Remember: this week's meeting is mandatory for delegates. Please be on time. We will run an efficient meeting from 7pm to 8pm so that everyone can get home to finish packing and get a good night's sleep (especially your advisors).
Upcoming Deadlines
November 12 - $250 payment deadline
(mandatory for conference attendance without prior Y approval for alternate plans. NO EXCEPTIONS)
December 4 - Bill deadline
December 4 - Registration for the remainder of conference due - if you need to fundraise, keep this date in mind.
December 4 - MANY applications for leadership positions due - click here for details.
December 11 - Bill supplemental information due
Upcoming Events
Nov 12 - Last regular meeting before Bob I - Attendance is mandatory.
Nov 18 - Mock Bill Hearing Night.
Dec 1 - Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen
Dec 3 - Bill Hearing Night. Delegate attendance mandatory
Dec 7 - Fundraiser at Big Spoon (tentative)
Ongoing Events
Coupon Book sales
Distribute flyers for the California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser!
As a delegation, we raised over $1200 last weekend between the Auction and the Antique Fair. Well Done! We appreciate everyone's participation. Did you miss out on fundraising opportunities? There are still coupon books to sell - which make great holiday gifts!
Tentative upcoming meeting agendas:
Nov 12 - Prepare for the first conference; full bill debates and final preparation for Bill Hearing Night!
Reminders/News for the Week
1.) Bill groups should be writing actual language this week and should know roughly where in California Code their proposals would live. A hint for most groups: look up the Penal Code.
2.) Bring your calendar or planner to all meetings!
2.) Bring your calendar or planner to all meetings!
3.) Last week, we offered prizes to those who read the Bulletin and replied. Out of 22 delegates, only 5 replied. Not good. This week - do better. This week, reply by telling me what time you should arrive at the YMCA on Friday morning. Your prize? You get a sweatshirt and you get to go to a conference.
4.) Departure time for Friday morning is 3:30am. Do not, however, wait until 3:30 am to arrive. Plan to arrive at 3am. An El Dorado advisor will be at the YMCA to check you in (your advisors have luggage duty in El Dorado Hills). Your parents must remain at the YMCA until you have been checked in by an advisor. Please do not park in the lower parking lot as the buses need room to maneuver.
5.) Don't forget to pack some pens and a highlighter for the conference. A notebook or pad of paper can be helpful as well.
6.) The buses will stop for breakfast on the way to the conference and stop for lunch on the way home. We recommend you bring some pocket money to buy food. Of course, you can always pack a breakfast to bring with you on Friday
7.) Other delegations will be selling items at the conference (like food, sodas, t-shirts, tote bags, etc). These are optional for purchase and certainly not required. If you might want to buy anything, however, bring some extra pocket money for that. You do NOT, however, need money for anything at the conference - all meals there will be provided to you. See your schedule for menus. Vegetarian food is available.
8.) Would you like to invite a VIP to our Bill Hearing Night? A principal, school counselor, advisor, teacher, or community leader? If so, please provide names and addresses by November 18.
9.) Meeting attendance is required. In the event you cannot attend due to circumstances beyond your control (and you CAN control homework and general studying), you MUST contact Patrick (595-4191) or Christiana (508-3299) prior to the start of the meeting. If you have lost your contact list, pick up a new on at the meeting. Don't assume someone has called on your behalf if you carpool or included your name if they have identified themselves as unable to attend.