Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #10 Bill Hearing Night Next Monday!

Upcoming Deadlines
Nov 8 - $225 payment PAST DUE!
Dec 3 - Bill submission deadline
Dec 6 - $225 payment due
Dec 10 - Bill supplement deadline
Dec 10 - Leadership applications and Bob II Officer nominations Due
Upcoming Events
Nov 29 - Bill Hearing Night MANDATORY! Parents strongly encouraged to attend
Dec 17 - Swim With Santa Event and fundraising opportunity at the Y
Dec 31 - Noon Year's Eve at the Y (volunteer event)
Ongoing Events
Coupon book sales
Movie ticket sales
Bill sponsors should email me a copy of their bill language before Monday's meeting or risk missing your opportunity to present!  If you aren't a bill sponsor, check with your bill sponsor to make sure she/he got this message.  $2 pizza fund donation per bill sponsor who gets the bill to me by Sunday night!
BILL HEARING NIGHT IS MONDAY - THIS IS A MANDATORY MEETING - delegates who fail to attend risk not completing the program.
Parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend!
The meeting will begin promptly at 6pm and we will go until 7:30pm to accommodate all of our bills and allow ample time for debate and voting.
Pizza fund level: The delegation has earned $24 out of approximately $150 in pizza fund opportunity.  Most of that is due to the repeated efforts of just a few delegates.  We'll need to get to at least $45 or so to fund a holiday party at the December 20 meeting.  Read your email! Respond as necessary!
2.) Consider applying for or running for a leadership position at Bob II! http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/2010/11/nearly-everything-you-need-to-know.html
3.) ALL DELEGATES: You must attend Monday's Bill Hearing Night in dress code. You were provided with a copy of the dress code in your initial info packet and again last night. A third copy is attached to this email. Let us know if  you have any questions on compliance.
4.)  Join our Facebook page and Facebook group!
5.) The Y is hosting a Swim with Santa event on Dec 17 (see attached flyer). We have the opportunity to sell food at this event. We'll be taking sign-ups for volunteers (parents and delegates), asking for loaned crock-pots, and possibly supply donations at Bill Hearing Night.  Also, if you can help us promote this event (to schools, parent groups, day care centers, etc) please let us know!
5.) Happy Thanksgiving!
***Missed past Bulletins? Check the delegation website http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/search/label/Bulletin All are posted the same day they are sent.***

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Additional Information About Program Areas

If you missed Bob I, or if you still have questions about program areas, please review the information on each program area available at the Y&G website: http://calymca.org/mlc/program/program-areas/ If after reading the website you still have questions, contact your delegation leadership or your advisors.
Within each program area, there may be additional leadership opportunities. Make sure you check those out and note any application deadlines and requirements (ie: NIC committee chair, legislative committee chair, etc)

Distribution Formula - Who Gets What Program Area?

Here are the program area slots we have this year, based on delegation size.
This assumes that everyone in the delegation currently continues in the program through Bob II.
Total delegates: 15 (delegates - forum members)
Senate - 2
Assembly - 3
Print Media - 1
NIC - 3
Lobbyist - 1
Appellate Court - 1
Trial Court - 1
Assistant Leg. Analyst - 1
Board of Education - 1
Constitutional Convention - 0
Page - 1
No one listed Constitutional Convention as a first choice, so I will not attempt to get a slot for our delegation in that program.
Also, these formulas DO NOT apply to leadership positions. This means if you apply to be a print media editor, we still have another print media slot, so we could end with two Sac delegates in print media instead of 1. Does that make sense? (Note: broadcast media is solely by application, the media slot does not apply to broadcast media)
Remember, you have until next Monday to change your preferences if you've changed your mind since the last meeting.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #9 Bills, Bills, Bills Edition

Welcome Parents! We've decided to add a parents distribution list since we want to make sure all this great information gets out to our extended delegation family . . . . Your delegate has been receiving this bulletin weekly.  Information on where you can find past bulletins can be found at the bottom of this email.
Upcoming Deadlines
Nov 8 - $225 payment PAST DUE!
Dec 3 - Bill submission deadline
Dec 6 - $225 payment due
Dec 10 - Bill supplement deadline
Dec 10 - Leadership applications and Bob II Officer nominations Due
Upcoming Events
Nov 22 - Practice Bill Hearing night; dress code review
Nov 29 - Bill Hearing Night MANDATORY! Parents strongly encouraged to attend
Ongoing Events
Coupon book sales
Movie ticket sales
We'll review the dress code at next Monday's meeting.  If you're a returning delegate, please show off your Y&G style by attending in code as an example to your fellow delegates.
1.) Bill Sponsors: Attached to this email is a Bill Worksheet. Please complete it and bring it with you to Monday's meeting, along with your bill language and supporting materials.
2.) Bill Sponsors: you also need to visit this link: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/2010/11/bill-info-central.html
BONUS ACTION ITEM: leave a comment, maybe you'll get a reward of some kind at the next meeting.
3.) Are you a delegate? Reply to this email so I know you read it. You knew this was coming - remember that time at the meeting where I said, "I'm going to ask you to respond to this week's bulletin," - well this is that request. No, there's no pizza fund contribution tied to it this week. But stuff like this counts when we're considering the application of scholarship money and program area assignments!
4.) If you change your mind regarding your program area role selection preferences,  you must let Christiana know by next Monday's meeting.
5.) Consider applying for or running for a leadership position at Bob II! http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/2010/11/nearly-everything-you-need-to-know.html
6.) Items for the on-line auction are still being accepted - but get 'em in soon! (see attached flier)

Nearly Everything You Need To Know About Elected/Appointed Positions (T&EII)

As discussed at the last meeting, if you want the maximum amount of control over your program area assignment, apply for a leadership position or run for an office!  There are plenty of options available between now and Bob II.  Here's some information. If you have questions, check the Y&G website (linked in the side bar) or ask an advisor!

Note: some, if not all, applications require an advisor's signature. Some require a letter of recommendation.  Make sure you research the qualifications and requirements of the job in which you're interested. And don't wait until the last minute to gather everything you need!

Online Auction!

It's not too late to submit items for the Online Auction - our delegation will get credited for your items selling price!  Click here for more information.

Bill Info Central

Here's your bill writing information:

  • Still need research help? Check out this doc.
  • You'll need to complete this form for the next meeting - it will help you present your bill and prepare your . . .
  • Bill supplement packet - yup, looks somewhat like the previous form, but you'll need to complete it if your bill is selected to proceed.  Of course, most importantly, you'll need to actually write . . .
  • Your bill!
Do you have questions about how to write your bill? The format? The language? Don't wait until next Monday! Contact your advisors or your delegation leadership ASAP.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

YG63 Delegation Bulletin #8 We're Off To Bob I!

NOTE: If you did not return a signed parent slip from the Bob I information packet, you won't be allowed on the bus on Friday morning. The parent info packet is attached to this email.  Either bring the slip on Friday morning OR avoid the consequences of forgetting the slip and have your parent send me an email indicating they have reviewed the information.
Upcoming Deadlines
Nov 8 - $225 payment PAST DUE!
Dec 3 - Bill submission deadline
Dec 6 - $225 payment due
Dec 10 - Bill supplement deadline
Dec 10 - Leadership applications and Bob II Officer nominations Due
Upcoming Events
Nov 12-14 Training & Elections Conference I (Bob) Meet at the Y at 3:30am on Friday, November 12!
Nov 14 - Community Garage Sale and parking lot fundraiser! Send your parents to help, please!
Nov 15 - Yes, we still have a meeting on Monday night
Nov 29 - Bill Hearing Night MANDATORY! Parents strongly encouraged to attend
Ongoing Events
Coupon book sales
Movie ticket sales
All delegates are expected to help with the carnival during the conference. This is our chance to raise some money to get our scholarship fund levels up again!
We badly need parents, family, or friends to volunteer for the parking lot and sales event on Sunday. Don't leave us hanging. 
1.) The delegation and program calendars are attached to this email for your review.
2.) We need stopwatches (or watches with second hands/timers) for the conference - can you lend one?
3.) $1 donation to the pizza fund for every delegate who replies to this email by saying "I'm ready to help at the carnival!"
4.) $2 donation to the pizza fund for every delegation officer who does the same.
5.) Donations for the community garage sale should be dropped off at the Y starting Wednesday.
6.) Items for the on-line auction will be accepted through Nov 15 (see attached flier)

Monday, November 1, 2010

[Nearly] Everything you'll need to know about Bob I, you'll learn in this post

Get your Bob I info here! Bring back the parent sign-off slip to the November 1 meeting and earn $1 for the pizza fund!