Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome, New Delegates!

Hello! We're so glad you joined us for our meeting last night. It wasn't a typical meeting, but I hope it gave you some more insight into our program.

(Want a wee bit more insight? Check out these two videos: the official one and the fun one)

Like we mentioned last night, joining Y&G can feel a bit like a leap of faith until you arrive at your first Training & Elections Conference and it all makes sense. We think it's a smart leap, so we hope you'll come along while we build a bigger, stronger delegation.

Here are some things to note:

1) If you're in, just bring back your registration info (lost any paperwork? You can find it all at our website, see the link below) and either a check or a completed financial aid application with supporting documents (or both)

2) Bill Bonanza 2012 is this Sunday: 10:30am – 3:30pm (ish) contact christiana_dominguez[at]hotmail[dot]com for the address and to RSVP!

We're going to knock out the bulk of our bill research and writing. And we'll feed you lunch and snacks. And for anyone interested, after the researchy part of the day wraps up, we'll watch the documentary "Street Fight" which our advisor Robbie says is the best ever.  Feel free to bring any snacks, etc, you wish to share (but that's not required).  And if you have a laptop or smart phone, etc, bring that along too. We'll have wifi and everyone can look stuff up at the same time. It'll be your crash course in a major aspect of Y&G. And fun! It will be fun!

Also, please let us know if you can attend. If you have friends who couldn't make last night's meeting, they are welcome too (but again, let us know for pizza-ordering purposes)

3) We'll have a regular meeting on October 24 at 6:30pm at the YMCA

4) The following week we will meet on *Monday* October 29 so that we're not meeting on Halloween night.  This will be a mandatory meeting that delegates must attend if they want to attend the first conference. We'll discuss everything you need to know about "Ag I" or whatever we're calling it this year.

5) November 7 will be our delegation's Bill Hearing Night form 6pm-8pm at the YMCA. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any teachers/school staff/community leaders/etc that you would like to come an check out the program, a flier invitation will be available at our website.

6) November 10-12 will be Training & Election Conference I.  Tentative departure time from the YMCA is 5am, Saturday Nov 10. Return will probably be between 3-5pm on Monday, Nov 12.

7) All this info and more will always be available each week in 3 ways:
Via email
At our Website: you're here!
In our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation
(join if you're on FB)

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