Are you ready to REALLY take on a challenge? Here are some more chances to demonstrate your leadership skills and really shine in Y&G!
There are two categories of offices on this nomination form (one link for everything listed below)
(Oh, and these are ELECTED positions, so get ready to run. You can totally do this.)
First, statewide leadership - that means Youth Governor or Secretary of State. You'll need to be around next year to pursue these offices, so no seniors. :(
Second, some great program area leadership roles:
Attorney General (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
Presiding Justice (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
District Attorney (10,11,12 - prior Y&G)
NIC Adversary General (yeah, I think they have two forms for this - if you're interested, we'll sort it out. See the other post for qualifications.)
NIC Administrative Clerk (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
SGT-AT-Arms (Senate/Assembly)(10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
Secretary of the Senate (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
Chief Clerk of the Assembly (10,11,12 - no prior experience required)
SIP Presiding Commissioner (not sure - contact Christiana if you're interested in this position)
All of these are due December 4 and all require an Advisor signature! Don't delay!
(Note: there are limits on how many people from a delegation can run for particular categories. I don't think we'll hit them, so unless that becomes an issue, it's nothing to worry about.)