Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #5: College, Camping, and Cash

Happy Friday! Here's the news:

- Remember, NO regular meeting next week. Regular meetings resume Wednesday, October 2 at 6pm at which time your Mixed Bags Designs orders will be due. Didn't get a catalog? Let me know!

MIXED BAGS- As mentioned above, we're now in the midst of our annual Mixed Bags sale. You do NOT need to collect sales tax on the items you sell. If you have any questions at all about this fundraiser, let me know.

- I'm expecting the following people to be at the YMCA next Friday, September 27, at 3:45pm to depart for our weekend away at Bear Valley Y Camp (packing list is here): Rose, Maret, Jordyn, Chloe, Holly, Bailey, Ariel, Shyanne, Tony, and Calvin.  Don't see your name but wanting to (or expecting to) go? Email me ASAP!

- This coming Sunday, September 22, we'll hold a College Application Workshop from 10am-2pm in our usual meeting location at the YMCA. Here's the flyer. This event is free for you and any friends who might be interested. I'm expecting to see: Alberto, Anna, Alex, Karen, Tony, Sam, and Max. If you're bringing friends or if you're coming but don't see your name listed, please let me know ASAP! If you are coming, and you have a copy of your transcript handy, bring it along. If not, don't sweat it. Do bring paper and a pen, though.

- Payments: Last week was a payment deadline that most of you missed. That's okay! But let's not start a trend. Refer to the payment policy you all signed with the list of payment due dates. Please add them to your calendar. If you didn't bring a payment last week, please bring your $260 payment either to the Y when you come for Baby Bob and submit to the front desk, or to our meeting on October 2. Here's the payment schedule:
August 28 - $100
Sept 19 - $260
Oct 9 - $260
Nov 6 - $260
Dec 4 -$260
Jan 8 - $260

-Registration: here's your reading test for the week! Click here and go register yourself for our first conference of the year! You can create a log in or use your FB account (if you have one). Select "Training & Elections Conference I" and on the next screen put a "1" in the box next to "Delegate Registration. Enter your info as requested. And select "Sacramento Central" from the drop-down selection menu of delegations.  Ready? GO! https://app.reggo.org/calymca

Upcoming Events:
Oct 2: Mixed Bags sales due
October 9: Payment due date
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night
Dec 15: Holiday Art, Craft, & Gift Festival

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