Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #9: MUNster Mash, Meetings, and More....

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

1.) No Meetings Through April 7. 

2.) In the meantime - Introducing MUNster Mash 2020: MUNster Mash is a online competition where Ambassadors can earn mash-cash toward towards raffle prizes and the title of MUNster Masher of the Year. We'll be sending out short quizzes, scavenger hunts, and other assignments via email and Remind. Participate, earn mash-cash, learn, and have fun! First up, the International Days Quiz. 

Read an article and do some basic research on the UN website, answer some questions, and presto! You're on your way toward the MUNster Hall of Fame. Due Sunday, March 15

Parent Corner

Revised Summit Plans: Final plans remain fluid. The statewide programming is working hard with facility partners to set a schedule that minimizes school absences and eases travel complications. As mentioned previously, initial target dates are May 21-24, however the statewide office is working on potentially shifting to May 22-25 (to take advantage of the Monday Memorial Day holiday) or offering an extra night of accommodation to enable us to arrive the day before the conference starts so programming can start earlier in the morning. As soon as things get a little less fluid, we'll let you know.  

If you have date conflicts or school-calendar concerns (finals, statewide testing, Memorial Day travel, etc) covering any day from March 20-25, please let Christiana know ASAP.

- Meeting Plans: As mentioned, we will not meet on March 17. We hope to have meetings resume after that but will continue to monitor public health advisories. We may also look to move our meetings from Tuesdays to Wednesdays. If your Ambassador CANNOT meet on Wednesdays, please let Christiana know. Nothing is finalized yet. Isn't uncertainty great! 

- Encourage MUNster Mash participation: please help us keep Ambassadors thinking and learning during this hiatus by encouraging them to take the International Days Quiz and to choose their International Day and work on their 2 min presentation about it. Ask them to share their presentation with you for practice! 


Program Area Assignments: Program area assignments and leadership opportunities can be found in previous bulletins

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
March 17: NO MEETING

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

URGENT: MUN Training Conference & Meeting Update

Dear MUN Families,

We have just learned that the Training Conference planned for this weekend has been cancelled

Additionally, the decision was made to push our full MUN Summit from April to late May and, potentially, increase the duration of the Summit to roll the training programming in with regular Summit programming. 

This is all of the information I have at this time.

Because tonight's meeting was focus on conference preparations and because I have no further information yet (and won't likely have before later on tonight), I am also cancelling tonight's meeting

The decision was made based on input from Y-USA and in consideration of national, statewide, and local county responses to the COVID-19 outbreak in an abundance of caution not just for program participants but for the families waiting for them back home and our communities generally which are home to many people who may not be as resilient to a COVID-19 infection as public health officials are saying our kids are. 

We are, of course, disappointed in this development but understand and agree with the decision. 

I will send you more information once I have it

Thank you for your understanding, 
Co-Lead Advisor

Thursday, March 5, 2020

SacC MUN 2020 Bulletin #8: Pre-Conference Meeting This Week!

Parents - please share this email with your Ambassador if they don't have an email address of their own yet, and if they do have an address, remind them to check their inbox! 

At the next meeting: We'll get ready for our Training Conference!
What's Due: Parent Driver Packet for Training Conference Drivers.; Pre-Summit Meeting Survey.
What's overdue: Payment #2 (see info below)

1.) Leadership Opportunities DUE TONIGHT!: Want to make the most out of your MUN experience? Apply for leadership in your program area! We discussed this at a previous meeting but you can read about leadership opportunities here. Applications are found in your Reggo account. Here is a visual guide to finding them (note that the images are from last year so the positions have changed, but the way you find them has not!). (Ignore the "recommended background" part - don't count yourself out if you're new to MUN.) Scroll to the Reminder section below to check out what you're eligible to run/apply for. 

2.) Parent Driver Forms Due. If you have not yet sent your parent driver packet, please make sure to bring it to the next meeting (or email back to Christiana beforehand). 

3.) Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting This Week. All Ambassadors and a parent/family member must attend this Tuesday's meeting. Here's some preliminary information: 
  • Carpools should plan to depart from Sacramento by 6:30am to arrive at Camp Jones Gulch by 10:00am. 
    • Carpool groups will have the chance to meet during this week's meeting to discuss logistics. 
  • Our conference schedule is jam packed! You'll get a copy of this at Camp, but if you'd like to preview the schedule, you can check it out here
  • Ambassadors will need to bring a sleeping bag or bedding and a pillow. 
  • There is no cell service at Camp Jones Gulch - which means no data. And no wifi. Phones don't work. Seriously.  
Parent Corner

April Summit Travel: We will be bus-pooling with a Bay Area delegation to and from Los Angeles. The bus will pick us up from the YMCA in Sacramento at 7am on Thursday, April 23 and return us on Sunday evening at about 7pm. 

-Meeting Attendance: Be sure to let us know in advance if your Ambassador is going to miss a meeting. 

- Pre-Summit Meeting Survey: The overwhelming majority of the Delegation is on Spring Break over April 7 so we will not meet that week. However a couple of folks - including Christiana's kid - are on Spring Break over the following week. If possible, we'd like to have our pre-summit (the LA conference) meeting on THURSDAY, April 16 (rather than on April 14). Please take two seconds to complete this very quick survey to confirm your availability on Thursday, April 16. Thanks! 


Payment #2 Due: the second program payment was due February 20. If you haven't yet, please bring your payment (or pay online) this week. Checks are payable to YMCA of Superior California and should have your Ambassador's name in the memo line.

Program Area Assignments: Here are this year's program area assignments. Program areas were assigned based in part on Ambassador preference and in part on Advisor assessment of the best fit for each Ambassador. We are only given a certain number of spots in each program area and we do factor in grade level as well. Included here are leadership opportunities (see next item):

AssignmentLeadership Opportunities
AdelaideEconomic & Social Council (Committee 5)ECOSOC Committee Chair (Appointed)
AsherNGO-UN HabitatNGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed); NGO President (Elected)
AzadehGeneral Assembly (Committee 6)GA Committee Chair (Appointed)
CameronInternational Court of JusticeICJ President (Elected)
CooperSecurity CouncilSC President (Elected)
HarryGeneral Assembly (Committee 5)GA Committee Chair (Appointed); GA President (Elected)
HugoInternational Press CorpsBureau Chief (Appointed)
JoyNGO-ICAONGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed)
KennedyInternational Court of JusticeSecretary-General (Elected)
RileyNGO-UNDPNGO Director (Appointed), Agency Member (Appointed)
RowanEconomic & Social Council (Committee 6)ECOSOC Committee Chair (Appointed)

Thank you!
-Amanda Levy and Christiana Dominguez
Co-Lead Advisors, Sacramento Central MUN Delegation

Helpful Links:
Mark your calendars:
March 10: Mandatory Pre-Conference Meeting
March 14-15: MUN Training Conference, Camp Jones Gulch
March 17: Conference & Pre-Summit Work Review
March 20: Payment #3 Due
March 24: Russian Cultural Party; Pre-Summit Check-in
March 31: Pre-Summit Work Presentations
April 16 - THURSDAY: Pre-Summit Mandatory Meeting(?)
April 20: Payment #4 Due
April 21: NO MEETING
April 23-26: 19th MUN Summit, Los Angeles

We are committed to equal program access for all and are dedicated to ensuring the benefits of Y&G MLC and MUN are available to every student in our community without regard to financial need. No delegate should ever drop out or refrain from joining because of financial concerns. If you want to do this program, we want you to do this program. Please talk to us if your financial circumstances change during the program year. We're here to help.