Tomorrow night (Friday, Oct 19), the YMCA will be holding its annual benefit auction at the Elks Tower Ballrooms (J and 11th).
Y originally offered us the opportunity to run a coat-check room and
collect the tips for our scholarship fund. Well, it's probably going to
push 80 degrees now, so there may be no coats to check. We still might
see if anyone needs to check anything, but we can help them in other
ways as well (glamorous jobs like pouring water and ice tea and helping
keep things neat and tidy). This probably counts as service hours for
any school requirement you have.
If you'd like to volunteer please RSVP to me ASAP at christiana_dominguez[at]hotmail[dot]com so I can let the Y know how many helpers to expect (that was a lot of capital letters in one sentence, wasn't it? OK!)
Plan to arrive by 5:45pm and stay until 10pm (if you need to leave earlier, let me know).
black pants and a white collared shirt (polo or dress shirt, or
whatever you have) - or at least dark colored pants and a light colored
shirt. As close as you can get.
We appreciate your help!
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