Read and follow the directions on the first page. The second page is blank and the application begins on page 3.
Things to remember:
- All delegates may apply for scholarship money.
- No delegate will be considered for scholarship money without a completed application on file.
- Scholarship applications should be returned to Christiana or Morgan at a weekly meeting.
- There's no box on the form for Youth & Government - we know - that's okay, we know for which program your applying.
- Scholarships will be awarded based on several criteria including, but not limited to:
- Demonstrated financial need
- Demonstrated dedication to the delegation
- Weekly meeting attendance (including timely arrival and departure or notifying delegation president in cases of late arrivals or absences)
- Meeting participation (positive contributions to discourse, bill or proposal ideas, respect for fellow delegates, etc)
- Demonstrated fundraising efforts
- Attending fundraisers, selling tickets, selling coupon books, etc
- Effort will be every bit as important as results
- Participation in scholarship opportunities
- Timely return of required forms (medical release, delegation contract, etc), completion of requested actions (online registration), requested replies to emails, etc.
- Effort at making incremental payments when possible (i.e.: if you/your family can afford $10/week toward program costs, bring us $10/week; bring whatever portion of a payment you can on a payment due day, etc)
If something comes up that changes your family's situation, come talk to us about it before you quit the program or anything crazy like that.