Welcome to the Sac Central YMCA Delegations!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Delegation Bulletin #3: Getting Down To Business

Thank you to all of the parents and new delegates who attended our Parents' Night. We hope you found answers to all of your questions. If not, let us know!

We still have room for new delegates, so grab those friends you've been meaning to bring along, and come on down. The sooner you join, the more fun you have.

This week, we'll get down to business as we discuss current events and bill ideas, along with the elected and appointed leadership posts that give you a chance to step-up to leadership.

Most Important Thing This Week:
We want to make you official, but we can't without your registration forms and your initial $100 payment. If you haven't submitted your forms, please bring them next week. If you need to print a copy, click here. Or, bring a parent to the meeting and fill out everything on Wednesday!

If the initial $100 payment presents a challenge and/or you need to apply for financial aid, make sure to submit that application along with your registration material. Applications must be submitted with supporting documentation or they cannot be considered. If the initial $100 presents a challenge, please bring what you can - $50, $20? - and discuss with an advisor or with Mia.  Application is available at the same link.

Why is this especially important this week? Because we potentially will have some delegation decisions on which to vote and only registered delegates will likely be eligible. Final eligibility determination will be decided by your delegation president. Don't miss your chance to make your voice count!

1) Think about those sweatshirt ideas! Designs will be due on September 18!
2) The deadline to register for our Fall Leadership Retreat at Bear Valley Y Camp is this week. The cost to attend is $60 and covers transportation, lodging, meals, and a t-shirt. Don't miss it!

Upcoming Events
Sept 11: Fall Retreat Payment Deadline
Sept 18-Oct 2: Mixed Bags fundraising sale
Oct 18: The Kids Are Y Tasting & Benefit Auction
Nov 6: Bill Hearing Night

Like our page: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoCentralDelegation
Join our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SacramentoCentralDelegation/
Missed a bulletin: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/bulletins.html
Need a form: http://saccentraldelegation.blogspot.com/p/forms-and-downloads.html

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