Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Y&G Delegation Bulletin #5: Registration, Baby Bob, Fundraising

Happy 5th Bulletin, everyone! Here's the news you need this week. There are two action items.

***We WILL have a regular meeting this Wednesday, September 24 from 6-7:30pm***

1.) Registration - go do it! http://www.reggo.org/calymca
Here is a link with instructions (though the process is pretty self-explanatory on the registration site)
Please fill out your complete information (address, parent info, etc, etc)  If you are a returning delegate, information you entered last year should pop up. Review for accuracy. New delegates can either create a Reggo account with their email address or sign-in using Facebook.  Make sure that you select "SACRAMENTO CENTRAL" from the drop-down menu of delegations, when prompted.

2.) Teen Leadership Conference (aka "Baby Bob") will take place at the Sacramento YMCA from 1:30pm Saturday, September 27 through 12:00 noon Sunday, September 28. For those not in attendance this week: a storm last winter rendered several cabins unusable and those housing concerns combined with transportation concerns would've led to the exclusion of many interested delegates. We don't like exclusion! So we're moving the party to the YMCA and it's going to be AMAZING. Also, it's going to be way less than $60 which hopefully will encourage more of you to attend. We're still finalizing some details, but expect the price to be $20 or under. After you reggo register for the conference as directed in item one, fill out this 30-second google form for next weekend's festivities:

3.) Mixed Bags sales: Keep selling! Orders due on October 1. Remember to collect 8.5% sales tax on all orders. Checks are payable to the Sacramento YMCA.

4.) Fundraising: Remember to mark your calendars for the Kids Are Y Auction on October 17 and our Holiday Festival on December 6 - these are our two biggest fundraising events of the year. This week we talked about personal fundraising letters. If you missed the meeting or want to read more, check out this post:

5.) Gubernatorial Candidate Neel Kashkari Visits El Dorado: El Dorado Delegation has invited us to attend a meet-the-candidate night next Thursday, September 25, in the cafeteria at Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills from 7-8:30pm. Delegates and families are invited to attend. Transportation will not be provided, but we encourage you to carpool if you'd like to go. If you have questions about the event, email me.

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