number of spots we have available in each program area. While we may be able to swap some slots with other delegations, you'll be asked to include at least one program area currently available in your rankings.

Note: There is a meal rotation schedule: FOLLOW IT unless you have a conflicting leadership interview and have received alternative instructions. Saturday breakfast: 8:15am. Sunday Breakfast: 7:45am.

9.) There is a Starbucks and it will be open this year (hooray!). Other delegations will be selling items to raise funds. You are not required to have any money with you for the weekend, but you may wish to have spending money with you for Starbucks, souvenirs, or additional food items for sale by other delegations.

10.) Dress code for the weekend is casual, but no athletic attire, work out gear, yoga pants, leggings-as-pants, please. Jeans are fine. The weather will be in the 60s in the day and in the 40s at night. You'll get your delegation sweatshirt when you arrive tomorrow night. Please consider packing an additional jacket or a few layers. Meetings rooms may be hot. Or they may be cold. It's all part of the fun. Most important: COMFORTABLE SHOES. It's going to be a looooong day, friends. Happy feet = happy delegate.

11.) Make sure your groupme app is installed (if possible) and you are receiving message notifications. We will use this during the conference to communicate meeting times and locations.

12.) Everybody eats, everybody hydrates, everybody sleeps, everybody votes.

Call or email if you have questions. Otherwise, see you tomorrow at 6:30!

Monday, November 2, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #9b: Bill Hearing Night, Conferences, Bowling, Oh my!

So much important stuff this week, y'all. Delegates AND PARENTS please read this from top to bottom!

(For attachments, please see your email inbox)

1.) Bill Hearing Night is this Wednesday, November 4 at Historic Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street. Delegates must be there by 5:30pm. The event will start promptly at 6pm. PLEASE REMEMBER to factor in time for traffic and parking. Delegates must attend Bill Hearing Night in Sac Attire. See the attached dress code. If you have questions, ask!

2.) Bill Sponsors: Please send me your most current version right now. I would like to print copies or our guests. I can't do that unless I have your current language by 8am tomorrow morning.

3.) Payments Due: You have a payment due ($250 for most delegates) this Wednesday. We need everyone to be current prior to our conference and this is the last meeting before then. If your parent needs to call the YMCA to make a credit-card payment over the phone, please remind them to do so.

4.) Conference Prep: We discussed our upcoming conference at last week's meeting. Attached is a copy of our parent letter and pack list. Please let an advisor know if you have any question.

5.) Review the Program Area description sheet (Attached). At our first conference, you will have the chance to attend a program area fair where you will select the program areas you want to learn more about. Make sure you educate yourself in advance to take full advantage of all the options! You won't get to see every program area.

6.) If you haven't yet, FILL OUT THIS GOOGLE FORM: On December 6, we will be volunteering to staff an aid station for the California International Marathon. It's a super fun event AND they will be making a donation to our delegation. We need 100% participation by those delegates not out of town that day. We also need you to recruit your parents and friends and whomever else is interested. Use this link: http://bit.ly/CapCoCIMVolunteers
The aid station is at Mile 20.4 and we need you from 6:30a-12noon. It is located near Loehmann’s Plaza at Munroe & Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento. We need 45 people to attend. Some will join us from our sister delegation, but we need to provide as many volunteers as possible from our group. Feel free to share this link with friends and family! Tell them to give you credit for asking them to help out!

7.) Bowling! Who wants to go bowling on Wednesday, November 11? Come hang out with your delegation before we head out on our conference. We'll cover one game of bowling, shoe rental, some arcade time, snacks and beverages are on us! And LOOK! Another google form to use to RSVP. Aren't you lucky: http://bit.ly/NovemberBowling

8.) No Meeting on November 11: because it's a holiday and we're going bowling! (See above.) 

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #9a: Saturday's Meeting

Here's what  you need to know/do between now and Saturday morning:
(For all referenced attachments, please see your email inbox)

1.) We will have our final bill hearing night rehearsal this Saturday, October 31, from 11a-1p at our usual meeting place (Tahoe Park Community Center). Be there or be scarily unprepared for next week! Please considering bringing a snack to share and we'll make it a Halloween Party while getting our work done.

2.) Bill Sponsors: Please send me your most current version of your bill by Friday night.

3.) Review the Dress Code (Attached). Bring any questions to Saturday's meeting.

4.) Review the Program Area description sheet (Attached). At our first conference, you will have the chance to attend a program area fair where you will select the program areas you want to learn more about. Make sure you educate yourself in advance to take full advantage of all the options! You won't get to see every program area.

5.) FILL OUT THIS GOOGLE FORM, Right now, today, ASAP! On December 6, we will be volunteering to staff an aid station for the California International Marathon. It's a super fun event AND they will be making a donation to our delegation. We need 100% participation by those delegates not out of town that day. We also need you to recruit your parents and friends and whomever else is interested. Use this link: http://bit.ly/CapCoCIMVolunteers
The aid station is at Mile 20.4 and we need you from 6:30a-12noon. It is located near Loehmann’s Plaza at Munroe & Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento. We need 45 people to attend. Some will join us from our sister delegation, but we need to provide as many volunteers as possible from our group.

6.) Payment reminder: A payment is due next Wednesday, November 4. Don't forget in the rush of Bill Hearing Night to provide your payment! You are welcome to bring your payment this Saturday, October 31.

Friday, October 23, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #8: Catching Up and Calendaring

{Parents - please take a moment to read this week's bulletin and chat with your delegates about the calendaring questions in the survey link in item 1, below. We also need some parent volunteers for the California International Marathon on Sunday, December 6. Thanks!}

(Check your email for referenced attachments!)

1.) Grab your calendars and fill out this google form- READ IT CAREFULLY, CHECK YOUR CALENDAR, DISCUSS WITH PARENTS, CONFIRM DATES: If the entire delegation completes this survey by Sunday, Oct 24 at 6pm, Delegation Pizza Party at the first conference! But everyone has to complete it! We need your feedback on volunteer opportunities and more. Help us out! bit.ly/NovDecCalendarSurvey

2.) Meeting Schedule: The next two regularly scheduled meetings are MANDATORY.
Oct 28: Pre-Conference information session. Parents are welcome to attend, but not required. Delegate attendance is mandatory.
Nov 4: Bill Hearing Night
5:30pm Delegate report time
6:00pm Event starts
Location: Historic Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street
Dress: Sac Attire (see item 5 below)

There will be one additional meeting that we will schedule based on your responses to the survey in item 1 above.

3.) Bill Language and Worksheet Drafts: All sponsors need to send me an updated copy of their bill language and bill worksheets by Sunday at 6pm.
Bill Worksheet can be downloaded here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hv3E-YQm5f4tkHbtpYBpAKbmkiLUAIe4j7RKIDU99Ko/edit
Bill Language Template can be downloaded here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10bfT4552ijNgJAjT_Jxaqeq7mZ0-nwWU0GV7vhCL72A/edit

3.) Youth Commission Opportunities: Did you know you - yes, YOU - could serve in city government right now? It's true! The Sacramento Youth Commission has some vacancies. There are members appointed by council district and also at-large. Consider putting your name in for consideration. The application process isn't complicated and serving on a city commission is both rewarding and not a bad thing to put on college applications. Let us know if you apply! We want to do whatever we can to see you selected. Click here for more info:

4.) Conference Attendance: Make sure that you've cleared your calendar for all three of our conferences and can attend all three: Nov 13-15 (no school missed), Jan 16-18 (no school missed), Feb 11-15 (missing school Feb 11 and 12). Conferences are not only mandatory they are, like, the point! And so much fun! And super important!

5.) Sac Attire: At the first two conferences, there's not too strict a dress code to worry about. At the final conference in February, however, we have a fairly strict professional attire requirement. We call this "Sac Attire." Attached is a copy of the dress code. Please review it. You are required to wear Sac Attire to Bill Hearing Night on November 4. Bring your questions to our meeting this week.

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Friday, October 9, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #7: The Short One‏

Meeting Schedule this week:
6:00pm Officers Meeting - come with public service project, T&EI Friendship service ideas, and social event ideas
6:30pm-7:30pm Regular meeting. Bring bill research and drafts.

1.) Bill Sponsors: By Monday, October 12, you need to email me a bill worksheet (see your email for attachments) and draft language of your bill. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you have to take a stab at it. Bill sponsors who do not comply with this requirement risk not being able to proceed with their bills.

2. ) Meeting Schedule: Please make a note in your calendar that we are adding a special Monday meeting on November 2 to prepare for our Bill Hearing Night on November 4th! We have very few meetings between now and bill hearing night, please make note of this schedule. While they may not all say "mandatory" please treat them that way. This is the most work-heavy part of the program year at meetings, so attendance is important. Your team is counting on you:
Oct 14 - Bill groups have initial bill language an assign lobbyists for and against their bills. Learn about committee process and time limits.
Oct 21 - Bill groups have final bill language and sponsors, lobbyists have draft speeches prepared.
Oct 28 - Bill groups have final bill language, worksheets, and all have final speeches prepared.
Nov 2 (MONDAY) - Full Bill Hearing Night Dress rehearsal; Pre-conference information. MANDATORY MEETING
Nov 4 (Wednesday) - Bill Hearing Night at Historic City Hall 915 I Street. Delegates arrive at 5:30pm; Bill Hearing Night begins as 6pm. MANDATORY.
Nov 11 - No Meeting
Nov 13-15 - Training & Elections Conference I, Fresno

3.) Bear Valley Volunteer Weekend: Not ready to let go of summer yet? You're in luck! There's a great volunteer opportunity for delegates and their families at the YMCA's resident camp on October 17. Come camp for the weekend or stay for the day. Bring your hammer and your work gloves. We'll provide the food and campfire. Register here: bit.ly/BearValleyVolunteers

4.) GroupMe: Your delegation leadership uses the GroupMe app to communicate important reminders and updates, especially during conferences. We'll be adding you to this app. Look for a text message from us, soon. You can download the free GroupMe app for Apple or Android or you can use it through your text messaging system. For more info, visit: https://groupme.com/

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Monday, October 5, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #6: Please Read Me

Remember how long last week's bulletin was? This one is a bit shorter but still important: (check your email for attachments referenced here)

Meeting Schedule this week:
6:00pm Officers Meeting - come with public service project and social event ideas
6:30pm-7:30pm Regular meeting. Bring your bill research!

1.) Mixed Bags Sales: DUE THIS WEEK! Bring back your order forms and all money to this week's meeting.
2.) Payment due this week: Please bring your $250 payment (or approved alternate amount) to the meeting this week.

3.) Register for the conference. no really. do this now. Some of you still haven't. The deadline is approaching, so don't miss out.
- Head to: https://app.reggo.org/calymca
- You'll select the first option for "68th ML/C Training & Elections Conference I"
- Then you'll select "Delegate registration" and put "1" in the number box.
- Create your Reggo profile.
- From the drop-down Delegation menu, select "Sacramento Central"
- Your role is "delegate"
And follow the prompts from there. That's it!

4. ) November 2 meeting added: Please make a note in your calendar that we are adding a special Monday meeting on November 2 to prepare for our Bill Hearing Night on November 4th! Mark it down!
5.) Sweatshirt Design to be chosen this week: Bring your design ideas. We have to pick one this week. We are approved to have a maroon color, full-zip hoodie. Designs can be in multiple colors (no more than 3 and think of ways you can use the shirt color as one of the design colors) The final shirt will have to include the Y and coalition logos as well. (Returners - wear examples from previous years to show our new delegates!)

6.) Bill groups: The only bill ideas to survive this week will have preliminary structure and research to support them. Remember the key pitfalls to watch for: is your proposal something that state government has the ability to do or is it a federal issue? Who is going to pay for it? Does it already exist?  Use the attached research tips and worksheet to prepare yourselves.

7.) GroupMe: Your delegation leadership uses the GroupMe app to communicate important reminders and updates, especially during conferences. We'll be adding you to this app. Look for a text message from us, soon. You can download the free GroupMe app for Apple or Android or you can use it through your text messaging system. For more info, visit: https://groupme.com/

8.) Leadership applications due Friday BUT...: Are you interested in running for office or applying for appointed leadership? Applications are now available through Reggo (See item 3 above). Attached is the chart with program area descriptions and leadership opportunities. Even if you don't think you'll apply, it's worth reading over for the program area descriptions alone. NOTE: advisors must approve your application before it is considered submitted. If you want until 11pm on Friday to do your app, what are the chances your advisor will be able to approve it? HINT: ZERO PERCENT CHANCE. Your application should be complete and ready for approval by Thursday night. I can't promise you it will get approved on time if you don't complete it before then.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #5: The Really, Really Long One

(Note - see your email inbox for all referenced attachments)
Get comfortable - this is a long one!

{NEW DELEGATES: You'll find the registration process and documents here: http://bit.ly/completereg Please complete and return next week or as soon as you can! Registration must be on file to participate this weekend.}

1.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka Baby Bob, aka overnight retreat) is this Saturday! If you have not submitted your $20 fee for this weekend, then I don't know that you're coming. So reply to this email and let me know you'll be there, $20 in had. Attached is the packing list for this weekend. Of special note: we're sleeping in the gym, so bring a floor pad of some kind if you'll need it! And bring your refillable water bottle, too. Remember, this event is at the YMCA (2021 W Street), not at our Tahoe Park meeting location. We convene at 1:30pm.

2.) Payment Status: At this point, if you have not applied for financial assistance, you should have paid $350 towards your program fees.  Please make sure to bring any late payments to the Y this Saturday or to our next meeting. Your next payment deadline is Oct 7 for another $250.

3.) Y-Assist Determinations: We apologize for the delay in Y-Assist financial aid determination notification. Due to a sizable increase in interest in the coalition, processing is taking longer than normal. But you are NOT forgotten and we'll be getting back to you as soon as we can.

4.) Mixed Bags Sales: Hopefully you are selling some Mixed Bags products! If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll bring you a sales catalog. This is our first fundraiser of the year! Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all sales and checks are payable to "Sacramento YMCA"
5.) Camp Capital City: Parents should've received an email with information about our annual YMCA fundraising event, Camp Capital City, on Saturday, October 3. This fun, casual, camp-themed night features all you can eat BBQ, a gourmet s'mores bar, beverages, camp games, live music and more. More information, tickets, and sponsorships available here: http://ymcasuperiorcal.org/main/camp-capital-city/ For a limited time, $25 off each ticket while supplies last!
6.) October 3 Volunteer Opportunity: And for our delegates: we need your volunteer help at Camp Capital City on Saturday, October 3. I need at least 10 delegates from 5pm - 10:30pm to help with set-up, camp games, food service, and clean up. Attire is jeans and a polo. Please indicate your availability here: http://bit.ly/CampCapCityVols

NOTE: ALL DELEGATES SHOULD COMPLETE THIS FORM! This is your reading test this week  ;)

7. ) November 2 meeting added: Please make a note in your calendar that we are adding a special Monday meeting on November 2 to prepare for our Bill Hearing Night on November 4th! Mark it down!
8.) Bring your calendar or planner each week: we have important dates for you to take note of nearly every week.

9.) Bill group work begins next week: Attached are the bill worksheet and bill research guide for our new delegates. Next week, we'll divide into bill groups and really dive in. Make sure you give your idea the best shot at life by spending a bit of time researching your topic. Questions on research avenues or where it would live in code? Email your advisors!

10.) GroupMe: Your delegation leadership uses the GroupMe app to communicate important reminders and updates, especially during conferences. We'll be adding you to this app. Look for a text message from us, soon. You can download the free GroupMe app for Apple or Android or you can use it through your text messaging system. For more info, visit: https://groupme.com/

11.) Checking your email: It's really important that you check your email at least once per week (by Monday each week) and read delegation-related communication. We know there's a lot of information right now, but that's the nature of the new year! Attached is our delegation communication policy - please review it. You'll find frequent "reading tests" in bulletins. Sometimes, there are prizes to be won for individuals or the group! Delegates are not required to join social media, but if they are already on Facebook, they are encouraged to like our page and join our closed group.

12.) Register for the first conference! What, another registration form? You betcha!!!! This gets you officially signed up for the first conference in Fresno, November 13-15. The deadline is approaching, so don't miss out.
- Head to: https://app.reggo.org/calymca
- You'll select the first option for "68th ML/C Training & Elections Conference I"
- Then you'll select "Delegate registration" and put "1" in the number box.
- Create your Reggo profile.
- From the drop-down Delegation menu, select "Sacramento Central"
- Your role is "delegate"
And follow the prompts from there. That's it!

Next meeting is Wednesday, Sept 30. Officers: 6pm, Delegates: 6:30pm. Please arrive on time! (What's that saying? Early is on-time, on-time is late, late is not an option!)

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #4: 9 Super-informative Things To Know This Week

All the news that's fit to print:

1.) Next Payment Due, Sept 16: You have a $250 payment due next Wednesday, September 16. Please make checks payable to the Sacramento YMCA. If you have applied for financial aid and have not received a financial aid determination yet, no payment is due from you at this time (though we encourage you to bring whatever level of payment you can). Please contact me with questions or concerns.

2.) Winner winner!: Congrats to Calvin who won our first did-you-read-your-bulletin test and raffle. Your Starbucks gift card awaits. Thanks for keeping up on delegation news, Calvin!

3.) Volunteer event reminder: If you signed up to volunteer at THIS SATURDAY's YMCA health fair you should've receive an email from Carmen at the Y with details. If you'd still like to join the fun, please email Carmen directly at cayala@ymcasuperiorcal.org

If you have signed up to volunteer, please attend. You'll report to Carmen (or the contact she sent you in the email) on Saturday when you arrive. Thanks for your help!

4.) Teen Leadership Conference/Coalition Retreat/Baby Bob: Whatever you want to call it, it's coming! See the attached flyer. We'll still accept sign-ups at next week's meeting. The event is Sept 26-27th (about 1:30p on Saturday to noon on Sunday - we'll finalize that shortly). We'll sleep at the Y. We'll have a campfire/talent show event. You'll meet your new friends from our sister coalition. It's a GREAT way to get to know the program better. Don't miss out. Bring $20 next week (cash or check is fine, please do not combine with program payments). Fees cover food and supplies.

5.) Delegation elections next week: Here's a run down of the positions for which you can run. Be prepared to give a speech about why you deserve the votes to hold the office!  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1scB3yO2Ru04mSY--mzFAH3WH06TrAH177Mb01BEglUQ

6.) Meeting location reminder: We'll continue to meet at the Tahoe Park Community Center (5959 8th Avenue). Officers will meeting from 6-6:30 with regular meetings running from 6:30-7:30.  Parents: please make sure you arrive promptly to pick up your delegates at 7:30pm. Advisors can't go home until all of the delegates go home, so we appreciate your assistance in keeping us fresh-faced for our day jobs.
7.) Bring your calendar or planner next week: we have important dates for you to take note of. While you should have a planner every week, make a special point of having one next week - and a pen to write with!

8.) Bill group work begins next week: Remember to check out current events this week. Bring your bill ideas next week and be ready to share with the group. You don't have to have a solution in mind, but you should have a problem or issue that's piqued your interest.

9.) Reading Test #2: This one will test whether you've read this and test a little bit of your research skills, too. Reply to this email with the answer to this question: if you're going to be late to or absent from a meeting, who should you contact? How can you contact this person?

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Friday, September 4, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #3: The Move To Tahoe Park (reading quiz inside)

Here's what you need to know for the coming week:

1a.) Meeting location and time CHANGES THIS WEEK: THIS week, we will be moving our meetings to the Tahoe Park Community Center and officers will meeting from 6-6:30 with regular meetings running from 6:30-7:30. This gives us a more reliable space with less furniture moving fun. Attached is a map or you can enter 5959 8th Avenue, Sacramento, 95820 into your phone or GPS to map it. Parents: please make sure you arrive promptly to pick up your delegates at 7:30pm. Advisors can't go home until all of the delegates go home, so we appreciate your assistance in keeping us fresh-faced for our day jobs.
1b.) First reading quiz of the year: Delegates, are you reading these bulletins? Show that you are by replying to this email and telling me a) the address for our meeting next week, b) what time you will be at that address, c) what time your parents will pick you up for that address. Everyone who answers will be entered into a drawing for a Starbucks gift card. . . . .

3.) Volunteer Opportunity - delegates still needed: The YMCA's health fair needs volunteers from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, September 12. Please fill out this form if you can help out! We're happy to sign-off on volunteer hour forms for school if you need them. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12mwqJ-AbCKb1oQLD8EirLO5UWaD0zarccgW7dZMPruE/viewform

4.) Keeping up on current events: The great thing about the bill writing process is that you get to focus on whatever YOU want to focus on. If you're looking for ideas, start a new habit of checking out this website first thing in the morning: www.rtumble.com - it gives a run down of the top headlines throughout California. The bill handout from this week's meeting can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6ee6r3nMe6cNkNDckl0QXpFYnc

5.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka: "Baby Bob") registration fee due next week: If you'd like to attend our coalition team building and training event Sept 26-27 (see attached), please bring $20 to the meeting on Wednesday. We are finalizing the exact times, but expect the event to run from about 1pm on Saturday to Noon on Sunday. Fees cover supplies and food (dinner Saturday, breakfast Sunday, snacks). We'll be camping out in the gym at the Y and the event will include a lot of getting to know each other, fun, late night movie, and more.

6.) Delegation leadership positions: Here's a run down of the job descriptions you came up with last week. Check it out. Miss anything? Want to add something? Bring your ideas to the next meeting. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1scB3yO2Ru04mSY--mzFAH3WH06TrAH177Mb01BEglUQ

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Monday, August 31, 2015

YG68 Delegation Bulletin #2: And we're off!

{Welcome to our weekly bulletin distribution list, new delegates and parents! You'll get a bulletin each week, usually on Fridays, but, clearly, sometimes on Mondays.}

So glad to see the year off to a great start! It was great to welcome to the meeting this week: Tilton Tiger, Katie Kangaroo, Allie Anteater, Jade Jaguar, Emiliano Egret, Delaney Dolphin, Mathew Monkey, Gus Gorilla, Efrain Elephant, Monse Moose, Dexter Dog, and Victoria Vulture, joined by advisors Robbie Rat, Rob Rabbit, and Christiana Caterpillar. Did I get them all right? (Absentees - you'll pick your animal at the next meeting :)

Here's what you need to know for this week:

1.) Volunteer Opportunity: The YMCA's health fair needs volunteers from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, September 12. Please fill out this form if you can help out! We're happy to sign-off on volunteer hour forms for school if you need them. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12mwqJ-AbCKb1oQLD8EirLO5UWaD0zarccgW7dZMPruE/viewform

2.) Get a jump start on bill writing: what's this bill stuff about? All will be revealed soon. But if you're impatient, check this out:

3.) Registration! Get those materials in. There is a $100 payment due next Wednesday, Sept 2. If you turned in your paperwork last week - THANKS! Make sure your first payment is on time this week. It is also the deadline for the Y-Assist application. If you have questions about anything, let me know ASAP.

All Registration materials, meeting handouts, and forms can be found here: http://bit.ly/SacCDocs

Start your online registration here: http://bit.ly/capcoreg2015

Follow the steps here to complete your registration: http://bit.ly/completereg

(If you don’t have access to a printer, email your lead advisor for a printed copy of all registration materials)

NameStart DateGrOnline Reg?Paper Forms?payment?
Allen, Dexter8/19/201511x

Bagatelos, Bella

Gomez, Emiliano 8/19/201511xx
Hoyt, Tilton8/19/201511x

Jeffers, Ally8/19/201511xx
Marcin, Gus8/19/201511xxx
Munson, Katie8/19/201511xx
Roybal, Delaney8/26/201510x

Santoscoy, Calvin8/19/201511x

Thomas, Jade8/19/201511xxx
Vallejo, Efrain8/19/201512xx
Vera, Victoria8/19/201511x

Zheng, Matthew8/26/201511


It's really important that you bring your materials and your first payment this week, especially the Y-Assist application WITH supporting documentation, if applicable. If the first $100 payment presents a hardship, email or call me to discuss. If you're applying for Y-Assist and the $100 is a hardship, bring what you can ($25, 50, etc) along with your materials this week. As I have mentioned, cost should NEVER cause us to lose an interested delegate. We're a community committed to make sure anyone who wants to participate in this program and makes a commitment to complete it can do so.

4.) Meeting location and time: THIS week, for our Sept 2 meeting on Wednesday we will meet at the YMCA at 6pm, same as we have been. After this week, we will be moving our meetings to the Tahoe Park Community Center and officers will meeting from 6-6:30 with regular meetings running from 6:30-7:30. This gives us a more reliable space with less furniture moving fun. If the location change presents a special hardship, please contact me ASAP. Details about the new location will be provided at the meeting on Wednesday.

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