Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Bulletin #12: We're thankful for you!

Neither delegation meets this week due to the holiday. Enjoy your week off and on behalf of the entire Capitol Coalition advising team, Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope your day is filled with family and food. We're thankful for the opportunity to serve all of our delegates. 

Payment reminder: a payment was due by November 11. If you haven't paid yet, PLEASE make your payment on-line this week. The regular payment is $400. If you have a question about what you owe, contact me ASAP. Chasing down late payments takes up valuable time we'd rather spend focusing on the delegate experience. . 

Here's what you need to know this (short) week:

1.) If you haven't completed the next and final Reggo registration for the year, please do it ASAP. We need all delegates registered by November 23 at 11:59pm. https://calymca.reggo.org/register/events/71

2.) About 14 delegates have still not completed our post-conference survey. If you don't complete it, you greatly decrease your chances of ending up in one of your preferred program areas. Do it now! http://bit.ly/Bob1Survey2016

3.)  Leadership! The next round of elected and appointed leadership applications are due by Friday, December 2 at 11:59pm. You'll find the applications in your reggo registration (for tips on how, click here). For more info on the available positions, click hereNOTE: the deadline on that form is NOT your deadline. Your deadline is, in fact, December 2. Miss that deadline at your (opportunity's) peril. 

4.) EVENT REMINDER: The California International Marathon is coming. If you signed up, you are expected to attend. The race organizers are counting on US. Detailed information will be included in the November 28 Bulletin. 

Sac Central Notes:
Swim With Santa is coming! Volunteering at this event is a delegation tradition. Sign up today!

El Dorado Notes: Make sure your points are accurate. We still have a few columns of info to input this week. But if you note an error in a column that is mostly completed, let me know ASAP!

Program Area selection will take place at the Dec 8 meeting. Plan to attend both meetings so you don't miss your chance to get your most preferred program area from what's available. 

Missed a bulletin?
Mark your calendars with these key events!
December 4: Volunteer Opportunity! CIM Aid Stations
December 9: Swim With Santa Volunteer Opportunity
December 14/15: $400 Payment Deadline
January 14-16, 2017: Training & Elections Conference II (Fresno)
February 16-20, 2017: Model Legislature & Court (Sacramento)

Monday, November 14, 2016

Y&G CapCo Combined Bulletin #11: Super Short Post-Con Edition

Congrats on a great conference weekend! The advising team is very proud of both delegations for their hard work this past weekend. Conferences are long, sleep is short, food is . . . what you expect when you're trying to feed 4000 people, BUT, we hope you had a great time learning more about the program and leadership.

Here are the very few things you need to know this week:

1.) Both delegations will meet this week on their regular days and times. Neither delegation will meet next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

2.) Make sure that you complete this survey ASAP. Your feedback helps improve the conference experience for the future AND we need your input on program area preferences. http://bit.ly/Bob1Survey2016 Your deadline to complete this form is Thursday, November 17 at 11:59pm for BOTH delegations

3.) Model Legislature Bill drafts are due Thursday, November 17th. Members of families whose bills prevailed at Bill Hearing Night should watch for a separate email about what needs to be done this week. 

4.) El Dorado Points: Check your points! If you need a correction or want to challenge missing points, you only have until November 17th. Point for activities since Bill Hearing Night should be updated by tomorrow afternoon. 

5.) Upcoming Leadership opportunities: Another round of elected and appointed leadership is up for grabs at the next conference. The Deadline to apply will be Friday, December 2, 2016. We'll be reviewing leadership opportunities at this week's meetings. But you can get a jumpstart on that by checking out this list: http://bit.ly/LeadershipInfoMatrix

That's it for this week.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment

Mark your calendars for these key events!
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
November 14/15: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Friday, November 4, 2016

Y&G El Dorado Delegation Bulletin #10: Biggest.Week.Ever.

 (Note: Capitol Coalition Bulletins are not combined this week. Make sure you are reading the correct bulletin for your delegation. Referenced attachments will be in your email inbox.) 

NEWLY ADDED: Check out this link to review your family assignment and your hotel roommate assignment. Regardless of which family you have been meeting with for bill work, you are in the family indicated on this list. No exceptions or changes. Expect an email and a groupme message from your delegation advisor(s) this week. 
The coming week is the biggest yet! Bill Hearing Night and our first conference. There is A LOT of important information in this bulletin. Take time to read it! 
Payment Deadline This Week:The closer we get to the end of the year, the more important timely payments are. Make sure you pay online or bring your check to bill hearing night. Regular payment amount is $400. If you have a question about how much you owe this week, contact me ASAP. 
Bill Hearing NightWe'll convene our bill hearing night at the Oak Ridge Theater on November 10. Points: 10 for delegate attendance IN Sac attire. Bonus 2 points for bringing a family member/parent (Sibling inside a delegation doesn't count as a family member. However, siblings can count the same family member guest). You can find the Facebook event listing here.  (Don't forget to "like" our page while you're there!)
Due to the large number of bills, we will divide the evening into two parts. Please note your presentation time. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early. Make sure you and your guest check in with the advisor taking roll so you get your points. All delegates are expected to attend at their assigned time. Bill Hearing Night is Mandatory. You are welcome to stay for the other half of the delegate presentations or to arrive early to support your fellow delegates.
5:30-7:00pm: Arico, Durham, Driscoll, Stafford
7:20-9pm: Parish, Melehani, Adams, Merchant, Causley

BILL LANGUAGE: Bills must be FINAL by Wednesday, November 9 at 5pm so we can have them printed for the judges on Thursday. Your bill language drafts can be found here

BILL HEARING NIGHT SPEECHES: Sponsors should prepare a 3 minute introduction speech (for the beginning) and a 2 min summation speech (for the end). Need tips on writing a persuasive speech? Click here. Practice your speech with a timer so you don't get cut off by the clerk! Lobbyists need a 2 min speech.
Please note: Bills that prevail at bill hearing night need to have a primary and secondary sponsor lined up and ready to go who will serve in the legislative houses program during Sac Conference (the Assembly and Senate). Make sure your bill group discusses who will do this. If no one in the bill group is will to serve in the houses to carry your bill, it will not proceed to Sac Conference.  
Conference InformationOur pre-conference letter is attached to this email. It has important info about when we're leaving and what to pack. Please review it. Take a moment to review the code of conduct (found here). I have also attached the conference schedule. You do not need to print it out as you'll get a copy when we get there. New delegates: take a look at the schedule now, it can be confusing to read the first time. Returning delegates and advisors are happy to help you figure out where to be and when! 
Social Responsibility Project- Bring items to the bus, not Bill Hearing Night!
We need more donations for the social responsibility initiative: Operation Care & Comfort. Our category is toiletries. Suggested items to bring are gel deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and q-tips. (1 pt for delegates who bring items for the box) 
Sunday Lunch Order:
We will not be stopping for food on the way to the conference, so eat before you arrive at the buses on Friday. On the way back, you have the opportunity to purchase lunch to eat on the bus. You must place your order by 11:59pm on November 10 and you must hand your money to an advisor as you board the bus on Friday. No Money, No Lunch, No exceptions. We recommend you take advantage of this option as it will be a long time from our 8:15am breakfast to our expected 3pm return to Sacramento. Place your order here. Since the Subway is making about 140 sandwiches quickly for us, the menu options are limited and customization isn't possible. Thanks for your understanding.  
CIM Aid Station Volunteering
We will again be staffing aid stations during the California International Marathon on Sunday, December 4 at Super-Early-o'clock in the morning. We need 100 volunteers between both aid stations, so this is an ALL-HANDS event. You are welcome to bring friends and family (classmates who might need service hours?). Please sign up ASAP here. You get 2 points for completing the form. First family with 100% participation on the form gets a bonus point. You earn 8 points for attending the event. 

Points: Check your points! If you need a correction or want to challenge missing points, you only have until November 17th.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment?
Mark your calendars for these key events!

November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline (El Do 3 pts)
November 10, 2016: El Dorado Bill Hearing Night  (10 pts + 2 pts)
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I (19 pts)

December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court

Y&G SacC Delegation Bulletin #10: The Return of the Reading Test

(Note: this week's Capitol Coalition Bulletins are NOT combined. Make sure you read the right one! For referenced attachments, check out your email inbox)
Congrats on an excellent Bill Hearing Night. You all did a great job and I hope that you are proud of your hard work. Now it's time to get ready for our first conference of the year! This week's bulletin is short, so no excuses for not reading it:
Payment Deadline This Week:
The closer we get to the end of the year, the more important timely payments are. Make sure you pay online or bring your check to this week's meeting. Regular payment amount is $400. If you have a question about how much you owe this week, contact me ASAP.

Sunday Lunch Order:
We will not be stopping for food on the way to the conference, so eat before you arrive at the buses on Friday. On the way back, you have the opportunity to purchase lunch to eat on the bus. You must place your order by 11:59pm on November 10 and you must hand your money to an advisor as you board the bus on Friday. No Money, No Lunch, No exceptions. We recommend you take advantage of this option as it will be a long time from our 8:15am breakfast to our expected 3pm return to Sacramento. Place your order here. Since the Subway is making about 140 sandwiches quickly for us, the menu options are limited and customization isn't possible. Thanks for your understanding.
CIM Aid Station Volunteering
We will again be staffing aid stations during the California International Marathon on Sunday, December 4 at Super-Early-o'clock in the morning. We need 100 volunteers between both aid stations, so this is an ALL-HANDS event. You are welcome to bring friends and family (classmates who might need service hours?). Please sign up ASAP here. If 100% of the delegation completes this form by 11:59pm on Monday, November 7 and 75% of the delegation signs up to attend the event, we'll have a pizza meeting during the first conference. 

Conference Information
Our pre-conference letter is attached to this email. Please review it if you have not yet done so.  I have also attached the conference schedule. You do not need to print it out as you'll get a copy when we get there. New delegates: take a look at the schedule now, it can be confusing to read the first time. Returning delegates and advisors are happy to help you figure out where to be and when!

Social Responsibility Project- Bring Donations November 9Y&G will be partnering with Operation: Care and Comfort to provide care packages for homeless veterans in Fresno and troops overseas. Sacramento Central has been assigned this category: ENTERTAINMENT: Suggested items to bring are pens, pencils, blank writing cards, playing cards, comic books, and AAA and AA batteries. (We have lots of batteries - bring playing cards or other activities!) Please bring your donations to the the November 9 meeting.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will meet on Wednesday, November 9.
We will not meet on Wednesday, November 16 or Wednesday, November 23.
We will return to regular meetings on November 30.

Missed a bulletin?
Need to make a payment

Mark your calendars for these key events!
November 9/10: $400 Payment Deadline
November 11-13, 2016 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference I
December 4, 2016: Volunteer Opportunity: California International Marathon Aid Station
January 14-16, 2017 (Fresno) Training & Election Conference II
February 16-20, 2017 (Sacramento) Model Legislature & Court