Meetings will now be held MONDAY at 6pm (note: that is different than Wednesdays at 6:30pm) Mondays at 6pm. Mark your calendars!
September 22 was a payment due date. The first $150 payment was due at the last meeting. If you did not turn in your payment, please bring it to the next meeting. If you have financial concerns, please let me know ASAP.
Upcoming Deadlines
September 29 - Spaghetti Feed fundraiser! Sell those tickets!
October 4 - Sweatshirt ideas due (color: Ash gray. We can have up to two colors on the shirt)
October 15 - T&EI Officer nomination forms due; leadership applications due (via the Y&G site - form not yet active)
Upcoming Events
September 29 - Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
Oct 10 - Parking lot fundraiser
Ongoing Events
Spaghetti Feed ticket sales
Coupon book sales
In case you missed it above, we now meet on MONDAY NIGHTS! At 6pm. Still in the same place.
We need YOUR ideas for fundraisers! All ideas are good ideas - but the best ideas won't require much up-front money! Have you had a successful fundraiser at school or in another activity? Think it will work for us? Let us know!
The on-time-or-fine policy will officially kick into effect at the Monday, October 4 meeting. What policy am I talking about? Check your delegate contract for more details.
1.) BRING BACK YOUR SIGNED PAPERWORK. This includes: Delegation Contract; Medical Release Form; Code of Conduct; Payment Policy. (Note - several people have turned in all the forms except the payment policy. Please return that too, even if you have financial concerns, we still need that on-file.) Lost your forms? Get them here!
2.) Arrive on time, depart on time - it's essential that you arrive by 6:30 and that your ride is there to pick you up at 7:30!
3.) Bring your calendar or planner to meetings so you can be aware of potential conflicts when we schedule additional fundraisers and events. Want a calendar in digital format? You can download versions of the main program calendar here -
4.) Check out the new Y&G website - there's lots of good info there for new and returning delegates alike.
5.) Remember to check this delegation website after and between meetings for updates and announcements. We'll also post downloadable versions of forms in case you lose any after a meeting.
6.) Check out the updated calendar and payment policy (reflecting the changed meeting dates).
***Missed past Bulletins? Click here. All are posted the same day they are sent.***
($1 toward the Delegation Pizza Fund for every delegate who replies to this email with "Wohoo Pizza" in the message body. Yes, this is your test for the week.)