Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #6: Weekend Retreat and more . . . .‏

Happy Friday! Let's get to it:

1.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka "Baby Bob") will take place at the Sacramento YMCA TOMORROW from 1:30pm  through 12:00 noon Sunday, September 28. We are expecting to see: Shyanne, Gus, Emiliano, Dexter, Francis, Rose, Victoria, Ariel, Tony, Efrain, Calvin, and MJ. If your name isn't on that list and you'd still like to attend, email me right away!  If you have not paid the $20 fee for the weekend, please bring it when you arrive tomorrow. NOTE: No delegate is permitted to drive him or herself to this event. No exception. Delegates caught driving themselves will not be permitted to attend the weekend's event and may jeopardize their continuation in the program.

2.) Individual Y&G Scholarships: All delegates who applied for Y-Assist should also apply for the Individual Scholarships available from Youth & Government HQ. The application is attached. No essay is required and awards are solely need based. Please bring your application tomorrow or you'll be responsible for getting it directly to the Y&G HQ yourself by the Sept. 29 deadline.

3.) Mixed Bags sales: Keep selling! Orders due on October 1. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all orders. Checks are payable to the Sacramento YMCA.

4.) The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction: Please sign up at the following link to volunteer at the Auction on October 17. This is a mandatory event and your attendance is expected barring special circumstances.

5.) The Kids Are Y Part 2: We encourage parents to attend this fun event! It's a great night with some great prizes and food and drink from the best places in town. Tickets are available online at www.biddingforgood.com/kidsarey

6.) October Harvest Festival at the YMCA: The YMCA Membership Director has asked for volunteers on Friday, October 10, for the Y's Family Night Harvest Festival. Volunteers will assist with kid activities, set up, clean up, and general help. Some helpers may also be needed for the Diving for Pumpkins event at the pool. We recognize this is the Friday prior to the Auction you are required to attend, but we're hoping some of you can spare two Fridays in a row. We are happy to sign off on any service hours for school, etc. Returners: think "Delegation of Distinction." Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1e9tYFRT3hpvJQ_fUxDByGORpdPjdrx-BIJ927vNuKvk/viewform?usp=send_form

7.) Sweatshirt Designs: Bring what you've got next week! We need to select our design to appear on the Carolina Blue sweatshirts we'll be sporting this year.  Ideally, your idea will be something you have available in a large-scale, high quality digital file. The shirt can be words, a graphic, or a combination of both. If you have a design now, post in the FB group so people can check it out.

8.) Payment Dates: The next regular payment is due October 8 for $250. If you received an alternative pay schedule, please refer to those dates. Some may owe money this week. As ever, if payments every present a hardship, please speak to Mia or Christiana ASAP.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #5: Registration, Baby Bob, Fundraising

Happy 5th Bulletin, everyone! Here's the news you need this week. There are two action items.

***We WILL have a regular meeting this Wednesday, September 24 from 6-7:30pm***

1.) Registration - go do it! http://www.reggo.org/calymca
Here is a link with instructions (though the process is pretty self-explanatory on the registration site)
Please fill out your complete information (address, parent info, etc, etc)  If you are a returning delegate, information you entered last year should pop up. Review for accuracy. New delegates can either create a Reggo account with their email address or sign-in using Facebook.  Make sure that you select "SACRAMENTO CENTRAL" from the drop-down menu of delegations, when prompted.

2.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka "Baby Bob") will take place at the Sacramento YMCA from 1:30pm Saturday, September 27 through 12:00 noon Sunday, September 28. For those not in attendance this week: a storm last winter rendered several cabins unusable and those housing concerns combined with transportation concerns would've led to the exclusion of many interested delegates. We don't like exclusion! So we're moving the party to the YMCA and it's going to be AMAZING. Also, it's going to be way less than $60 which hopefully will encourage more of you to attend. We're still finalizing some details, but expect the price to be $20 or under. After you reggo register for the conference as directed in item one, fill out this 30-second google form for next weekend's festivities:

3.) Mixed Bags sales: Keep selling! Orders due on October 1. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all orders. Checks are payable to the Sacramento YMCA.

4.) Fundraising: Remember to mark your calendars for the Kids Are Y Auction on October 17 and our Holiday Festival on December 6 - these are our two biggest fundraising events of the year. This week we talked about personal fundraising letters. If you missed the meeting or want to read more, check out this post:

5.) Gubernatorial Candidate Neel Kashkari Visits El Dorado: El Dorado Delegation has invited us to attend a meet-the-candidate night next Thursday, September 25, in the cafeteria at Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills from 7-8:30pm. Delegates and families are invited to attend. Transportation will not be provided, but we encourage you to carpool if you'd like to go. If you have questions about the event, email me.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #4: Camping, Fundraising, Research, Oh My

Welcome to the list, new parents and delegates - glad to have you! Each week, you'll receive a delegation bulletin with all the news you need to know for the week ahead. If you'd like to see the previous two bulletins of the year, you can find all past bulletins here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/search/label/Bulletin

***Email confirmation time: All delegates - please reply directly to Christiana to confirm you are receiving the weekly emails. At least one parent should be receiving them as well. If your parent is not, please provide me with an email address for them. ***

1.) Final Y-Assist Deadline is TOMORROW, Friday September 12: If you wish to apply for financial aid through the Y-Assist program, the drop-deadline is tomorrow, September 12. Please submit your completed application with supporting documents to the YMCA before it closes tomorrow.

2.) Two payment deadlines next week: September 17 is a $250 payment deadline. If this presents a hardship for your family and you have submitted your Y-Assist application already, please email Christiana directly. If we don't hear from you, we'll assume you'll have your $250 payment next week. For the other deadline, see the next item.

3.) Bear Valley Camping Trip: Our camping trip with sister delegation El Dorado will be held September 26-28 at Bear Valley Y Camp in the High Sierra. The bus will depart at some time after school hours on Friday and return on Sunday afternoon. This is not a required trip. Those wishing to attend (it is a lot of fun!) must bring a $60 payment to next week's meeting. No Y-Assist is available for this cost. If, however, you wish to attend and that cost presents a challenge, please email Christiana immediately.

4.) Bill research: We have some really impressive bill ideas already this year - great work, everyone! Here's the link to the research guide, if you need it. It is also attached to this email.  http://goo.gl/MPiO4E

5.) Delegation Policy: Attached is our Delegate Contract. A few of you haven't submitted it yet (it may have been left out of your initial paperwork). Please take a moment to review and if you haven't submitted this, please sign and return next week.

6.) Delegation Elections: Next week, we'll elect a delegation treasurer, secretary, historian, and sergeant at arms.  If you would like details on the job descriptions for any of these offices, contact Delegation President Rose Meinrath at rose.meinrath @gmail. com

7.) Sweatshirt Ideas: Each year the delegation designs its own sweatshirt. Rose will bring some examples next week. Attached is a picture of some of our past designs. Start thinking about what you'd like this year!

8.) Mixed Bags catalogs were distributed last week. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax from buyers this year. Checks are made payable to the Sacramento YMCA. All orders due by October 1. Next week, we'll discuss the rest of our fundraising program for the year. Be sure to bring a notepad or paper to the meeting!

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #3: Bill research, payments, and more

Welcome to the list, new parents and delegates - glad to have you! Each week, you'll receive a delegation bulletin with all the news you need to know for the week ahead. If you'd like to see the previous two bulletins of the year, you can find all past bulletins here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/search/label/Bulletin

1.) Registration, First $100, and Y-Assist Applications MUST be submitted by next Wednesday, September 10: If you've misplaced the forms, you can find everything you need here: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html

2.) Payments, continued: All delegates are required to submit the initial $100 payment, regardless of whether a Y-Assist application is submitted. If this amount presents a financial hardship for your family, please contact Christiana or Mia ASAP to arrange for a payment schedule. To guarantee your spot in the delegation, you need to have provided your $100 initial payment or have discussed extenuating circumstances with Christiana or Mia by September 10.

3.) Bill Ideas: We had a great first discussion about bill ideas yesterday! If you missed the meeting, or want to read up on some more research tips and tricks, check out this document. It's long, but it's meant as a reference guide. http://goo.gl/MPiO4E

4.) "What Should I Bring To Meetings?" Bill Writing Edition: You don't need much at Y&G meetings, but we ask that you bring your calendar or planner, a notebook/paper, and a pen to each meeting. During the next few weeks as we're discussing legislation and researching ideas, you are encouraged to bring a lap top or tablet, if you have one (obviously, it's not required).

5.) Join our FB group! We have a closed group on FB for sharing updates and events. If you're on FB, but not part of the group, please join us!

6.) Fall Coalition Camping Trip, Sept 26-28: Those of you who'd like to join us for our annual trip to Bear Valley Y Camp in the High Sierra. This is a chance to get to know each other and make new friends from our sister delegation based in El Dorado Hills. This trip requires is not mandatory and requires an additional $60 payment not covered by the standard program fees. More information is coming soon.
7.) Legislative Research Scavenger Hunt: Not mandatory - but a few quick exercises to get you familiar with the research process and looking at California laws and legislation. The attached document will probably help you!

Question 1: You've read a terrible article about a kid whose parents never gave him enough food or let him go to the doctor or even let him leave the house. You are incensed! There should be a law against that sort of thing. In fact, this will be the basis of your bill this year. But, is there a law that covers this already? Keep track of  your research process!

Question 2: During the past summer, with school out and lazy days abounding, you really made the most of out Netflix. The last film you watched before returning to school was "Black Fish" a documentary about the effects of captivity on orcas. You were so moved by the film that you decide to write legislation banning keeping orcas in captivity. Where in California law might such a law best fit? Keep track of your research process!

There might be prizes for those who complete the questions and email Christiana before Tuesday, Sept 9 at midnight.

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